How many Coordinated Sabo Team did you face on daily basis?

So latest changes causing a lot of discussions
How many Coordinated Sabo coms Team did you face daily? what if there is this one team who plays this sabo strats with Breakout, Sabo, Breakable? are we okay to punish everyone else over it?
Now let me ask another question, how many tunneling, camping, slugging killer have you faced? why is it Okay to have sabo build being nerfed when you'd rarely face this kind of teams comparing to how many slugging, tunneling and camping killers?
I think these changes will effect a minority of players in the game, I play a sabo build maybe once a month! while you face tons of campers, sluggers and tunnelers every day
These changes are not effective in my opinion and unfair
when ruin was nerfed it was cause 80% of the community are using it, while now you nerfing sabo build + toolboxes that would be used only by 20% maybe!
Oh 1 more thing, a Killer comes in play and slug, camp and tunnel and tells you its my game you play how i want, what if we play how we want with a sabo build? not allowed? Okay then
Some call it a buff! how can be a 2.5 Second Sabo is a buff? so am suppose to guess which hook the killer will use, out run the killer by 3 seconds and start my sabo? and whats the counter to this? hit the survivor once to reset his sabo progress or go to another hook! lol
let someone else take the hit while you sabo? so we need 3 man team just for one sabo, and again to counter it, you see survivor working on a hook go to another
Oh 1 more thing, a Killer comes in play and slug, camp and tunnel and tells you its my game you play how i want, what if we play how we want with a sabo build? not allowed? Okay then
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Sabo got buffed.
It takes ~2.5 seconds to sabo a hook. Therefore, you can fully sabo a hook in the time it takes for a Killer to recover from an attack.
As for my personal opinion, I'm not sure if these changes are healthy.
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is sabo being nerfed? i thought it had a cooldown but was just a few seconds to do, depending on perks? .....Sabo teams ive faced if coordinated are usually great at the game, so loosing hooks is the least of my problems.
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Frequency has nothing to do with whether a mechanic is broken or not. Impossible hook builds were a problem, even if they were rare.
It's a false equivalency to say camping, tunneling, or slugging is equally problematic. None of those things prevent survivors from completing their objective without reasonable counterplay. A solo squad should have at least 1 BT. Use the pregame chat. That's not a killer problem. Tunneling also falls partly on survivors. You have to protect your teammate or, if you were unhooked, don't run into no-man's land away from teammates.
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None lol
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you are joking right? so am suppose to wait until killer down someone, out run the killer by 2.5 seconds guessing which Hook he is going to use so I can sabo it before he gets here? and if he hits me while am working on it my entire progress will reset! lol
who said thats a buff buddy? you are completely wrong
While we 99% hooks we still take hits trying to take the hook down the 99 hooked, imagine 2.5 second
its deffo a nerf buddy :)
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Nobody bothered with sabo because it took a huge amount of time for a low chance of success, and required a lot of coordination. Those changes are aimed at solving those problems to induce more people to go sabo.
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If you get a single bodyblock, you can destroy the hook. Even if YOU get hit, you can sabo the hook.
If you have a SWF, you can sabo the three nearest hooks.
It is a buff, and it will not be healthy, in my opinion.
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Sabo was buffed though...
Peanits commented on another forum the time to break hooks is around 2.5s, now I don't know if this is standard or with add-ons but even still a prepared sabo squad can eliminate all avalible hooks in an area in an INSTANT now. Leader, sabotuer, breakout and unbreakable will be a very powerful build. Leader to speed up sabo to being nigh instant, sabotuer to sabo hooks with the cooldown not wasting charges on the toolbox, then breakout to tank hits and reach hooks faster. Unbreakable for if the killer slugs and a commodious toolbox/Alex's with add-ons to break all hooks. Swap in MoM for unbreakable if your confident in the ability to resist slugging, and if you tank enough hits whilst using teammates to heal, you can gain a free health state?
Hooks not breaking for mins at a time just allows the killer to not slug as much. Balances out this change and makes it more dynamic.
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It buffed the basement lol.
And less people on gens if they think they can sabo save a teammate.
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LOL so you need a 3 man team just to sabo 1 hook, and whats the counter to this? I just go to another hook or I hit the survivor once to reset his progress LOL how hard that is? its a nerf buddy no buff for sure :)
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It takes 2.5 seconds, how is that not a buff?
