Why does the hatch even exist?



  • BlueFang
    BlueFang Member Posts: 1,379

    When the killer has the hatch spawn right under his feet

    And then his rancor procs

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320
    edited August 2019

    Love it... Killer knows they already won the match at that point... Then slugs the last to get the 4K anyway. Then killer players wonder why survivors will disconnect to give the last survivor the hatch.

    Take the chance... You already won... You know it... So take the challenge of trying to beat that last survivor.

  • venom12784
    venom12784 Member Posts: 666

    First games would take alot longer if there was no hatch imagine trying to find 1 survivor on MacMillan just hiding not doing gens waiting for you to DC.

    Second if you feel this way about the hatch why do you use it while playing survivor?

  • rha
    rha Member Posts: 417

    Not really, for the old hatch stand-off both!! players really had to have the will to stare at each other for a considerable amount of time because they had to win at any cost. I never understood why it had to be „fixed“ because any one of the involved players was able to prevent it if he wanted to move on to the next game.

    Current hatch situation is indeed very much killer sided, but that affects mostly solo survivors who were so much favored by the ranking and matchmaking system with reliable teammates for such a long time that they really deserved a hefty nerf (sarcasm).

    I personally think we could do away with the hatch these days. I don’t recall even one game where the hatch was open for longer than 5 seconds because the killer always knew where it was. With gate spawning ridiculously close to each other and highly mobile killers, an escape after hatch is closed is so rare that I think an auto-sacrifice of the 4th survivor after the 3rd has died would actually be a lot fairer because it wouldn’t give the illusion that there is still an actual chance of escaping.

  • Johnble
    Johnble Member Posts: 175

    As a solo survivor main, I have no problems with the hatch. It makes it possible for me to still escape when the other 3 survivors make dumb mistakes and get sacrificed. Why should I go down with the team that couldn't perform like one especially if I'm doing pretty much everything from hook saves to repairing gens while they run around like idiots?

  • Cayde1342
    Cayde1342 Member Posts: 96

    I feel like if there is only one person left instead of hatch the exit gates should just be powered so people dont dc on purpose so their friend can escape hatch

  • justarandy
    justarandy Member Posts: 1,711

    "Just my unbiased opinion" lmao

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    The hatch exists also because it's frustrating and not good design overall to be completely helpless and with no chance of winning in any situation.

    Even the highest level of competitive games have "comeback mechanics".

    EGC already made hatch a lot more fair. Now the killer actually has the upper hand after the third survivor dies.

  • BadgerT40
    BadgerT40 Member Posts: 48

    Technically your the one holding the game hostage. You expect that since your slug he will give up to you. The hatch allows a good player to not die due to a trash team. Stop complaining

  • Lordtobirama666
    Lordtobirama666 Member Posts: 14

    The same thing can be said about noed why should the killer get a reward for failure I play killer more then survivor and I think that's crap and the fact u said u have to slug I already don't care what u have to say like come on dude be happy with 3 kills and move on to the next match

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164
    edited August 2019

    You ever searched a map for half an hour looking for a survivor who's not working on gens? I have. Sure, it can suck to kill three survivors only to have the fourth hatch out, but the alternative is worse. Even if it costs you an achievement, that's better than all the many, many games where you could be held hostage by a stealthing survivor for god only knows how long, costing you either a lot of time or, if you're forced to disconnect, a lot of BP.

    In other words, the hatch is a necessary evil.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,238

    "The killer already won with 3 kills, now hes only greedy"

    ... Seriously?

    Thats the same as saying: "the survivors won when the gates are powered, now they must suicide or are greedy for an escape, that ######### sweaty tryhards "

    The hatch is there because there was no bettet idea to stop losing survivors from just dc'ing or holding the game hostage by not coninuing to keep escaping.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    Im a survivor main who play solo because my friends dont like this game. I enjoy hatch escape, or help the other 1 survivor to hatch escape if I have a chance.

    In the opposite, I play Killer for daily ritual, usually I just let everyone escape. But I met a few super toxic SWF, I hate that there is 1 survivor escape in that case. In my case, its not about greedy, its about not satisfy that unable to kill all toxic survivors

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    If 5 gens are left remaining and you massacre the survivors to the point only one is left and can escape, that survivor was pretty garbage and would've died that match.

    Now, I'll admit it can also be the extreme opposite but this about the Op destroying survivors, so in this case the Hatch was rewarding failure.

    And if you are the believer that NoEd rewards failure the hatch is literally the equivalent of NoEd. This is not even getting by the fact I am mostly siding with Survivors here that this is a non issue, so learn to read and get you condescending tone out of here.

  • koopazepam
    koopazepam Member Posts: 35

    There should be no hatch. The game is 4v1 and if you are the last one left why should you be rewarded as if it had been a 1v1 all along? SWF try hards are the only ones that want this game to be a bully the killer sim.

  • ClaudettesUncle
    ClaudettesUncle Member Posts: 29

    Cause Killer aren't supposed to 4k every game, like survivors aren't to escape each round. If you have problems with it maybe wait until they finished 3 generator and slug one person to find the hatch first. Pretty Simple

  • SquidFacedMan
    SquidFacedMan Member Posts: 148

    Remove hatch entirely. Endgame collapse starts when one survivor is left alive.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    6 month old necro.

    Why is this happening so much now?

  • DetectiveBingBong
    DetectiveBingBong Member Posts: 67

    Slugging is fine. If it wasn't we'd have a penalty for it. Don't be mad at killers doing whatever it takes to win. Furthermore of course we don't need the 4k. What's the issue with striving for excellence? What's wrong with aiming for the best possible outcome? Even if I don't get it I aim for it because that should be my goal. I want no one escaping, and every single one sacrificed without a single gen or door complete. Even though it isn't possible I want it. So i'll slug, i'll patrol etc.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    Well, i play both sides as well, but as a survivor, i play mostly solo.

    And the hatch is what keeps me playing the game if the first one suicides on the hook or disconnects. because you still have a chance of escaping, even if the rest of the team gives up or just messes up.

    I mean, how satisfying would the game be for the killer if they all just stand around waiting for you to get them if you killed the first survivor with the first hook? If most of your games where that way?

    As a killer (which i play only 40% of the time, though), i dont mind if one gets the hatch, especially if i destroyed the team.

    Fact is, the matchmaking in this game is horrible, and its hard to argue about the fairness of a hatch mechanic if the whole setup can be unfair from beginning of the match (like you are in with teammates with way lower skill than you and the killer, or a new killer facing a red rank swf squad.)

    I think the hatch is needed to keep the game rolling.

    IF they would ever make different ques for swf and solo survivors, i can imagine the hatch being gone from the swf-matches, as one of the balancing aspects, but i doubt they will ever make seperet lobbys for swf.