If you are going to bring breakable walls in Killer shack across all maps will leave the game



  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Yeah this post is a perfect example of the attitude of this forum.

    Killer shack can easily be mindgamed. The person you’re replying to likely does play killer however the difference is they have learned how to get a hit at shack, you haven’t. So there’s no need to start making accusations about how they don’t play killer.

    It would still be better off mindgaming it anyway to get the hit, rather than breaking the wall and having the survivor run to the next loop. All this wall does is balance the game for rank 15s.

    Having said that survivors get dead hard to cover distance when they mess up a loop anywayso who knows maybe this is just the equivalent. Sucks when one side can just take the skill out of the game.

  • slippin9668
    slippin9668 Member Posts: 17

    I agree that loops are so annoying and people talk about gens getting done way to fast. Well when you get looped then greens really get done too quick. So I agree with fixing the lip problems c and Antoine That cries about it just breeds to get Better at the game. And I’m not being mean but I don’t think one or even ten people leaving the game because of it is going to even bother the devs one bit. So bring it on I main survivor. Killer sometimes and I’m excited for this challenge. Ty

  • slippin9668
    slippin9668 Member Posts: 17

    Omg I’m so sorry I wrote my last comment half sleep and I read it and it’s not understandable. All I was saying is fixing the loop is smart so a whole gen doesn’t get done by the time you finally catch them. I main survivor and I’m excited for this challenge bring it on. When will people stop crying about everything the devs do no matter what it is. Thanks devs

  • vux_intruder
    vux_intruder Member Posts: 175

    I mean they’re addressing toolboxes too, not that I’m opposed to breakable walls just saying. They are addressing gen speed...

  • Eye66
    Eye66 Member Posts: 822

    There are many zones of absolute safety, enough's enough.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    Did anyone notice that the breakable wall almost makes no difference in many cases? When the pallet is dropped and you run counter clockwise, you still need to break it. The hole doesn't help you to "surround" the pallet

  • ShadowRain
    ShadowRain Member Posts: 607
  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293

    Wow look at that.

    Someones found a counterplay instead of threatening to leave because 1 zone got slightly more dangerous.

    I swear this ######### is rarer than a unicorn.

  • variantgameplays
    variantgameplays Member Posts: 69

    I don't see any problem with the breakable wall. The wall takes time to break, the god pallet is a waste if not used efficiently. as for me playing both surv and killer i don't have any complaints about the breakable wall.

    on the other hand though the gen speeds is too fast. being looped for 3-4 mins will pop 3 gens. being hooked on the first minutes of the game is just frustrating some people dc, a lot of Monto's games survs dc like on the first hook, feeling helpless. Suggesting to have exclusive skills for survs and nerf the gen speeds/toolbox or just increase the repair time.

  • variantgameplays
    variantgameplays Member Posts: 69

    And by the way it's either we adapt to the new mechanics or quit. simple truth.

  • Beardedragon
    Beardedragon Member Posts: 425
    edited February 2020

    dude every killer hates the killer shack because its not fun nor fair, and besides, no killer likes to be looped.

  • bean
    bean Member Posts: 7

    Idc if they make killer shacks walls to be breakable it makes you learn new loops and I love trying to find out new loops

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    I do not understand the whole thing, cause theres nothing why killers shouldnt break them regardless of the situation. they could have just fixed the loops instead of "trying to hotfix" them like this.

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    There are no new loops, they just erase existing ones.

  • SasukeKun
    SasukeKun Member Posts: 1,858
    edited February 2020
  • Hamoodbuffon
    Hamoodbuffon Member Posts: 10

    One further note to add, normally you have basement in a killershack, so that makes it high risk high reward since it's a mindgamable looping area. So now u insert a breakable wall which makes the survivors completely forget about trying to loop the killer in that area. Please reconsider this. I do however agree to bring breakable walls to God Loops in some maps but then again please dont touch the jungle gens, Tand L, killer shack and other small area legit loops where u can mind game the killer.

    Hope I delivered the right message to Devs

  • FearedbytheGods
    FearedbytheGods Member Posts: 476
    edited February 2020

    Not sure why this is the hill you want to die on.

    Personally the d/c penalty was a greater grievance because it was implemented without addressing the underlying issues (understanding the underlying issues?) that lead to people wanting to d/c in the first place.

    The decision for breakable walls is along the lines of what I expect from the devs.

