Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions


Hello, I would like the penalty system for leaving the game to be modified and fixed. It is not fair for the killer to take the gen rush and be forced to continue until the end or the survivors fall "tunneler" or a team that is knocked down in the first minute of play. Also the fact that the game itself disconnects you from the game, you take a penalty is unfair.

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  • Member Posts: 149

    I don't think you should get to leave the game just because you are getting gen rushed. If a survivor gets penalized for leaving the game if they are getting absolutely destroyed, why should a killer have no penalty for leaving?

  • Member Posts: 5

    Read it again, I didn't say that

  • Member Posts: 222
    edited February 2020

    the ban thing in general is just stupid, now it encourages extremely toxic killers because they know the 4 survivors cant just quit without ban, so they're slashing you on the hook for 5 minutes. Why not they can be that kind of person that annoys the hell out of you and really get away with it now. Some people prefer the option to abort and I agree in some instances its just like that, F that get me out of this.

    game was never ment to be fair or well balanced so why a punishment system? you're forcing people to get even more frustrated.

    Post edited by mike4156 on
  • Member Posts: 2

    I have the same problem it's not far I get disconnected from a lagg and I get banned for it. Not kool day need to take this out if not alot of ppl might stop playin this game .3 of my friends already said dey might not be playin it to kuz if dey get disconnected from lagging n get banned datz not kool

  • Member Posts: 7,383
    edited February 2020

    Same goes for other side... Jeez. It's not only killers that can be toxic.

    Post edited by Milo on
  • Member Posts: 112

    Personally I think they should remove the dc. I have a 6 hr wait because I dced from a toxic killer. All it's doing is encouraging toxic game play, and losing players. as it is, it's getting harder to pip up because of such toxic game play. It's to the point survivors don't wanna save other survivors. I've been in several games where there's zero gens done, everyone's on 2nd hook and hiding. If you want a game to thrive, it seems pretty counter productive to have a ban. Which hey, 6 hrs? Ok I'll go play some black ops or maybe some Witcher. Lmao

  • Member Posts: 222
    edited February 2020

    i have a 6 hour ban cuz of leaving a game i dont think anyone stays mad at a game for 6 hours straight unless they need anger management classes.

    I was really sleepy , killer was being a peesh hole and my new controller started acting up, so i said f it and left lol

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