When will we get another African American female survivor in the game?

I feel like since claudette is a darker skin tone and tends to camouflage alot, people get annoyed and dislike her, but I don't think that's fair. All survivors have the ability to blend in with certain cosmetics. All male and female survivors are in multiple of the same ethnicity, but claudette, why is that?
Best Answers
Probably due to the controversy that she blends in so well lol. But the females to have a bit of diversity like Latina and Lebanese. But hopefully in the future we can see more diversity as well as an African American female character. But I understand why they are hesitant due to all the comments of her being blendette 2.0
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I don’t see anything about this thread being racist.
Everyone connects to a characters based on various attributes, backgrounds, and etc.
That is why representation matters.
Whether this be in a game,movie,book, and etc.
On top of that other people who don’t know about that specific culture also open up to something new. So it works for both side.
Right after we get an actual African female, Libya, Egypt, Ethiopoia, Botswana, South Africa, Mali, take your pick.
As well as right after a Russian, Australian, Indonesian, Argentinian, Brazilian, Mongolian, Indian, Finnish, Turkish etc etc etc characters have been introduced.
Not to mention obviously characters from countries that no longer exist and countries from the future.
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I understand what your saying but, If that's the reason the dev's have yet to put out another African American female in the game, that's pretty sad. ALL SURVIVORS have the ability to blend, not just claudette.
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Why is this so important for you?
I just hate this kind of racist topics.
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How's this racist? clearly you're a child and don't know what your talking about.
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representation, if you want something to feel relatable, to be real, you need representation.
One of the best things ever for me in a videogame was the addition of Bonnie to Payday 2:
I mean look at that, how often do you see a character like that, that we know from real life, as a (playable) character in a game? pretty much never.
And older, worn, trailer trash woman, just fantastic.
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It's racist because you're focusing on the skin color of people instead of the people themselves. I understand where that person is coming from. Focus on skin color is becoming more and more prominent in recent years.
How often do you even see someone like that in real life? Pretty much never. I've never met any woman like that in real life. Seems about as exaggerated as any video game character.
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thats because you dont go outside and just play videogames yo ;)
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I go outside plenty. I have never seen an older woman tatted up with a sidearm, gaudy jewelry, and a T shirt that looks like it came out of hot topic in my life, and I live in the country.
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Overwatch forums got filled with these pointless threads as well, stop trying to turn this into Tumblr.
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You've never worked retail, huh? I've met plenty of folks of all different types. I've met plenty of Bonnies in my time.
Outside of that I get your argument though. It seems that folks that want a lot of representation really only care about a very narrow portion of the population being represented. There are plenty of nationalities and classifications of people that could be focused on.
It's overwatch all over again, no matter how much of the world you squeeze into your game some ideologues will find something you missed as an excuse to get themselves all worked up over.
Even with yui and the next character, who seem to have been created with the idea of placating these sorts of folks, you simply can never do enough for some. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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I'll admit I've never worked retail, and I don't live in some super populated area that everybody goes to so that's probably got a lot to do with it as well, but I can't imagine seeing someone have THAT MUCH of a clash of personality(gaudy jewelry makes you think older nice lady, hot topic T shirt makes you think young edgy person, gun toting with tattoos makes you think biker bar) very often if at all.
As for the representation thing, yes, you're right, but representation can come in way more forms than race, and you can't just add a bunch of races just to placate people. You can find the smallest bit of representation in the finer details of a character without them having to be an exact replica of you or your race.
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To be fair I played quite a bit of payday 2 back in the day, so I have some familiarity with the character. I think she's mostly just a trashy conwoman. She's from Glasgow, Scotland making her t-shirt less hot topic and more cheap tourist shirt. As for the jewelry, there's at least 2 jewelry store heists in the game, so she doesn't lack in chances to pick out some tacky jewelry to hang on to.
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I was moreso talking about the character being relatable or something you see everyday in real life. Talking about it as if it was your average joe person.
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Actually it's not racist at all, and you obviously don't know what the definition of racism is. Stop being overly sensitive. All I'm saying is it would be nice to see equal diversity in this game.
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I want a burn victim survivor. Not enough representation of burn victims in videogames. Only Joshua Graham comes to mind. Plenty of vets with burns from IEDs.
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Only one survivor has the ability to blend in mid chase though.
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Why does she need to be American?
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That's not true. I'm actually happy that we are getting more survivors with backgrounds from around the world, I just want to know will they consider putting another survivor into the game similar to claudette, and just ignoring all the negative comments she receives. Some of you are saying im making this a race thing im not, I just think a large portion of people "more so killers" dislike darker skin tone survivors because they tend to blend in alot.
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I gave this game props for adding claudette in the first place they gave us every enithcy expect middle eastern and as popular as claudette is I'm pretty sure they'll add another some time in the future
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she doesn't, I was just giving an example.
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why not African British or African German or African Chinese??? this how i feel on the inside!
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Totally agree. Or maybe even the skin condition vitiligo. This is what I mean by diversity with skin in the game.
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Honestly I would love a medieval survivor or some variation thereof. Or else something similar to the Plague, (being from an ancient civilization) but in survivor form.
The cast of Eternal Darkness and their variety comes to mind.
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I want british or german soldier from any of the world wars as a survivor.
And a medieval soldier from any religious order as a killer.
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I agree! It was just an example.
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Couldn't have said it any better! 🙌
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Plenty of Bonnies in NE Georgia. 40-50 year old Southern women who got a ######### ton of tattoos in their edgy 90s youth.
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that’s such a dumb take. Do you even know what racism means?
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I guarantee if they bring in another black chick, she is going to be light skinned, maybe even mixed race. I would think a Male would be next though. Not necessarily a black guy, just a man in general. I would really like someone pulled from like the 1400s or something like that. The killers span time, but it seems like all the survivors are atleast from the 20th century.
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Thank you!
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If you think of people as cats, then vitiligo makes sense. And mixed race couples don't pop out only brown kids. People can't genetics.
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no one is entitled to "representation".
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Bonnie looks awesome. That's a great character, she would make a great Survivor or someone similar.
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You are 100% correct. But there is nothing racist or wrong with asking for it.
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She's from Montreal.
AKA: Canadian.
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Can we have a stereotypical Karen Survivor
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Congratz bE.....you know your gaming is doing well when the bitching is reduced to a thread about pixel color.
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That's so true, it's sad people dislike her because she's a dark skin tone and blends with surroundings.
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If race matters for some reason can I ask for a polish guy an irish girl an Italian a Russian and a Ukrainian girl
a german and Egyptian flamboyantly gay couple with matching booty shorts that say "his man" on each
I'd be nice if they had relatable backstory or interesting Personalitys but it's fine for one note token pandering as long as I get a goth big titty ginger
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since this game is filling a diversity quota can we get a dwarf eskimo next please