    Historically the devs have nerfed survivor due to the complete mismanagement of swf at release. However, recently the devs have been nerfing a lot of killer aspects because the metric they've been using (2 escapes, 2 kills) due to kills being up around 70%.

    Now look at the collective killer nerd rage surrounding those nerfs. I'm still seeing posts about the nurse nerf, a killer that should never have been introduced in the game to begin with. Long story short killers have never had to deal with any meaning nerfs until recently and they have lost their collective minds as a result.

    Couple that killers generally not having to deal with any legitimate push back and suddenly you see the quandary were all in.

    So long as the survivor numbers hold up and killers don't have to wait too long, we'll keep seeing changes like this.

    I'm more surprised that your surprised.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • XiaoXin526
    XiaoXin526 Member Posts: 5
    edited February 2020

    There is no point wining about lore meeting up with gameplay. Since when was the Entity on the survivor's side? There are decided balancing changes that you must adapt to. For too long has the game not been scary. It's easy to survive and challenging for the killer. I cannot be biased due to playing both ends. Why would the Entity make it easy for the survivors in a supposed horror survival game? The "killer shack", home of the god pallet, is amazingly the killer's property. Get used to life getting tougher on one end to balance the grand scheme in this ritual you participate in. Complaining instead of adapting will leave you quitting every battle. Get better. Find better combinations. Learn to survive alone if you must. However don't quit because you don't like new change. Sometimes life gets rebranded into things you don't view in such a way. Is the killer slugging or are they optimizing play to get less escapes? Are they face camping the hook? Maybe Matthew is right in they are defending the hook while aware someone is close to a save. Perspective and adaptation will lead you to victory. My suggestion is that you run fixated and urban to mind game as a survivor better.

  • arslaN
    arslaN Member Posts: 1,936
    edited February 2020

    If they truly wanted to balance shack, they would have closed off the walls (make them not see through) instead of making the window useless.

    Since that breakable wall makes shack "balanced", I would really like it if someone here could explain what survivors can do with that window, against any decent killer, once that wall is broken.

  • CrescentGent
    CrescentGent Member Posts: 60

    Now you know what killers feel

    Bye then

  • Zamblot
    Zamblot Member Posts: 270

    Ha I'm pretty sure it's the exact same time as breaking a pallet though it may be slightly different. If it is it's still not that different

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    imagine thinking that shack isn't one of the best places to loop even without the god pallet. for real tho you can easily loop that place at least twice before needing to throw down the pallet and even then its often better to take the hit for the speed boast to another loop or to simply avoid using it's pallet early in the game.

  • Liisjak
    Liisjak Member Posts: 40

    There are already a ######### ton of too safe loops in the game and you can basically run the killer from pallet to pallet until all 5 gens are done, that is if you're a decent survivor. If you're a potato nothing's gonna save you.

  • Diet_Boi
    Diet_Boi Member Posts: 69

    After the ruin nerf I feel stuff like this is fair for killers because without ruin games go by and it's really boring wasting time at long loops

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Killer Shack is one of the most interesting loops for both sides. Why would devs mess with that?

  • doodledot
    doodledot Member Posts: 70

    Oh no God forbid a part of the game is "boring to you". What ever shall we do? shut up bro

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    While I wouldn't mind if the killer shacks of older maps didn't get any breakable wall, or at least not between the vault and pallet, that's a weird reason to leave this game honestly.

    Also, are you really complaining about the new map not having safe pallets like some of the older maps? Do you think killer players enjoy just running survivors around loops and then breaking pallets once dropped with no counterplay at all? Pallets are not supposed to be safe spots where, once the pallet is dropped, you are safe from the killer until the killer breaks the pallet.

    The new map actually seems really balanced, the pallet loops on that map allow for mindgames, so that both survivor and killer have counterplay at those loops.

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    Think about it from a different angle - as an extra pallet. Killer is chasing you around the shack and decides to break a wall, you can just make distance on him as you would if he was breaking shack pallet and it reset bloodlust.

  • Lowercase_Symbols
    Lowercase_Symbols Member Posts: 18

    Okay bye see you never again hosta la vista bye bye

  • BelganPancake
    BelganPancake Member Posts: 43

    I really think the killer shack should be a killer sided loop especially since it has the name “KILLER” in it

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    So if theres no basement there, let's make no pallet there?

    Or only have breakable walls OR basement there? So both sides are still decently even. Either basement and no breakable, so it's a risky loop; or no basement and breakable so it's a useless loop compared to normal use.