If you can guess where the Killer is going, not hard, then you win.
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I guess you never played a survivor buddy, you can never guess where a killer is gonna go, sometime they are right on top of a hook and they couldnt see it cause of the aura, and like I said what is the counter? hit the survivor to reset his sabo progress or go to another hook
so can you just stop saying its a buff,
How can be 2.5 Second Sabo a buff from 99% hook?
ill take my 30 second sabo to 99 than my 2.5 second any day of the week
To guess where is the killer gonna go, and to have another team mate take a hit, while I work on my hook, and how can counter me? Hit me once or move to another hook
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Its called a strategy buddy! you saying camping, tunneling and slugging doesnt stop survivors from doing their objective! part of my objective is to unhook other survivors thats how I make my points, If I end up doing 5 gens solo I go out of the game depiped and with no points
You get your points from the chase, the hit, the hook and the sacrifice along with using your ability, I get my points from the chase, the repair, the unhook and the healing, Yes if killer camp and survivors do gens and escape he will depip also, but in his opinion he WON the game
While this game should be clearly not about how many survivors you kill, cause you make points from everything else in the game most killers they will tell you I WON
but if the killer is stopping me from making my bloodpoints by slugging, camping a survivor its okay while If I stop him from hooking would be considered a game mechanism problematic? while you may have a point I think you are being double standard in here
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I Play both buddy
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Sabotage is getting a buff not a nerf. You aren't going to be able to make a "safe zone" to run to anymore but if you get to the hook the killer is carrying a survivor to first then you'll be able to break it. It's like all hooks are 90% sabotaged. And you can break a hook from any angle. You don't have to be right in front of it waiting to get hit.
Sabotage use to be a trap for survivors. It was never a good strategy. You waste a bunch of time prepping an area of the map and even if you successfully render a portion of the map as unhookable that still leaves survivors slugged and not working on gens and the hooks respawned eventually anyway. It was just a bad strategy.
Sabotage rework fixes all of those problems. It's actually pretty genius. No prep work. No slugging.
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How can be 2.5 Second Sabo a buff from 99% hook?
ill take my 30 second sabo to 99 than my 2.5 second any day of the week
To guess where is the killer gonna go and out run him by 3 seconds to the hook, and to have another team mate take a hit, while I work on my hook, and how can counter me? Hit me once to reset my progress or move to another hook? common dude
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I rarely see these teams. Ironically yesterday I had 2 of them. With them no longer being able to 99% the hooks and hooks return in 30 seconds I will be able to mind game it more.
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Do you all think these upcoming changes (toolboxes, losing add-ons, walls and sabo) will be worse for solo players and encourage survivors to team up in SWF groups?
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exactly, its most deffo in killer advantage and its not a buff like some people call it!
whats funny is you rarely see these teams, and they still felt the need to make this major sabo changes! am not personally bothered by it, but I think there are more important stuff to work on that makes the game play ######### and no one have fun
like a killer camping survivor for no reason "not talking about after doors are open cause in my opinion its okay to camp your kill this time"
I really think the hook progress should stop if the killer within the hooked person terror radius for more than 30 seconds if no other survivors not within the same area "So basically camping survivors while no one else is around" and that would fix the camping issue
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It feels way easier to sabo save than before especially if you are solo. Wait and see how it turns out, and we'll see.
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I actually do play Survivor.
I have no idea how this is a nerf, you will see in time.
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One detail that was not in the notes. We can't put everything in there, or it would be a novel. If you stop a hook sabo partway through, you lose your progress and have to start over. So it's only 2.5 seconds, but you are committed if you want it to finish.
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Sabo does not last near as long though. And you can't 99 a hook and hit it later. This is not a buff, which is fine with me. I'm not sure how needed this was though. I ran into one sabo team in the last three months and I play several matches a night.
Sounds like a silly nerf IMO.
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Slim to none, and slim just left the building. The odd time you do end up going against a coordinated sabotage team, it wasn't very fun. This is why we're aiming to make it more accessible to survivors and easier to counter for killers, as we mentioned in the dev update. It's a mechanic that has a lot of potential, but it wasn't seeing much use previously.
