Punish Killer Dodge.

Seriously I don't get why this is a thing that doesn't have any punishment sigh
punish survivor swf first
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Do you mean punish the killer for dodging lobbies or leaving the game? I can understand a punishment for leaving the game but a punishment for dodging lobbies is stupid. I mean it’s the killers lobby so if he doesn’t want to get stuck playing against a 4 man swf with insta heals and flashlights why should he?
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@BasementLeatherBoi said:
Do you mean punish the killer for dodging lobbies or leaving the game? I can understand a punishment for leaving the game but a punishment for dodging lobbies is stupid. I mean it’s the killers lobby so if he doesn’t want to get stuck playing against a 4 man swf with insta heals and flashlights why should he?What this gentleman said.
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Tipical swf surv)3
The lobby system in general sucks and needs a rework.
But punishing killers is the wrong way if you want to even FIND a lobby.4 -
Why? it takes like 10- 60 seconds to find a new lobby and play
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punish last second switch to insta blind flashlight
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They don’t need to fix dodging, they need to fix the reason WHY killers dodge. The answer is SWF and the games complete imbalance. Balance the game and fix SWF, watch the dodging go down tremendously.2
This should have happened a long time ago, Killers dodging lobbies are affecting the actual statistic and win rate for Killers/Survivors, as a result they are delaying the buffs to Killers in the first place, minus the Hackers
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As a killer I should be able to decide if I want to play a game with someone with Twitch.tV in their name, or if their name is "Toxic David".
Don't tell me that players don't dodge lobbies when they see a red ping.
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The killer is the host, so they're in charge.
I don't even dodge a lot myself. I'm just sorta tired of getting 4 people an entire continent away accusing me of lagswitching because they have 400ms ping in game. Honestly I'm doing them a favor if you ask me.I've seen some "i dodge if..." lists on killer profiles that I really hope are ironic though. Like people that dodge even 2 medkits because they just assume they're syringes or whatever.
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If you mean closing lobbys because the killer recognize SWF groups?
Its his game - So no.Punish those who leave the game: Hell yeah. Punish them hard!
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@Kurisu said:
Seriously I don't get why this is a thing that doesn't have any punishment sighSo you want the killer to get forced to play the unfair, unbalanced crap that is called SWF?
So the killer should just accept that you want to have fun by enjoying an unfair advantage and he should just accept that his fun will get spoiled, Gotcha.4 -
@Wolf74 said:
@Kurisu said:
Seriously I don't get why this is a thing that doesn't have any punishment sighSo you want the killer to get forced to play the unfair, unbalanced crap that is called SWF?
So the killer should just accept that you want to have fun by enjoying an unfair advantage and he should just accept that his fun will get spoiled, Gotcha.They also want you to say "thank you :'D" after being mentally rapped.
Like the sad bullies they are.
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@Blueberry said:
They don’t need to fix dodging, they need to fix the reason WHY killers dodge. The answer is SWF and the games complete imbalance. Balance the game and fix SWF, watch the dodging go down tremendously.You forgot dedicated lobbies and a ping filter
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@Giche said:
@Wolf74 said:
@Kurisu said:
Seriously I don't get why this is a thing that doesn't have any punishment sighSo you want the killer to get forced to play the unfair, unbalanced crap that is called SWF?
So the killer should just accept that you want to have fun by enjoying an unfair advantage and he should just accept that his fun will get spoiled, Gotcha.They also want you to say "thank you :'D" after being mentally rapped.
Like the sad bullies they are.
Its not only mentally.
When you are sitting in a dark room and the cocky survivors are yielind some lightsabres, then it becomes a physical problem affecting you IRL soon3 -
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Nice try troll but as a main killer I choose who want to play against me.
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@Master said:
@Giche said:
@Wolf74 said:
@Kurisu said:
Seriously I don't get why this is a thing that doesn't have any punishment sighSo you want the killer to get forced to play the unfair, unbalanced crap that is called SWF?
So the killer should just accept that you want to have fun by enjoying an unfair advantage and he should just accept that his fun will get spoiled, Gotcha.They also want you to say "thank you :'D" after being mentally rapped.
Like the sad bullies they are.
Its not only mentally.
When you are sitting in a dark room and the cocky survivors are yielind some lightsabres, then it becomes a physical problem affecting you IRL soonWell, you could let some light come through your dark palace, you know, or you are a nighty person ?
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@jiminie said:
@Master said:
@Giche said:
@Wolf74 said:
@Kurisu said:
Seriously I don't get why this is a thing that doesn't have any punishment sighSo you want the killer to get forced to play the unfair, unbalanced crap that is called SWF?
So the killer should just accept that you want to have fun by enjoying an unfair advantage and he should just accept that his fun will get spoiled, Gotcha.They also want you to say "thank you :'D" after being mentally rapped.
Like the sad bullies they are.
Its not only mentally.
When you are sitting in a dark room and the cocky survivors are yielind some lightsabres, then it becomes a physical problem affecting you IRL soonWell, you could let some light come through your dark palace, you know, or you are a nighty person ?
I prefer darker environments in the evening/night. Too much light will keep you awake and causes bad sleep.
Also I always prefer playing horror games in dark environments, but obviously DBD isnt a horror game (sry couldnt resist)
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@Master said:
Also I always prefer playing horror games in dark environments, but obviously DBD isnt a horror game (sry couldnt resist)
Dude, if only it could be only a joke.
There's a lot of toxic peoples lobbying for "Lmao you tri-hard xD It'S a PaRtY GaMe duuur"
To keep their bully simulator.
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Another entitled survivor post!
Grabs crucifix and holy water
How about switching the dedicated servers, adding a ping filter, fixing ranks/matching and punishing DCs. Once all that is done, dodging probably wont be an issue anymore, but if it, then sure, punish dodgers.
Otherwise all you're asking for is more DCs and wasted offerings.0