BHVR, it's time to nerf Freddy.

If there's perhaps one thing survivors and killers can agree on it's that Freddy is seriously overpowered. There's nothing really balanced about him. You've created a killer that can shut down looping making for short chases, can teleport to survivor objectives and immediately shut them down with perks like BBQ/Pop, and the only form of counterplay survivors have against him is to run to the opposite side of the map and remove ourselves from the dream world. Which, most often, by the time Freddy gets to you again you're already back in the Dream World. And if not, he'll just smack you once and put you right back in. So what's the point?

Now I understand that when Freddy was released a lot of people were excited to play him, but he was OP, and was nerfed into the hole. And I understand that a lot of people ignored him afterwords because he was just incredibly underpowered. Which is why I suspect you've yet to touch him aside from a small percentage nerf. But you need to do something. I, admittedly, used to just D/C upon Freddy games as there's just no point to playing them. The only time I'd D/C mind you aside to give a fellow survivor hatch in a game where the killer stalled by constantly slugging to ensure a 4k. But now I'm forced to play against him and just watch as my teammates, who lately have been newer players with fewer perk choices get stomped on. The only times I win against Freddy is when I'm in a highly co-ordinated SWF group or my teammates happen to be SWF. And I don't think I'm alone in that sentiment as stats show that Freddy has an almost perfect kill streak as per your latest stats release. With the ruin nerf he's been played more too because killers know that he's basically God-tier and has no barriers to usage I like solo queue. It adds another dimension to the game. I shouldn't have to play SWF all the the time for one overused, overperforming killer.

Anyway, it's time. Please nerf him. I know you guys know that he's insanely OP, even despite that little nerf to his add-ons. I'm just surprised it hasn't been done yet.

