Rework on one shot mechanics & traps

I think they should have a charge for bubba's and Billy's chainsaw. Or have a random battery pack in a random locker that switches up every time they recharge.
I think it'll discourage slugging with one shots off the bat. I've seen far too many matches where an entire team gets slugged with one shot mechs.
I also think it'll be nice if they have a trap set limit. I've seen many trappers and especially hags put traps by basements, pallets and totems which can discourage most survivors from saving a team mate or completing a task.
You should play those killers for a good while to see that there is nothing wrong with their traps. Even decent survivors can play pass the traps and make the killer look like a fool.
You can crouch and use flashlight to avoid hag traps. And you can use perks and careful steps to avoid running into traps in grasses, door, and windows.
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Survivors: *Gets downed once*
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Yea let's nerf killers, even bad killers like Bubba even more into the ground! Then our survivor queues will take even longer because more killer players will drop off!! Sounds like a great idea
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Actually it won't lol survivors que already take long. But that's due to the rank system. None the less they're not tanked to the ground. I've played both sides. It's easy to end a match in 2 min just by slugging ppl with a one shot mech.
And while yes ppl can use lights and disarm traps, they still don't need infinite amounts. While someone can use a light to removed 6x of her traps, she can still "soft camp" still making it nearly impossible to save anyone. Not everyone likes to carry a flash light. Not to mention if you're the only survivor alive. 9/10 I see trappers patrolling and leaving traps in front of the door handle. If you disarm the trap he will approach. Since the doors are so close to one another and he can hear when it goes off. Making it unfair chance for a survivor to escape.
I personally never carry anything in any match. I prefer looking into chests and I'm usually in stealth mode anyways. So I'm talking more so for the general. Sorry if some killer main get too hurt and wanna whine instead of actually having a civil discussion.
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While someone can use a light to removed 6x of her traps, she can still "soft camp" still making it nearly impossible to save anyone.
What stops someone from removing the rest of her Traps? The honor system?
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I think we can all see that you're the salty one here. X'D hence why you had to post a meme bout it. Lmao
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You haven't answered my question.
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Right. Nice comeback. Very original! Double point score for you buddy!
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Nah survivor queues would get even longer if less people played killer
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There's been slower ques because it's been getting harder to find survivors to play with. Since so many still DC. Ive been in lobbies with killers waiting for other survivors.