BHVR, it's time to nerf Freddy.

If there's perhaps one thing survivors and killers can agree on it's that Freddy is seriously overpowered. There's nothing really balanced about him. You've created a killer that can shut down looping making for short chases, can teleport to survivor objectives and immediately shut them down with perks like BBQ/Pop, and the only form of counterplay survivors have against him is to run to the opposite side of the map and remove ourselves from the dream world. Which, most often, by the time Freddy gets to you again you're already back in the Dream World. And if not, he'll just smack you once and put you right back in. So what's the point?
Now I understand that when Freddy was released a lot of people were excited to play him, but he was OP, and was nerfed into the hole. And I understand that a lot of people ignored him afterwords because he was just incredibly underpowered. Which is why I suspect you've yet to touch him aside from a small percentage nerf. But you need to do something. I, admittedly, used to just D/C upon Freddy games as there's just no point to playing them. The only time I'd D/C mind you aside to give a fellow survivor hatch in a game where the killer stalled by constantly slugging to ensure a 4k. But now I'm forced to play against him and just watch as my teammates, who lately have been newer players with fewer perk choices get stomped on. The only times I win against Freddy is when I'm in a highly co-ordinated SWF group or my teammates happen to be SWF. And I don't think I'm alone in that sentiment as stats show that Freddy has an almost perfect kill streak as per your latest stats release. With the ruin nerf he's been played more too because killers know that he's basically God-tier and has no barriers to usage I like solo queue. It adds another dimension to the game. I shouldn't have to play SWF all the the time for one overused, overperforming killer.
Anyway, it's time. Please nerf him. I know you guys know that he's insanely OP, even despite that little nerf to his add-ons. I'm just surprised it hasn't been done yet.
...Is this a Bait thread or wut, I don't find him Op at all in the slightest, and i know this as i do play both sides, and knowing my luck i rarely, "RARELY" ever verse a freddy, a Decent one but not the best... He's fine the way he is
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I don't think he's overpowered, just boring to verse, BOOM he hooked somebody, BOOM he's teleporting to your gen, BOOM he has PGTW, and that over and over again...
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Not bait, the proof is in the stats. He's overperforming.
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Right. But with the quality of survivors I get in solo queue that's impossible to bounce back from. There's not even a chance.
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Stats dont mean #########, you cant balance the game around stats. Freddy is not OP...
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A little boring, yes, but he's well balanced. He has all the parts of a power you'd want in a killer. A chase and pressure ability.
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Freddy isn’t overpowered, he’s just incredibly boring.
Chase survivor, walk to loop, press M2 on both sides and you win the loop. (Unless you’re at a Matt Walker window)
Hook someone, see someone working on a gen with BBQ, PGTW the gen, chase the person and rinse and repeat.
He needs something in his kit toned down.
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Stats reflect that he's possibly the easiest Killer to play, that alone does not make him too strong in my opinion.
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Freddy's already been nerfed. Learn other ways to play besides just looping. This is why nurse is 💩💩💩 now. Freddy definitely isn't op. I get my ass handed to me plenty playing as him...
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Seriously. A killer can actually outplay survivors and instantly it's 'NERF!!!'. Stop making killers weaker and just accept: You cannot win every match! I'm getting tired of so many people crying for killer nerfs, but are happy to accept the many second chances they get because survivors must win.
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Freddy is one of the few killers that counters BS map design since he can teleport. He has chase potential that isnt like Billy or nurse. Sleeping doesn not slow you down from doing gens. Quit the crying and adapt. He wasnt even OP when he first came out and he isnt OP now.
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I think his fake pallets should be basekit, but limited to two or three. Right now he can create a chase minefield of unsafe pallets. Snares are fine as they're real obvious and function more as a detection perk.
And a huge buff to his cosmetics is needed.
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Killer: *is good*
Seriously, is it that hard to go up against a Killer who challenges you? Do all you guys want is to loop every Killer for five gens? Adapt or die.
Also, there's many factors that go into the stats. Freddy is currently the highest, but we don't know why. Is it a perk or add-on that's making him do so well? How good are the players? What map are they on? Pretty sure the devs said that the stats they gave out don't matter as much as you're thinking.
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Freddy was THE worst killer in the game for like 1 1/2 years. The F tier was named after Freddy. Now that he's viable you want to nerf him? Your the reason weak killers get weaker. I smell a bias survivor main. I'm going to tell you the same thing I told survivors when Freddy first came out, git gud.
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That doesn't matter here. He could be getting a 4k every game and the response would be "survivors need to git gud".
I don't mind Freddy too much although at times he can be used far too often. It's as if all the former Spirit players moved onto Freddy once they saw the stats and Spirit got nerfed. I just don't like the sleep mechanic. It's gray, ugly, the sounds are weird, it's just a bit dull. As you said barely any point waking yourself up because it won't last long. I also don't think a killer with a 32m terror radius who moves at 4.6m/s needs a non-directional lullaby. It makes sense on Huntress because she's slow and it's 45m so more time to react. Freddy doesn't really need it.
