BHVR, it's time to nerf Freddy.



  • Ace_Of_Spades
    Ace_Of_Spades Member Posts: 68

    LMAO imagine thinking survivors get hit hard with nerfs. They get nerfed sure but... c'mon. You know that's hyperbolic.

  • xenofon13
    xenofon13 Member Posts: 1,241

    He's not overpowered but he is the most boring killer. Plus he can hit you from 5 ft away.

  • fleshbox
    fleshbox Member Posts: 494

    This i can agree with. One more clock.

    I pretty much main freddy and play against him.

    Three clocks would be ok with me. As surv i always find that the clocks are on the opposite side of the map and i have to traverse the whole damn map yet put back to sleep sooooo easily.

    I had a two 0k's this morning in a row and got schooled by some really cool, skilled, players. Considering the time of the day i think it really was school kids playing before school. I was so impressed that i took the last one who was goign to die, who was on her first hook, to the door and dropped her.

    Want to know how to counter him? Coming from a freddy main? Figure it out yourself. Cos i am not goign to tell you what these people did so damn effective it shut me down.

    But it does come down to git good. Among other things.

  • JC316
    JC316 Member Posts: 693

    So does that mean that Nurse is the worst killer in the game? Her kill rate is at the bottom of those stats.

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    Ah spreading lies again?

    You should check how the sentiment of the forum was before nurse was reworked. Most people agreed that her addons needed a change but hey just make up some story, discredit the users here and insult them on top of it.

  • fleshbox
    fleshbox Member Posts: 494

    He should be able to 1 v 1. But like you say. Not the whole damn game.

  • Nameless
    Nameless Member Posts: 869

    Why exactly is he overpowered? If it is because he can shut down loops? Then why isn’t Clown overpowered? Is it because of his mobility? Then why isn’t Demo overpowered? I don’t quite get why people think Freddy is op but Demo isn’t. He can shut down loops probably better than Freddy and keeps his mobility even if gens get done unlike Freddy...

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    It is time that you git gud and nothing else. Killers have been nerfed lately, nurse, spirit and an overall nerf via the nerf of hex ruin because people like you can not hit a skillcheck.

  • Frankie
    Frankie Member Posts: 807

    Yeah, Clicky's entire MO is "I can't loop and a challenge is too much work for me, pls nerf everything good that killers have"

  • Iron
    Iron Member Posts: 241

    Freddy is not overpowered, he's still not even in the same tier as Spirit, Billy, and Nurse. I'll agree he doesn't have a high skill ceiling, but using teleport in chase, fake teleports, and setting up for future chases all require creativity and timing to do them well. The only reason that people have trouble with him is when they refuse to adapt or they are facing a really creative killer.

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    Well don't know about that but when people do state stuff that is obviously wrong you should call them out for it which is what I did.

  • Dannly
    Dannly Member Posts: 19

    I do not main Freddy, but I consider myself a killer main. In my opinion, Freddy isn't overpowered, his strength is what should all killers should have, since they should be 4 times as strong as survivors. However, I do admit that he needs some changes. Just like old Ruin, his Dream World doesn't need anything to be triggered/used and it has impact on the match, thus it deserves a rework. In addition, he's really easy to play; I've played him some times only and managed to get considerably good results without great experience.

  • cipherbay_
    cipherbay_ Member Posts: 379

    I like how people keep bringing in the dev stats as a form of argument. Those stats don't show how many people DC against a Freddy which leave an easy 3k that even Clown can achieve. Those stats dont show how many survivors just kill themselves on hook because "he is boring" to go up against.

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,148

    Oh yea you're right let me play as freddy and I'll just smack you. I play as freddy before and after he got reworked for survivors. The whole oblivious need to be taken out for him. I rather have no collision against awake survivor.

  • cipherbay_
    cipherbay_ Member Posts: 379

    Yea I won't let you smack me, you'll have to catch me first and by the time you do catch me, someone else will be awake and save the hooker survivor. See how that works?

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,148

    Actually depend if said freddy was running paintbrush. You would have to run across the map just to get your wake up call. Regardless of that waking up take longer each time. If you leave scratches i don't leave. My reason for oblivious is that freddy shouldn't be able to counter this perk by existing in the dream. Only one who should counter this would be just pig,ghost face and even the wraith. I'm fine with the snares especially the gimmicky pallets.

  • Cheeki_Beaky_Bird
    Cheeki_Beaky_Bird Member Posts: 148

    Freddy is the ONLY killer in the game with a power that doesn't involve some sort of penalty to their movement.

    There's no "should I place a snare here" thought process, or "ha I got rid of a bunch of snares! Now Freddy's going to miss out on value!" play to make. Freddy passively gets tremendous amounts of value all the time.

    He gets 1/2 terror radius against awake survivors (this is HUGE, 16m closer before a survivor knows to book it is a lot of chase time even if you're going in a straight line). He forces survivors to either fail skill checks (terrible idea) or spend increasingly long times pseudo-healing each other (and only if one of you is awake...) or run across the map to pick up alarm clocks, or else suffer the penalties of falling asleep. What's worth noting, though, is that if survivors choose to play around these and stay awake all the time, Freddy *WINS BIG*, as these are such significant advantages as to completely eclipse other killers like Wraith.

