If you are going to bring breakable walls in Killer shack across all maps will leave the game

I just dont understand the idea behind bringing a breakable wall in killer shack. It is completely unnecessary given it's a wonderful design and the loop is decent within it and not at all OP. Just for the record, once the pallet is down you eliminate strong loops so why would you insert a breakable wall then as u have just killed the fun inside of the shack. Please reconsider this and I hope sincerely other maps having killer shack not to resemble this new Mao's one. Otherwise, I am afraid that I will be leaving this game cuz Dead by Daylight has lost its iconic design and killed the fun in the game. Please let me have your thoughts on this. Not to mention that the new map having no legit loops. It makes me want to have the killer killing me right from the start because I wont enjoy those nonsense design loops.
Imagine leaving because the GOD pallet has ######### counter play, my god.
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Can I have your gold ?
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Oh no! I might actually have to mind game the god pallet! What ever shall I do!
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Infinites and Safe loops are really boring for killer, in the same way that being face camped is boring for a survivor. Sure, it is different, but I'm talking about survivors jumping from one safe loop to another. Instead, the new loops can be safe if you skillfully travel between them, rather than just running around obstacles that passively keep you safe. I think it's good that the developers are removing 'passive gains' from the game.
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Loops are boring. I want them shortened and de-emphasized. With how quickly a survivor's objective can be completed these days I'm all for the killer shack (and other potentially long loops) being weakened. Survivor safe spaces need to go if gen speeds aren't going to get touched. And if the breakable walls make people like you leave? That's just a bonus.
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It's probably gonna take a long ass time to break the wall anyways, it's not like it's gonna be as fast as breaking a pallet, calm down man
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How dare the "KILLER SHACK" work in the KILLERS FAVOR.
The entire idea blows my mind too~
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Looks like the shoe is on the other foot now, eh?
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Remember just a few weeks ago when survivors like this were poking fun at killers for saying "We're gonna leave if you nerf ruin?".
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Except killer shack is actually probably the best loop on any map. By which I mean it's strong, but has tons of mind game potential.
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So this is where you are going to draw the "line in the sand" so to speak? I haven't even seen where they put the breakable wall but I wouldn't quit the game if they just deleted the killer shack altogether. That seems like a funny thing to take such a strong stance. But if you are so emotional about what is frankly a small thing then it's probably better that you leave the game now. It's constantly changing. If this has got you worked up then some future change is bound to enrage you.
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It requires more of a mind game from the killer than it does the survivor (the walls can be seen through, and the survivors have 360 degree third person view) - which for a building considered to be the killers own building, makes no sense. I think the killer shack breakable wall was a great thing. It caused survivors in the PTB to have to think instead of mindlessly going to the killer shack because it's the only loop they can run.
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Two sentences and I can already tell you never play killer. The only way you are downing someone at shack is if you have a perk too stop the pallet/window or the survivor made a mistake. The killer shack won't be such a crutch when the wall is breakable.
This is why you gotta play both sides, because then you'll know what is an actual problem or not, and this is not a problem.
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Try playing killer then?
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That's why I said it's strong, but mind gameable. There are a ton of fake outs you can use.
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When will devs cater to me and buff Pig? :(
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Ironworks, any Coldwind Map but the Rancid Abbot in particular, Haddonfield, there's plenty of stronger loops than the shack lol. The Game's bathroom is one of them too before the gen is done. If they wont' fix gens I hope they fix looping so it's not just "oh ######### they're all going for the infinite and I'm not a trapper/insta-down/map-crossing levels of mobility killer. Guess it's GG.
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Am i the only one who see a potential for more loops to be made? If they break killer shack walls i'm pretty sure there will be a window/door/pallet(basically 2 loops for you to play around kinda like jungle gym)
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This is a big boo hoo. Doubt they care about one person's opinion. Just saying. I really could careless about the new killer, but I don't see them catering to me. Not being rude at all, just saying we all may not be happy with something... But we have to adapt to it and just keep playing. Or quit playing. I personally have complained about almost everything they've added but I've adapted and ended up enjoying the game even more. I personally think it's balanced pretty well right now.
