Breakable walls! Probably a BAD IDEA

we all know how dbd is an unbalanced mess, especially in terms of map and level design. Adding ANOTHER variable into the maps will probably make it just even more complicated and even more an unbalanced mess.
As cool as it sounds, I'm actually not looking forward for this and I'm afraid this will make dbd complete bullshit.
Sounds like a good killer buff. No complaints from me at this point. We will have to see how it plays out
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It will need care, if it takes too long or in useless spots and its no buff but gonna risk bein hopeful
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Sounds like a bandage fix to me.
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Are these walls always breakable or do I need to charge up something to do so? Is it on a cooldown? Is it bound to a perk or is it baseline?
The feature sounds great but it seems silly being able to just decide to randomly walk around the map and break walls. I feel like there should be a benefit to doing it at the right time.
Hoping this feature is a baseline mechanic because this is something I've been wanting in the game for a bit. Something else for the killer to interact with on the map without the need for a perk or specific killer. Looking forward to this new feature.
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How so? Sounds like a fun new mechanic. Gonna change things up a bit which is probably a good thing
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good change, there wont be loads of breakable walls and it will have an animation, will defo make me run brutal more but its a good change, will make looping harder and will show skillful players that can adapt and loop without the need on insanely strong god loops which take x mins to stop as most killers. who knows might even fix the ranks a little stopping everyone getting to red ranks again. add-on change is kinda annoying but the game usually bug steals them anyway if i escape lol
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Why will it make things bs? I'm assuming walls of a certain length will be the ones that have breakable sections. Meaning, infinites. Or the Fence of China in Haddonfield. This will nullify some of the more godawful loops.
I will find it amusing seeing Hag bust a wall in, say, Autowreckers. Or even Pig.
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Then test it out and see if your fears are confirmed. 😊
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Look don't automatically assume its gonna be bad. PTB is not till tommorow. It could be balanced if not then that's why it will be on the PTB for a week. I think its good for the game it will bring a new and maybe a scary experience for both survivor's and killers. :)
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It is a TERRIBLE idea to put it only on the new map, survivors will just DC immediately since that affects their looping
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Hopefully this will be the fix to the god loops on Coldwind Farm and MacMillan Estate that have driven me insane
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This is actually one of the 2 things needed to balance the maps. The other being, map size reduction.
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It won't fix them immediately, who knows how long til they implement it in all maps, @Peanits do you have any idea of a time frame? WIll it only be when a map is reworked?
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I believe they are going with this because is easier to indentify the worst loops in problematic maps and put a breakable wall than redo the map entirely like they did with Springwood or Lery's.
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Exactly! It would be a good "bandaid fix".
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Dbd to me seems more about making the most with the hand you have. If breakable walls are a new card for killers it's only going to reduce killer frustration and lead to a better environment for both roles. A new layer of gameplay being introduced which will probably keep you on your toes for a while.
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No way to say for sure right now. I would assume when maps are reworked, since they need to be placed manually by a level designer (they are not randomly placed), but specific areas could be looked into sooner.
We're going to be experimenting with the new map first before putting them on any other map.
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IF they do it in a way that makes sense, I think it will work in taking down a strong loop at the cost of opening up new, slightly smaller loops to have to deal with.
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I can't wait to
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i feel like with this new break wall you guys are testing i feel like changing maps are no longer needed but if you are changing maps in favour of killers then i dont think breaking walls are needed personally or does walls re spawn ?
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Are you commited to the feature, as in, are you sure it'll sooner or later be on all maps, or is this an experimental feature, a test?
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I know it won't work like this, but it would be sweet to see bubba bust through with the chainsaw frenzy, demo dog shred through a wall, oni dash through a wall etc... Sadly it will probably be a basic animation which will be the same for all killers.
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So they don't have to rework all the ######### maps.
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No more god loops for you
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Ok? U do relize that the devs have to make some loops strong stronger to compensate the new mechanic. Which means as killer you are forced to break walls. And if that takes long, it might be even worse.