  • ermsy
    ermsy Member Posts: 580

    It's the killers shack, why can't they renovate it if they want?

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,247
    edited February 2020

    God pallets and god windows shouldn't exist. They only affect already weak killers and don't lead to skillful interaction between players.

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 3,940


  • Yes, op.

    There are far worse god-loops than killer shack, those should get a breakable wall instead; perhaps BHVR is just testing stuff.

    Idk why people think the one main god-loop of the game (which has counterplay) should be so heavily nerfed.

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    If someone is leaving because the god loop becomes counterable, they most likely don't play killer ever. "attitude of the forums" when most people in this thread agree with me saying that the loop needed counterplay and it's silly too leave the game because of it. Don't have too agree with me but at the end of the day the dude clearly doesn't play killer, or else he would know that it's called "the god loop" for a reason lol.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    I literally explained what I meant by best loop. It's the best for both sides. Because it is strong with plenty of potential to mind game. Yes there are stronger loops. But that's not what I was talking about.

  • FluorescentLemon
    FluorescentLemon Member Posts: 257

    Like you don't have 46 other god loops you could run

  • siren_sorceress
    siren_sorceress Member Posts: 321

    I guess but I mean some maps like the indoor maps dont even have a shack but still a basement. It really depends on the map. Shack is really needed on the boat swamp map or shelter woods bc it's small and has a lot of dead zones. But many other maps are already strong and dont really need the shack like ormond or ironworks or Oni's new map. Itd be nice if they used it on the larger, gym heavy maps.

  • ThirdEyeGod
    ThirdEyeGod Member Posts: 39

    As someone who plays a lot of killer I think the breakable walls would be much better used to address the pseudo infinites that exist on other maps. Most good killers should not struggle on shack as it has a simple mindgame. Maze tiles don't need breakable walls because again good killers can mindgame these and get quick hits. Breakable walls make tiles and shack extremely unsafe and way too easy.

  • DiscoOwlington
    DiscoOwlington Member Posts: 3

    (Apologies if I double posted to this post. Can't remember)

    If a simple thing like that is going to make you quit then go ahead and leave, no one will miss you. Any survivor like that (and Killer's too when it comes to certain things) should leave this game. "Ugh, I can no longer just run and loop Killers, well better leave than get better!"

    I play both sides of the game and honestly I think this will be a nice addition to the game; for two reasons.

    1) It'll force both Parties to rethink their tactics and work on new mind games.

    2) The game easily get stagnant when you're grinding out for BP and the Tome because its always the same thing: Loop this pallet, Loop this window, Loop etc" Now, the game can change at any point during the match.

    I've watched the PTBs and I don't see a problem that's so major it warrants quitting the game.

  • SeducedByASiren
    SeducedByASiren Member Posts: 16

    Well leave man lol, we killers had to deal with gen Rush every game in red ranks without the possibility to do something bout it, but we don't leave the game... U know why? It's just the game are, u don't like it? Leave, the game will still have a lot of players with or without you. My recommendation is. If u can't adapt to the game, play another one, there is a lot of games out there but if you gonna stay, play the game period.

  • Mrs_Fairfield
    Mrs_Fairfield Member Posts: 125

    Survivor mains: the shack has the god pallet, just run to it and start looping! Play mind games!

    Killer mains: the shack has the ****ing god pallet survivors can loop and two gens will pop before the ****ing chase ends!

    Me: the shack has the basement!! I GOTTA GET AWAY FROM IT!!!

  • fleshbox
    fleshbox Member Posts: 494

    Hardly. The shack is used to loop over and over again unless you have not spotted that there are gaps in the walls which you can see through. There is next to no mindgame potential.

    It is used to waste time. End of

  • fleshbox
    fleshbox Member Posts: 494

    Have you not noticed that both killers and survs can see though those walls in the shack?

    Its either going in circles and getting rid of the pallet and waiting for BL, or wait for them to leave or hide your stain at which point they can still see you through the gaps.

    The shack is one of the strongest loops and it is used to waste time.

  • TeddyR
    TeddyR Member Posts: 46

    According to him make 3 poor survivors have to do the work of 4th cuz i guarantee this guy used to DC before penalties

  • TeddyR
    TeddyR Member Posts: 46

    I saw a forum where survivors told killers to grow up after people had concern with the ruin nerf, i said id go back and tell the spoiled survivor it was a rare occasion and that survivor mains complain all the time, however i cant find said forum