    If you do fall asleep, you're highlighted (not a huge deal, but can suck with trying to use bushes and whatnot), and just lose every chase.

    Drop a pallet? Snare. Snare. Snare. Even as he's running after you he can set down snares (with NO movement penalty/cooldown!) that completely deny areas, or force you to eat a slow that lets him very quickly catch up (because, ya know, he gains on you twice as fast for a few seconds) to hit you. vault a window? Snare. Snare. Snare. You're immediately forced to leave it. LOOP ANYTHING? Snare. Snare. Snare. He now forces you to drop the pallet you're looping or take a hit because he immediately forces you to start eating Hindered status effects if you want to keep being near it. Even without the afterthought generator teleport BHVR added for no clearly apparent reason (IMO better to frequently fake the teleport to scare people off the gen for a couple seconds and only occasionally stick it after survivors are conditioned) Freddy is very strong.

  • ZtarShot
    ZtarShot Member Posts: 838

    I mean, I 4k'd with no perks or add-ons (The thorn thing.) But then again, I'm at rank 17 so it wouldn't matter what killer I played.

  • Orionbash
    Orionbash Member Posts: 765

    Finally, someone with sense. I really wish killers would try the survivor side of things and see how difficult Freddy can be to go against.

  • cipherbay_
    cipherbay_ Member Posts: 379

    The only thing I got from your rant is what a unique and badass killer Freddy is. An actual threat since that's what killers should be. A killer that forces you to play differently. All around a balanced killer that counters bs map design and counters bs non mindgamable loops.

  • cipherbay_
    cipherbay_ Member Posts: 379

    You can play nurse at that rank and get a 4k without even blinking

  • Orionbash
    Orionbash Member Posts: 765

    There's a difference between a killer that forces you to play differently (I.E: Nurse) and a killer that gives you no opportunity to do so. You can't loop snare Freddy. At all. You're basically just getting smacked twice and going down. There's zero counterplay.

  • cipherbay_
    cipherbay_ Member Posts: 379

    If you really think Freddy's snares are a problem, then clown is God tier

  • Orionbash
    Orionbash Member Posts: 765

    I don't. My issue with Freddy isn't just one thing, it's that he has so much in his kit that it's crazy. If Freddy just had snares or just could teleport I wouldn't be here complaining. But the fact that he can teleport directly to survivor objectives, shut those down, and then down you in seconds because the only tool survivors have to escape killers is hindered that's not fair.

    There's literally no other killer that I think needs a nerf other than Freddy. I've even been supportive of other killers getting buffed. Like the Oni, for example. I was shocked his flick got taken away.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Literally just miss a skill check.

    You don't need the clock. If you have other Survivors nearby they can wake you up too.

    But seriously. If you need to wake up and don't have time to go get the clock then miss a skill check. Bam, you've just disabled half his power for the next 60 seconds unless he's able to hit you with pure M1.

    "He gets 1/2 terror radius against awake survivors"

    This is flat out false. Survivors can hear his full 32 meter terror radius while awake, and a 32 meter lullaby while asleep.

    Either way it's 32 meters.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    We need stronger killers so we don't have another Clown problem.

    Freddy is FINE where he is, especially since his kit as easily accessable counterplay. Also, he is also essentially a base M1 killer with no true mobility. Yes, he can teleport to generators, but that's only UNPOWERED generators, and has a very long cooldown.

    No joke, play against him differently. Play more stealth and go for an alarm clock whenever you can. Each killer has to be faced with a different method.

  • Kbot22
    Kbot22 Member Posts: 96

    The only thing I think is dumb and bad design is that he can use bloodlust with his snares to get guarantee deed hits and when you go against him you don't feel like you've been outplayed you're just like oh well guess I should've dropped the pallet. This takes away most of the skill from chases and makes good survivors basically the same as bad ones in chases.

  • AlsendDrake
    AlsendDrake Member Posts: 103

    The second you said old Freddy was OP ever you lost me.

    Map pressure is god in this game.

    Even on release, old Freddy literally had negative map pressure. He had less than a trapless trapper.

  • AbsolutelyAmel
    AbsolutelyAmel Member Posts: 146



    yes this is how stupid that sounds lmao

  • Nyctophilia
    Nyctophilia Member Posts: 30

    Freddy isn't OP, you're just a noob who only complain. When you only can Survive a Match by Looping you should deinstall the Game, but don't blame it on the Killers smh.

  • RngGenerator
    RngGenerator Member Posts: 25

    You do realise that even the devs said that the stats are unreliable right? I don't get how many people cling to those stats since its been agreed upon by the community that they are basically useless...

    Freddy is a low rank stomper and guess where all of those statistics came from? LOW RANKS. The deva shouldn't be balancing around rank 20's but high ranks since that's where the players actually know what they're doing.

