Note to Survivors

If your going to make it known your at the hook when I hook someone and are trying to immediately unhook before I even leave the area don't message after the game calling me a camper. It makes zero sense at all to see you and just walk away like an idiot.
Dude... Take the insult part off the thread, I've been in the forum's jail for less than that...
And yes, that is not camping, wanna do something funny? Use MYC, they'll stop insta unhooking, hehehehe
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What's the insult part I tried to be as nice as possible with this 😂
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Idiot, people are way too sensitive nowdays and report out of "perceiving things differently is not being an idiot"
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That's not how Make Your Choice works, if you are too close to the hook then it doesn't activate. It only activates when the killer is well out of the range of the hook. In OP's scenario the survivors are bum rushing the killer when he hooks someone. Mad Grit, or STBFL is better perk options for this scenario.
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True, but you have no idea how many survivors are afraid of unhooking fast cause you have that perk, they just don't know about it, funny fact
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I'm guessing you don't really play in high ranks very often. When I know the killer has Make Your Choice. I try to get in to get the unhook BEFORE they get too far away. I primarily run BT (as do most do in higher ranks) anyways, so it's only beneficial in the long run.
Btw MYC is not a very good perk in high ranks, for this reason.
This is so far the third thread i've caught you having a poor knowledge on the aspects of the game.
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I'm not a fan of make your choice I run infectious fright and BBQ so I usually have a good idea if someone is close or not once I've hooked someone
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Dear diary... 😂