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if youre not a potato u can mind game shack. get better
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I don't understand why people feel the need to mention "__________ (insert reason) because of this i will be leaving"
Its like they think, they leaving it'll hurt the community or shits going to go down. How bout you wait and see how it goes rather complaing every second
Jeez you a actual baby
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ok goodbye
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Of course you can mind game shack.
Who cares? The shack pallet is literally called the GOD pallet for a reason.
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But like, do you have any idea how clueless most people are? I cannot tell you how often I see someone throw god pallet at the start of the game when they aren't even injured.
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This game shouldn't be balanced around the clueless.
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It's literally the same amount of time as breaking a pallet and it's also affected by perks and addons just like pallets...
I guess you didn't watch any ptb stuff.
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What if the shack was redesigned slightly? The locker closest to the window? Move it near the box, next to the god pallet. There's enough room between it and the basement, if it spawns there. Then have the breakable wall where the locker used to be. That lengthens the loop more than it is, but less than the current shack run.
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Oh no you're not going to be able to run out incredibly safe God loop anymore
"how will you manage"
You might actually have to start mind gaming at killer Shack what has the world come to.
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Don't worry. It will take 4 gens popping before a killer will break a wall that has absolutely zero bearing on the state of the game. That's just another time waster while survs rush to the exit gates.
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No more bamboozle right
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Honestly we needed those loop changes do you know how fast a gen gets popped right now. If I were to chase someone decent at killer shack at least 2 gens would get popped especially at red ranks all of my games are sweaty and all I get is people who bring toolboxes we need these changes
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Seems about right. As for the players who play 50/50...
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Bye :D
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I mean. I've done that before. Just to do it. For teh lulz.
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The shack should be a god loop. It's very often the home to the basement which can be very lethal to survivors if the killer camps it. I thought that was the whole point. It's a strong building for both players.
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Yeah i guess ppl who couldn't mindgame shack are happy
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Yeah i guess ppl who couldn't mindgame shack are happy
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man what an anti-social view do you have, I take it you never play killer huh?
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This. The shack should be a strong loop. Hopefully, they will change it.
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Please we all need to stop talking and make a protest in the main office of these cruel designer, they gonna make an amazing good swf player quit the game.
You all having fun with this post... But you might not understand what or... Who you are lost. If this superstar.tv quits, all the gameplay gonna be unbalanced, we often see toxic ( a s s h ) and complain... Or terrible skilled in discord swf... But... Now we gonna lose this guy a genuine not toxic, looper. Please take a moment to think and take action in the dbd main office. This so unfair...
Bye noob. See you in the loop. Or with my little cousins playing fornite
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Killer shack is already mindgamable plus once the pallet is gone it isnt that safe
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i agree. breakable walls on killershack are not necessary. people dont seem to realize that the killer shack is already mindgameable
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If the gen times remain at lightning fast levels, many of the safe loops need to be nerfed, especially the shack. It's not fair for a survivor to be able to run a killer for 2-3 minutes when the gens can be done in 4. No loop in the game should be safe, every single one should have mindgame potential. And for the people saying the shack can be mindgamed...BS, the survivors can see through the walls, anyone with a brain can run that loop.
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oh yes! it's not like the killer shack was already very mindgameable! now i don't have to put any effort on it, i can just have everything as easy as possible!
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Yes exactly it is lethal there if the killer camps basement - so with the breakable wall survivors have another escape route to get away from that!
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That's funny, since survivors default to the shack at all costs, lol; and once the pallet is down, no, it's not mindgameable.
It has potential to be mindgameable, but it's an easy mind game for the survivor. They have the see through wall panels, and 360 degree vision. They have a severe advantage. God forbid you might have to think.