Also I don't agree with the slowdown add ons. He gets 12% speed debuff on you just for existing. He can be afk and still apply the speed debuff. Hopefully though they stop those working with thana and dying light sooner rather than later.
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I've never heard anything more stupid
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He teleports directly to gens with zero set-up is why. If he teleported to hooks it'd be a different story. Or if he had to Demogorgon it up and had to set up snare blood portals or whatever first, he'd lose a lot of innate pressure.
Simple fact is he has too many good passives. Hell even when he was being ######### on for waiting 7 seconds, his passives were wall hacking and gen slowdown.
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Take away the oblivious and that it. There no point in freddy getting immunity from borrowed time.
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Glad I brought happiness to your day for a few secs! :)
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Its just one perk and it does affect Freddy if you are awake. You want that clean save? you better work for it. Thats how it should be
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If you get smacked during the hook it doesn't work.
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i don't play Freddy anymore because its a reliable 4K. only use him for Rift challenges. when i solo against him he wipes out my team really fast. seems a little overpowered (although in the movies hes overpowered).
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Freddy is good, please stop with the nerf killer threads.
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I figured a lot of these replies would be from Freddy mains just wanting their free 4ks. The killer mains know he's their go-to for an easy win and obviously wouldn't want him nerfed.
But anyway...
He's not balanced when he's overperforming.
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You nerf him based on 'stats'? Which stats? Kill ratio?
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He's fine, learn how to play
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Freddy is the killer I hate going against the most. Mostly because of the fact that his sleep is time based, and not skill or action based. You are guaranteed to get slept no matter what, and then you are oblivious. Like, as soon as I get into a game and see that sleep timer, I already know I ain't gonna have any fun that game. It's very hard to escape Freddy games, and most of them from my experience end in 4Ks unless someone finds the hatch.
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Yes. BHVR has stated they're dedicated to trying to create a balanced game. You can't be balanced if your average is nearly 4k. Survivors always get hit hard with nerfs. Its time for some killers to be adjusted.
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Exactly. There's no barrier to entry with Freddy. He's basically handed the win unless he's purposefully trying to lose. If Freddy doesn't need a nerf than certain perks do.
Perhaps perks like BBQ/Pop/Infectious could be on cooldowns.
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If you are gonna say proof is in the stats you should actually provide stats or sources.
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Here we go with this s*** again. No he does not need nerfs! They've said before they dont want chases to last all game. One survivor shouldn't be able to 1v1 the killer
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I think he's fun both ways. For me, doc is the most annoying. They watered him down but I still can't stand him.
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Yes he does. Its so easy to spot the Freddy mains. Lol And the only time a chase lasts all game is if the killer 1) Sucks 2) Overcommits 3) Breaks every pallet denying bloodlust 4) Is on Blood Lodge or a map with a god loop.
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You must be a masochist to think Freddy is "fun". :/
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This guy prob got this idea from Useless... btw he made a video of him “bullying” survivors with the biggest slowdown Freddy build, wait for it.... as a rank 9... NERF FREDDY PLZZZZZ. Sigh fr though Freddy is fine. Useless and YT’bers like him always say something is “boring” if they don’t like it. It’s really ridiculous. Nothing is boring. Unless you show me you’re escaping 99/100 times in solo queue against a certain killer then nothing is boring. Seriously it’s just an excuse to nerf somebody. People used to say spirit was boring but now that she got nerfed they don’t say that no more they now put all the attention to Freddy which he is completely fine where he is. Freddy is fine.
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Well if you think a killer is OP you should practice the game and get better instead of screaming for nerfs. The problem is you and not Freddy.
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The only problem I have with freddy is the fact that he is so darn boring to play as and against . sure he is the ideal killer but theres not much too him that keeps me interested .:/
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Care to share these stats?
I've played against him plenty and I don't usually have any issues.
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Define “overperforming”
because he’s a viable killer isn’t a reason.
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Meh, he is ok, it's possible to outrun a freddy.
Most boring killer in the game to play against and play as.
No skill cap needed.
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Another Freddy main. Lol.
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Getting 4ks nearly every match is not the definition for viable. A viable killer is one that has the potential to every match, but requires some skill to pull off. Freddy requires no skill. At all.
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That’s where you’re full of ######### my guy.
I used to play Freddy a lot and simply playing him doesn’t guarantee a 4k. Maybe just get good and stop bitching about a boring killer like Freddy. I literally encounter maybe 1-2 Freddy’s a week and he’s not that difficult to counter.
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Its legit. And anyone arguing against it is a Freddy/Killer main that knows he's an easy 4k and want to make sure that goes untouched.
The game is clearly killer-sided and with all the survivor nerfs it'd be nice to see some killer changes as well.
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Obvious bait is obvious...
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A lot of these killers are coming onto this post to say, "git gud". So I'm leaving an offer for any Freddy mains to join me for some SWF. I'd love to see how y'all perform against him yourself. Since he's so easily counterable and boring it should be pretty easy to escape.
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That's my initial reaction to this thread based off the title. After I read it the OP, this was my reaction: