You had to face camp cause you just don't know when to stop... It's a bad call mr killer

5 games in a row, I looped the killers for 4+ gens, after the killer finally got me for the first time he just proceeded to face camp me...
Dear Killer: it won't work, I know you're used to get 1k by doing this as a last resort, but if you actually pip up and go to high ranks, the moment you're facing a 4 men red ranks swf... It just won't work unless you're a red ranks Bubba or Myers with insta down...
Yes, all my friends and I have BT, yes, one body blocks whyle another one unhooks me, I take a hit, another uninjured surv takes a hit and there you go, either a DC or a 4 men escaped.
LEARN when to drop a chase, if a specific survivor is better than you BREAK the chase and go for another one, face camping is not a good strategy against advanced survivors.
In my SWF, picking to face camp or tunnel = use my time on hook or chase to make gens, you'll save me after the last gen pops or after the exit gates are opened or 99%
EDIT: The thread's objective is to make killers understand it's ok to drop a chase, being stubborn will almost ALWAYS end in a 4 men escaped against an experienced 3+ men SWF high ranks.
I don't think face camping is toxic, I'm not complaining about being face camped, I'm trying to make killers understand why knowing when to drop a chase IS IMPORTANT
EDIT 2: I'm not a survivor main, I play them both the same, rank 1 killer and survivor every month, Trapper main, Bill main.
The same killers will probably go on about how the game is broken and isn't fair, which I do agree to a certain extent, but killers like that have no say in discussions regarding balance. Truly sucks that they get a free kill thanks to their mistakes. Same to immersed and stealthy survivors, once they get caught they can't last more than 10 seconds in each chase and complain about how killers are overpowered and that survivors need more buffs to stay alive.
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I really think the entity should complain about it like it does in the tutorial. Is it a playstyle? Sure. Is it setting killers up to fail? Yes.
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I don't know man, as a rank 1 trapper main who never used old ruin and never have nor will use NOED unless I am GF or LEGION, I have to say that if you didn't get a 2k before the last gen pops you're doing something REALLY wrong... End Game Builds do not enter this specific comments, if you have an end game build even doors can open and they're not getting out.
So, based in what I just said, in my OPINION, if you don't have a single kill after the last gen popped you don't deserve to be in purple or red ranks... Again, this doesn't apply for end game builders, Legion, Clown or Bubba.
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I'm agreeing with ya friend.
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this is exactly why I use borrowed time
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If you get facecamped 5 games in a row, I have the suspicion that you are doing something to intentionally tilt or piss off the killer. I near enough never get facecamped, even when I run the killer for 4-5 generators.
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If you just looped him for 4-5 gen's there is nothing else the killer can do at that point, next time try to actually lose the Killer instead of just looping them. Looping a killer is easy, losing a killer takes actual skill - in most cases (ex if you run a build built entirely of immediatly dissapearing from the killer).
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Why do you think that other survivors must be worse at "pallet to pallet" running?
Do you think you have a big brain?
You really dont understand why killer wouldnt care to chase other survivors after you dropped pallets for 5 generators?
Really? xD
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The thing I do is look for the killer for him to chase me first cause I'm the "good looper" in my SWF, is that toxic? They tend to chase me for a lot of time and make it "personal" I guess
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I do that too. Not because I am good, but because holding M1 on generators is boring. I still don't get facecamped, unless its a memeing Bubba.
Drop your toxicity, then the facecamping will stop.
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Well, if I've done had 27 pallets dropped on my head while clicky-clicky , looped at God windows, and gen rushed all at the same time, I'm gonna camp your ass too. I'm at least getting 1k, and if your teammates are dumb enough to challenge me,(especially when Bubba) that's on them. It's not fun for the killer to get bullied the entire match either, and that's THERE way of getting even and relieving some built up tension.
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I think you missread my intentions, I got 5 games 4 men escaped doing this, I'm exorting the killers to learn when to drop a chase, that's my role and I love it, I am "the looper" and we always get away with a 4 men escaped, they need to learn to find the "easy loops" survivors, staying on the guy who purposely looks for you as a killer when he outsmarts you the whole game is just dumb
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You didn't get the point man, I'm trying to help the killer, if you decided to face camp me on first hook after all gens were done cause you were stubborn enough to not drop the chase on the "good looper", we're getting out, all 4 of us
And yes, against Bubba I'll just let myself die, I don't see face camping as toxic, I just gave my team an easy 3 survs escaped game at the cost of me dying, now, that's a W in my book
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Damn, so people do perceive this as toxicity?!
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Again, this is my USUAL SW FRIENDS, with MY FRIENDS, I know them and I know their skills at every part of the game, I'm the looper for a reason man, I don't think I have a big brain, and I'm trying to HELP the killers, if you decided to face camp me on first hook after all gens were done cause you were stubborn enough to not drop the chase on the "good looper", we're getting out, all 4 of us. The thread objective is to make killers understand it's ok to drop a chase, being stubborn will almost ALWAYS end in a 4 men escaped against a 4 men SWF high ranks
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You didnt read what I wrote. Wanting to be chased doesnt get you facecamped. T-bagging, clicking flashlight, being in a Cheat with Friends group all with items, and on voicecommunication is toxic. Stop doing that, and the facecamping will stop too.
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I honestly think you were trying to run the killer around the map at endgame to rub it in there face they lost, and you got caught, got face camped for it, and now your salty over it. It happens man. Leave once the gates are powered. Don't play games with a killer, they'll kill ya! 😉
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So if everyone of your SWF can run the killer for 4 gens, he should just drop every chase? ^^
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READ! MAN! READ! I ESCAPED 5 TIMES IN A ROW WHEN I GOT FACE CAMPED! Hey... are you trolling me trying to get me to believe you didn't get the point...? You got me there...
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Nah, not everyone can loop, you know a looper is "the looper" when he runs towards you to provoque a chase, I'm not talking about you finding someone, there are specific players that WANT to get found and chased, I'm talking about those survs.
Now, if you're telling me all 4 survivors can loop you good, how are you on high ranks...?
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he is a "looper", lol. There is no reason to leave you, because any other survivor can do the same thing. Leaving you mean that only more time will be wasted to down one survivor. Your advice is useless.
And, nope, you wouldnt get out, because I play Pig with Rancor. If you are my obsession, there will be no hooks, no bt, no ds, kiss dirt and wait for mori. Thats the only way to deal with experienced survivors now. Sad they dont play both sides and come to forum to make silly topics.
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Then you must be playing tater tots then. I guarantee you if you played me and I camped you, your dead. And if any your team trys the save, there dead too. There's a certain strategy to camping, not everyone can do it. If you try camping with legion, your gonna lose. But I bring Bubba, GF, wraith, or even Billy, your DEAD! And I don't think anyone literally FACE camps unless there stupid, because you'll be spotted a mile away. You run insidious, and hide very close to the hook. Camping 101
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He just said it. He looped them for 4+ gens. But its still a bit strange, normally killers do drop the chase... Well if they got offended by Tbagging then its their fault, but if OP used OoO then its understandable.
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OP sounds like a toxic survivor main that deranks with their SWF group to bully low ranked killers. Their story just doesn't makie sense to me in red ranks.
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I think I am misreading this thread then, because now it just sounds like you are just trying to wave your dick around like a flag? Okay so you abuse SWF to gain a ridiculous in game advantage, you abuse safe loops for a ridiculous in game advantage. These are not new aspects that people don't already know about. You're not teaching anyone anything if the killer has 0 ability to counterplay while you abuse broken aspects of the game.
Should we just toss this up as a bait thread?
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Logic lvl 100, I'm on fisrt hook, they unhook me with BT, I'm your obsession, 3 men body block whyle I get away, we've done this tons of times man, I'm not trying to say "YoU'Re tOxIc" I'm trying to say "this is why you can only get 1k. A pip and 3 men escaped is a win in my book, me dying does not make me think I lost, whyle for killer, I can assure you de pipping, practically no BP and only 1 hook and a mori leaving a 1k game IS AN L
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Nope, no t bagging, I just dropped pallets and blinded with purple flashlicht, no clicky click, just safe blinds through pallets
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Rank 1 Killer, rank 1 survivor, play both the same... I'm trying to help killers out... How is that a survivor main? LMAO
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Baby killers
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Dude! Why do pleople just understand what they want?! I'm trying to help killers know breaking a chase is not a dumb or coward thing to do! I play killer as much as I play survivor, rank 1 in both every month! Come on pleople!
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Facecamping works when survivors dont punish it, no matter the rank. I memed abit with Bubba last month to see just how effective it could be. Most games I came out with a 3k at least, while facecamping out in the open revving a saw infront of a hook for 2 minutes at a time. This team of red ranks for 1 gen done. The "Blue" survivor was the first caught, and even though he was showing his team via Kindred what was happening, they all still didnt punish it.
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For me sound like killer face camping when they know already lost in this round, so they are securing their 1 kill, totally logic right.
