Selfish teammate, there's too many of them.

The amount of players out there that don't realize that playing survivor is supposed to be a team effort is really high. All they do is look after themselves and provide no help or any value to the match.

-Healing with self-care instead of unhooking a nearby survivor that is not getting camped.

-Letting a teammate die all the way from first hook just because they have a key and want the hatch to spawn.

-Bring the killer to you so you get chased.

-Not even try to save you once the exit is open (even if they are fully healed and the killer has no NoEd)

Among other situations. There is a lot of things that if survivors stop doing, matches will go a lot better. Is a lot more satisfying multiple players surviving cause they play as a team that just you surviving cause you were selfish.


  • hex_genrush
    hex_genrush Member Posts: 736
    edited February 2020

    self care hurts the team but noed one is fine, if the killer has noed im booking it out of there and if I get caught with noed I’m killing my self so my teammates get the message to gtfo

  • sluc16
    sluc16 Member Posts: 536

    If the killer does have NoEd, yes is best for the rest of the team to just scape and don't give the killer more kills, but when he doesn't, why not try the save?

  • Nickeleye
    Nickeleye Member Posts: 278

    I'm a killer main and I'm always amazed at how many people are left on hooks for no reason. Particularly the solo survivors playing with SWF. I am literally on the otherside of the map. I have been chasing a survivor for the past minute. Letting people die on first hook is bad for both sides.

    I rarely have much empathy for survivors. Just being honest. But you cant help but feel for lone wolves getting a screwed over by SWF sometimes.

    Plus them dying on first hook means more than likely I'm sweating to save pip.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    there are so many because they are like zombies and turn you into one too.

    At least that happened to me. I was left on the hook soo often after saving someone that i just dont take a risk anymore, because noone cares about you anyway, why should you care.

  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948

    I have three letters and an option for you:

    3 letters: SWF

    Option: Get used to that as a solo player... I know... It awful, but it's quite common to have egocentric teammates, if you can actually call them like that. Remember there can be specific cases where they leave you to die cause they need for finish a challenge, still lame in my opinion, but happens too

  • Thatbrownmonster
    Thatbrownmonster Member Posts: 1,640

    Who said this is a team game?

    I rather let my teamate die on hook if I found the hatch

    If it's only 2 of us and 3 gens left do you honestly think we'll be able to fix thoose gens without getting killed?

    Might as well one of us at least escaping

    Also there is nothing wrong with using self-care, some people like playing safe instead of counting others to heal them

  • sluc16
    sluc16 Member Posts: 536

    Did you seriously just wrote "who said this is a team game"? Haha waw, I just found one of those selfish players I'm talking about.

  • scenekiller
    scenekiller Member Posts: 890

    Uh, yes? It's happened for me many times. Maybe you just suck at playing?

  • mmain
    mmain Member Posts: 430

    You don't necessarily have to play as a team in this game. However, if you could get the people that play survivor to learn to not only as a team, but as a smart team we would have to be giving killers buffs left and right to make the game even close to fair.

    Unfortunately way too many survivors fall into one of two categories though:

    • 1) Not interested in playing as part of a team at all


    • 2) Have no idea how to combine playing smart with playing as a team

    The amount of times I see survivors do things that are ridiculously stupid based on some misguided idea of teamwork is mind boggling.

    • Unhooking while the killer is camping
    • Even when a killer doesn't camp they rush to unhook before the killer gets 3 steps away
    • Running to heal a slugged teammate when it's obvious the killer is standing right there and using them for bait to slug someone else.

    Those are just a few of the things I am talking about. Those type of survivors are also the same ones that will message after a match telling you that you are the most awful survivor they have seen. They are always oblivious to the fact that their misguided attitude towards teamwork is nothing more than a strategy guaranteed to lose.

  • Steve0333
    Steve0333 Member Posts: 529

    I love it when teammates swarm around the hook causing the killer to camp and then never even go for the save. Good times.

  • StevenYPH
    StevenYPH Member Posts: 8

    I guess I'm relatively lucky in my playtime of the game so far, as most of the randoms I've been paired with have been pretty selfless (maybe they were motivated solely by getting points, I'd like to think there's a few kind hearts involved). I mean, the most recent match I played today I was rescued at the endgame by a Dwight with Borrowed Time and we ran to the exit together while a Legion slashed away at us the whole time.

    Of course, it's a funny turn-about when a fellow survivor blatantly uses you to farm and the killer decides to let you get unhooked while he kills the guy farming his fallen teammates!

  • OtakuBurrito
    OtakuBurrito Member Posts: 512

    I didn't realize how selfish Claudette's were until someone explain it to me as a Claudette main. This thread reaffirms that belief and extends it to believe that a lot of survivors are selfish.

    I never understand how hard until someone is about to his phase 2 and 2 people are near them but refuse to get up. At that point I give up and accept gens won't get done and I'm healing/rescuing this game exclusively. I also accept I'm probably getting left as well.

    It's a sad life when I'm in solo queue so my enjoyment comes from having a fun killer that plays peekaboo with me or thanks me for not acting like a Blendette.

  • dastru
    dastru Member Posts: 165

    self care should be removed or nerf to the point that these morons that waste half of the match healing realize that its a waste of a perk slot and youre bringing down the other 3 survivors with you, the most amazing thing is that I've seen a lot of red ranks bringing self care and medkits

  • Laakeri
    Laakeri Member Posts: 835

    Self Care is best killer perk.

  • sluc16
    sluc16 Member Posts: 536

    Haha this is the best opinion I've seen about the perk. Totally agree

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951

    Most of the time randoms do unsafe rescues and provide no help even when they haven't been hooked once. The slightest HB from a mile away = they release the gen/healing you, fail a SC and then UE away lol The more I solo queue, the more I realize how hopeless it is even in red. So many potatoes in this game. I wish we could KICK a Survivor in the face to decline being unhooked.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Last game I had a Doctor who just hard tunneled one survivor out of the game and ignored everyone else. Then he started tunneling me. Looped him so other 2 survivors could get last gen done. I get unhooked and these 2 clowns are just looking for the hatch for their stupid challenge. So 1 DS and 2 more hooks later I die because 2 useless survivors cant open a single exit gate.

    These challenges are garbage. And the devs wonder why their community is so salty

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,897
    edited February 2020

    That's not the answer. Self care is not the problem. Its the players and how they utilize it. Self care is fine to use when appropriate. People hate when their team mates are self caring when they are about to go to second stage on hook, or when they are sitting in a corner healing instead of getting that crucial last gen done.

    They blame the perk instead of the player. The perk didn't make these players be potato.