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I was there for the dark days... when there was never any hooks up ever because they were all sabod... and slugging was a firmly entrenched meta.
So Sabo was nerfed into oblivion and hardly used - but used just enough to remind us what would happen if it wasn't rebuffed carefully.
And it's been rebuffed - make no mistake. If you can't see this, you are either blind or just being willfully ignorant.
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I really think the hook progress should stop if the killer within the hooked person terror radius for more than 30 seconds while no other survivors are within the same area "So basically camping survivors while no one else is around, not at end game tho after all gens are fixed" and that would fix the camping issue, or make it a perk, cause thats another game mechanism that need to be fixed
when a killer stops me from saving "making points and my objective", and while I still can fix all gens and just leave I will lose points and depip that game "cause thats my game, I play how I want" is not fun for anyone at all
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I really dont understand how a 2.5 sabo can outrun a killer, and the counter to it either hit the survivor to reset their sabo progress or go to another hook can be called a buff? ill take the 99 hooks that need 30 secs to prep than a 2.5 second to guess which way the killer will go and out run him by at least 3 seconds to pull this one off
like I said, a sabo isnt my biggest issue, I rarely play a sabo build, my biggest issue is there are far more important stuff to fix rather than sabo build that is rarely use
a killer camping with no one else within the area, a slugging killer for no reason with 5 gens up, a tunneling killer that doesnt allow players to have fun from the moment they are caught the first time needs fixing
you want to keep the sabo changes, yeah sure no problem, but you need to look into other things that makes the game not fun for survivors "while killers will come out of a camping game to say I had fun" forgetting its a 5 man game play
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I think this is a mistake. If you are trying to break a hook the killer is carrying a survivor to and the killer hits you, it shouldn't reset all your progress. You should be able to finish the break and run away.
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Quit saying buddy, Chum.
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well, like I said buddy, its a nerf, but again am not bothered with it, you dont see this type of game play everyday and I rarely play with any one who's sabo build other than to do some daily
I think there are far more pressing issues to fix than sabo's like I said
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I highly doubt I called you one, sorry if its bothering you, whats your point?
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I'm not your buddy, pal
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How many "forever freddys " did you face daily ?
how many amazing nurses did you see on a daily ?
how many spirits with prayer beads did you face on a daily?
how many OP legions did you see on a daily?
You see how this works ? I could go on and on.
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I do like that this makes the sabo build viable again though. Before it was hit and miss and mainly used to 99 the hooks which took a fair amount of time with no guarantee. At least you got the bp for it if all else failed.
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I agree, so where do we start with the game balance? Yupe I know we start with hooks :D
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When you start, you commit. Then you make the decision: "Can I finish this before he gets here?" If you could keep progress, we're back to 99% hooks and tap-drops. This is what we are trying to get away from.
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just like old ruin was "unfun" for survivors to play against, teams like this arent fun to to against as a killer because youre forced to slug(another thing survivors say is boring and toxic). which could ultimately steal your kill.
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I'm not your pal, guy
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I think you are misunderstanding me. I'm fine with committing to the sabotage. What I'm saying is that if I see my buddy getting carried to a hook and I run to the hook and start breaking it the killer shouldn't be able to hit me and reset all my progress. If I'm 2.25 seconds into the break and the killer hits me then I should be able to finish that last quarter second and run. Otherwise the whole thing is pointless and the killer gets a free hit on me and still hooks the survivor. If you break the hook too soon then the killer just changes direction and hooks the survivor on a different hook and again it was all pointless. If the killer hits me and it doesn't interrupt me then that is fine too.
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once in 4 months
and it was actuelly hilarious
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with the difference that the old ruin was used by 80% of the killers, sabo build is used by 3% of the game? I dont think its a pressing matter is all am saying
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I just like reading that the 2.5 seconds is a nerf because you cant spend 30 seconds to 99% the hook anymore. Thats stupid to me. Maybe im just a baddie tho
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I saw one in the last 3~ months of playing, and they got pretty much stomped because I was ghostface and they were all no mither.
They got a few sabbo saves off but everyone being a 1 shot to a stealth killer made for a very, very easy game.
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How many coordianted sabo teams did you face on daily basis?
None. Some try, but they always fail to slugging. Is sabo actually a thing anymore?