4 + gen only 1 hook is 90% confirm a lose already. If killer go search the other, last gen will pop before killer ever start chasing another survivor and that will become 0 kill.
However if killer face camping you while 0 gen done, that is bad killer.
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There! I changed the title! The thread is not about non face camping but about understanding how your game got to that point.
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Had many games like this one during the month of January. Alot of 3ks and 4ks by just revving at a hook. Your going to have a hard time making an arguement that "Its a bad call Mr. Killer" when it gets this kind of results. This wasnt even a case of me being sneaky around a corner and people went for saves not knowing I was there. I would nod at people who showed up (who would nod back and point). Even SWFs teams would fail to properly punish it, spending way too much time doing a stare down before doing gens.
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If they played to the effectiveness of getting a 4k, then we would see those survivors complaining the killers is OP.
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In my specific thread I'm talking about face camping at the end game, were this the cases? Cause if yes, you're facing really bad red ranks SWF
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First of all, "Face camping" no longer exist. Devs updated unhook mechanics. Survivors can unhook from any angle, so blocking hooks "face" side doesnt deny unhooks and is meaningless. You are living in past.
Next, you ask to not camp "loopers", because they are good at abusing map designs and staying invisible for all match long, lol. Thats absurd. Even if killer is not mad at you, looking for other survivors and chasing them can be meaningless when all generators are done. The time is out. Camping you or injuring and downing survivors who want to save you is the best option for killer at the end. Also, pipping is meaningles as long as the game is this broken. Both staying with you and depipping is ok. You just dont undestand it.
As you said- you can loop all game long. If survivors are experienced, its 1v1 game. Your win rules do not matter. Enjoy your easy game, or die and move on. Your advice is meaningless.
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Face camping is staying put looking at hook... It has nothing to do with the changed unhook mechanics, concepts can change you know? Fce camping and proxi camping exist (I'm not against them)
Next, I'm not asking not camp "loopers", I'm advicing killers to drop a chase against a notable looper when they can actually get a 2k+ if they go for someone else.
And for the final part, show me A SINGLE killer who believes a 1k is a win...
Ok, I'm just not wasting my time on this, we can agree to disagree
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They still had 4 gens to go when the game ended. Im talking about facecamping in general. I WILL say this screenshot is a good example of how to behave in endgame chat. This survivor, instead of throwing hate at me and all that, was dignified the entire time. I gave him a "thumbs up" in the reports after that.
In all my "facecamping Bubba" games I did last month, I started the facecamp immediately...out in the open...and never got less than 2 kills. Most games were 3ks, with some 4ks sprinkled in because bloodwarden plays are hilarious.
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Yeah, this thread only talks about when you got stubborn and got looped for 4+ gens and THEN face camped, sorry if I didn't make myself clear.
About your comment, face camping Bubba is actually hard to go for saves, we just need to use the guy's time and let them die to get a 3 survived outcome
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I would totally ignore you as soon as I saw you were trying to bait me. If youre a surv and I see you want me to do something , no way I'm falling for that. Besides that O get a free surv chasing me and staying off gens.
But of course they take it personally! It's a Chase between the two of you and even if they realize what they should have done later, in the moment it is incredibly frustrating and they want to get that out!
Either way, chasing killers around and communicating with a full SWF? That is such a pain as killer and I would be so excited to Mori you.
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If I loop a killer for 4 gens and get face camped I dont really care as I've already had a good probably fun run most of the game. Just take the loss.
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What loss? I escaped in the 5 games
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I gave the guy a thumbs up, thats why he has the report symbol next to his name. He was the first one facecamped and was still real chill. We chatted abit because I actually recognized him from the forums after the scorecard went up.
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Maybe it’s not his fault he’s a rank 10 and your swf squad are all rank 1s running every single meta perk
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No hex, we're a non toxic SWF, we just play "hard mode" if we see the killer is good (experienced). We NEVER bring in more than 1 toolbox, only run BT as a meta. Here's my build for you
BT + WGLFE + Spine Chill + Fixated
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Even "if" you had died you'd have still won the game. It's team survivor vs team killer which some people seem to forget. If 1 survivor loops the killer for multiple gens allowing everyone else to escape that survivor clearly dominated and 3 man escape is a win for team survivor. Also that survivor is more likely to pip than a killer facecamping 1 single person.
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I've done none of that (except "cheat with friends" and still get facecamped
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Yes, I've said that in multiple comments, you might be missreading me, I'm not complaining on being face camped, I'm advicing killers to break chases without having remorse about it. As an example, I narrated 5 games I had yesterday, a SWF with BT is always gonna win a stand out against a camper at the EGC