  • CaliKing
    CaliKing Member Posts: 16

    Nerf Freddy? You sound like an entitled survivor main πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ "He CaN teLliPoRt t0 tHe sUrviVorS oBjeCtiVe" BOI! Survivors can LITERALLY break hooks... You know... the killers objective? LMAOOO 🀣🀣

  • Orionbash
    Orionbash Member Posts: 765

    This tells me nothing. You could own it on PC and console. Your username doesn't show and may not match your name here. This could be taken from the web. Good job, I guess?

  • Orionbash
    Orionbash Member Posts: 765

    You have no devotion level. This could be an alternate account or as I stated you could play on two different platforms.

    If this is your real account then you haven't played long enough to join this debate. :)

    Your rank doesn't show either. Again, good try.

  • CaliKing
    CaliKing Member Posts: 16

    Better kiddo? Just got his teachables on him that's it. I've played for almost 2 years lmao I think I know some shi lol "but you're only dev 3" yea cause I don't no life this game kid. I main Trapper & Huntress but keep acting like you know shi lmaoooo & I'm rank 1 survivor & killer haven't touched PS4 In a PHAT minute but there you go buddy, anything else? My Social maybe? How about my address? Phone number?

  • Orionbash
    Orionbash Member Posts: 765

    So I was correct. And because you lied you discredited yourself. Nobody should take anything you say seriously. Even myself. Good job! :)

  • OrangeJack
    OrangeJack Member Posts: 464

    How about this, if you want a killer to be nerfed link a video of you playing against said killer and we'll see if your opinions are valid.

  • CaliKing
    CaliKing Member Posts: 16

    Lied about what? I don't play console anymore so why tf would I show you that over my main platform I play on now? If anything that should tell you even more of how I don't "main him" πŸ˜‚ you're a ######### clown 🀑🀑🀑

  • Orionbash
    Orionbash Member Posts: 765

    Alright, I'm down. Ill get some footage today and can upload it by tomorrow.

  • CaliKing
    CaliKing Member Posts: 16

    Aww done talking to me cause you confused yourself and don't have anything valid to say 😒? That's ok buddy just, don't make dumb crap up mid argument and you'll be ok little guy 😊

  • Orionbash
    Orionbash Member Posts: 765


    So let's break this down for you because you're unaware of your own actions.

    1) You came into this thread to provide nothing other than to call me an, "entitled survivor".

    2) I called you a Freddy main as it's clear that anyone that argue against me is. Or a killer main that doesn't understand how OP killers are and that some balance is needed. Freddy is unbalanced.

    3) You thought you'd be clever and post a picture of an alternate account showing a Level 1 Freddy in an attempt to stump me. But, I'm not an idiot and saw through the ruse. You also didn't admit openly you had multiple accounts thus you were being manipulative.

    4) I called you out.

    5) You posted your real account and therefore discredited yourself because you basically admitted to lying to falsify evidence of you not playing Freddy.

    6) A rank 20, Devotion 3 may not be the best person to provide insight on a killer's balance level.

    ...and don't call yourself a rank 1 survivor and killer when the evidence states the contrary. πŸ™„

    Anything else? :)

  • Orionbash
    Orionbash Member Posts: 765

    Lol. For someone that claims to have a life you're pretty demanding of other people's time. P.S: You waited 7 minutes.

    You should really just give up while you're ahead, dude. You think you're playing me but you're playing yourself.

  • CaliKing
    CaliKing Member Posts: 16

    LMAOOOO They're both my "real" accounts TF? & Who mains a killer and only LEVELS THEM UP TO GET THERE TEACHABLES? 🀣🀣🀣 KILLERS... OP???? 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣 GEN SPEED IS OP YOU BOT πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ admit to having "alternate accounts"? boi then why tf would I show you both right away? Did I say I only have one account? Then slip up sending you a pic of my old account? No, you moronπŸ˜‚. And that so Called "alternate account" is my MAIN ACCOUNT & THE ONLY ONE I PLAY ON (the 1st pic, on PC) lmaooo. They're both my "real" accounts 🀣 Jesus Christ lmao and again when did I say I only have one account? Exactly STFU with the "you lied" shi. & I'm rank 20 CAUSE I DONT PLAY CONSOLE ANYMORE ARE YOU ACTUALLY STUPID? do you understand how hard it is to STAY at rank 20? Like it's impossible πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. You're a clown buddy you think you know what's you're talking about but you dont... I DONT MAIN FREDDY JUST BECAUSE I DEFENDED HIM, you incompetent dip shi

  • CaliKing
    CaliKing Member Posts: 16

    Who said anything about claiming to have a life? All you been doing is assuming shi you clown . I said I DONT NO LIFE THIS GAME...THIS GAME... Understand? As in I play other games too... Smh

  • Orionbash
    Orionbash Member Posts: 765

    The devil is in the details, dude. You attempted to prove a point with manipulated evidence, I saw right through your lie and smashed it to pieces, and now you're discredited.

    ...And on top of that your only defense now is name-calling. You call me an, "entitled survivor" but you're acting like a spoiled brat now that you've been discredited. Good job! :)

    ...Anything else? 😊