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You're right. Read Peanits post.
"It was tested extensively, but they are largely experimental still. We gave a couple examples of how we're trying them in the new map, but to reiterate, you might have a tile with a really strong window, but breaking a wall next to that window makes it far less safe. It doesn't make it outright unusable for the survivor, but it does mean that they can't loop it three times.
You might want to break it right away, but the more time you spend not chasing survivors is more time they're spending on generators. Going through the whole map to break all the walls at the start is probably going to backfire."
The balance is "really strong window" but you break walls to cut it down. Last part about going the whole map breaking walls implies there will be a good number.
The loops are going to have to be strong enough to justify breaking the walls.
Basically it sounds like walls are the new pallets and will work in a similar way. Break it to cancel the loop.
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Or we could just wait and see how it turns out? Don't let that stop you from complaining about everything tho
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Thats what i said, most of this stuff isnt killer buff, just more workarounds and bandaids
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Good news! The developer notes mentioned that they were intending for them to work as pallet breaking, so killers like demo, hillbilly and BUBBA cant break them with their power just like with a pallet
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I'm just excited to see how it shakes out.
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I just want to enjoy it before survivors complain and either the Devs nerf it to ######### or remove it entirely.
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The only thing is that it's going to be absolutely necessary on some maps to destroy specific walls. I can see the killer just running to these walls first thing to kill god windows. Granted they should be fixed but this seems like the wrong way to do it.
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I want to see an Oni run through a wall enraged like the koolaid man so bad
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The concept is cool, the idea of possibly being implemented in all maps for any killer has a downside. Future map design will have to deal with possible breakable walls sets and balance around it. Even though I like the idea I got to say that it is a bit scary on the long run.
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That's how I feel about it, I feel like it's a bandaid fix for how powerful looping is instead of fixing the problem
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I'd say just wait and see, we do have a PTB coming out tomorrow, we'll get to see how it feels and if it's the right choice 😀
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It's a bandaid, just like bamboozle was
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Its interesting, but we have ptbs for a reason so lets discuss then
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But why can't they just fix the loops? Why make a breakable wall? Its something that will take time instead of just removing the problem in the first place.
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Putting a breakable wall in the infinite loops will be quicker than balancing all maps
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I think it's an interesting new gameplay mechanic, if done right would make the game pretty refreshing and different.
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It's probably no worse than being able to sabo a hook in 2.5 seconds.
I think the breakable walls "could" work on some of the longer loops but I get the feeling this whole mechanic is so they don't have to redo the maps. Corn maps will still be the bane of my killers.
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Just imagine these tiny ladies bursting through a wall.... SOUNDS FLIPPING ADORABLE!!!!!!!
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Killer can't walk over pallets, survivor can't walk over breakable walls, sounds pretty good to me
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The breakable walls will be always breakable, it will work like a dropped pallet, it's baseline since all killers will be able to do it, and for now, it will just work in the new map.
The main idea is to make some loops weaker wich I think it's a great idea a nd it will give the killer some more map pressure if used correctly.
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A killer buff on first sight, but probably a nerf. Loops will buffed to justify breakable walls. But then you are forced to break them as killer asap. So now, you not only have to deal with breaking pallets but also breaking walls. Yeah, I can't see how this will end up good for killers or survivors.
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They won’t buff loops soon if ever, mapnreworks are done one every three months.
This is definitely to help killers on infinite loops, but depending on how long the action takes it may not help much. If it takes 10 seconds for example I’m still probably better off just chasing for bloodlust
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Now that you mention it that could happen. It sounds good on paper but it's one more thing for us to spend time breaking. Giving the survivor more time to get to another loop.
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Yup, we won’t know who this really helps/hurts/favors until we see an exact time for breaking, as well as how big of an area it is.
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Just be happy theyre adding new fun game changing aspects and stop looking at it so comparatively.