Dc penalty

kazzymoyashi Member Posts: 127
edited February 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

Hello dbd devs,

Maybe I missed it, but the game did not make me aware that xbox players were on dedicated servers and would suffer the dc penalty. It seems a bit unfair to have the penalty right away for the first offense. I.e. the only reason I dc'ed was because matchmaking put me (at rank 11) with rank 20 teammates and I was slugged and being camped by a rank 16 leatherface. I understand there is unbreakable, but it's honestly kind of ridiculous that unbreakable needs to be a perk. There needs to be a penalty against slugging if you're not paired with adequate teammates or there should be no penalty for dc'ing if you get slugged for longer than 30 seconds. I shouldn't HAVE to play unbreakable to counter the ONE off situation like that. Mind you, I also wouldn't have had this issue had I been paired with people of my rank/if the rank reset had not been as drastic.

I know I will get snarky, toxic comments, but this game honestly feels unplayable anymore with all of the bugs and changes to the game that were not necessary (not talking about impending changes like toolboxes and such, but rather things like ruin, etc.). I have to say, I'm thinking I might honestly quit this game with the negatives outweighing the positives after almost 3 years of playing it, which makes me really sad because it used to be a favourite of mine.


  • garbageman
    garbageman Member Posts: 9

    ha! you think devs might read this...and even if they did they might care.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    Survivor perks are a thing to counter one spicific thing. So if you're getting slugged a lot you should consider running it. That's my view on that.

    And if you're thinking about quitting, then either do it or take a break. See if it was just a burn out :3

  • Uistreel
    Uistreel Member Posts: 634

    Reading this wore down my brain cells.

    "the only reason I dc'ed was because matchmaking put me (at rank 11) with rank 20 teammates and I was slugged and being camped by a rank 16 leatherface." So basically you rage quit because you didn't like how the opponent was playing, hurt your feelings.

    "There needs to be a penalty against slugging if you're not paired with adequate teammates or there should be no penalty for dc'ing if you get slugged for longer than 30 seconds." This might be one of the stupidest suggestions I have read in my entire life. I get slugged for more than 30 seconds, it's ok for me to rage quit, right...

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Being camped is not a legitimate reason to quit the game and ruin it for four other people, nor is bad matchmaking. You committed to that match knowing those things might happen, you should see it through to the end. That's just common courtesy. This is exactly the kind of situation that DC penalties were designed to address.

  • kazzymoyashi
    kazzymoyashi Member Posts: 127
    edited February 2020

    Except poor matchmaking is ridiculous. If I'm a certain rank, I shouldn't be paired with new players. The devs are tying their own hands when it comes to SWF then. It's a feedback circle. I'm being forced to play with people/friends to ensure I don't get paired with teammates who are new to the game. So the community gripes about SWF but then this is the problem with solo queueing. I also like to point out, I completed 3/5 gens and one of the teammates had quit already and the other two were cowering in corners. My apologies for not wanting to sit in a game for 3 minutes just to bleed out because there was literally nothing I could do. I haven't dc'ed in an extremely long time - I usually just wait and die on hook, but this was the one instance where it is frustrating. Not to mention, which is kind of an important piece: THE GAME DIDNT TELL ME THERE WAS A PENALTY UNTIL I DC'ED. That's the most frustrating part. I shouldn't have to constantly check their Twitter for updates like that.

    Also, they didn't mention on the updates that the further back rank reset was unintentional. It was on the forums here. Again, I shouldn't have to check social media to find that information out. If I was reset back to what was supposed to be, I would have been in purple, not green/borderline yellow.

  • kazzymoyashi
    kazzymoyashi Member Posts: 127
    edited February 2020

    Yeah, but then unbreakable should be more than a one time use perk. I realize that means reworking no mither, but it's an important piece since slugging is so rampant. Or there needs to be a change to No Mither. I like puppers' take on a no mither change: you start out healthy, when you are downed and you get back up the first time, THEN you get the unbroken status so that killers don't always know you have it till the point it is used.

    I appreciate the suggestion on taking a break and such, but it was actually me coming back after a break already. I took a break for a solid week and returned to this. Thank you for not being mean/rude, unlike the others.