What happened to "closing the gap between solo and swf"?

Too much work. If you don't have friends then go play killer and alleviate queue times for the people with friends.
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Don't worry. I'm sure they will give us more perks for that, which will totally solve the problem.
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We had kindred coming, but devs realized after that they would have to start balancing the game, so they ditched the idea.
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Spoke with a twitch 4 man swfc, she laughed about reducing the meta perks they were all running for a balanced game and just said "No".
I asked her if solo survivors of swfc were balanced and if not how is that fair.... still waiting for a response from her and BHVR.
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Closing the gap would require actual balance. As soon as the developers realised that, they were just like "Nope, imma just pump out more overpriced cosmetics and rushed chapters. Thats alot esier."
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Closing the gap require an ideal balance margarine.
You would have to have a set state that you don't want to bring solo survivors to which has to be as close as possible to survive with friends and then you balance everything around that.
Once you find out margin you can balance Killers around it maps and so on.
As much as I'd love behaviour they tend to not really go for the best amount of fixes. A lot of their fixes tend to be very Band-Aid.
Games are going too quick people ask for secondary objectives so it's not as boring as increasing the generator time and serves the purpose of allowing Killers more time to actually play an allows survivors more interesting things to do.
Instead we got a push to the anti heal meta healing was used as a band Aid secondary objectives. Healing times were increased sloppy butcher was buff however because they didn't fix the core problem the Band-Aid fix became overused so the introduced more more counters to anti-heal
Waste time healing use
Inner strength
Second Wind
Botany knowledge
Is created a massive problem the strategy they told Killers to do to slow down the game was no longer viable because there was so many different options or people just wouldn't heal and just gens.
Then slow down those that really affected generators became a thing it wasn't fun to go up against and it wasn't fun to run but kill is ran it because it gave them time.
Once again Band-Aid fixes became too prevalent ruin was used everywhere so instead of fixing that issue they fixed the band aid.
The ruin change meant that a lot of slow Killers, Killers who lacked map pressure or setup Killers were more punished for the time that their playstyle wasted.
On the spectrum survivors a lot of things introduced that were heavily in balanced
MoM came out and was a very strong perk however it was very imbalanced when the vast majority of The Killers couldn't counter it and it was so easy to get.
When it was changed it became so ridiculously difficult to get for its benefit and it was pointless.
One problem I often notice when the devs are talking is that they don't seem to pick a place where they want to actually balance they seemed to fluctuate between them.
They want to make the game with very easy for new players so it's a lot more casual and not frustrating for people who aren't skilled.
However when people tend to bring up certain issues whether it be on the survivor and or the killer end it's usually met with insert x streamer could do this very easily so it's not really a problem. However these people tend to be in the top 1%
This issue between switching between balancing for Casuals and keeping the top 1% in mind tends to make the game very awkward of how it works.
Tl;dr if they want any help of balancing the game effectively and making it fair for Killers solo survivors and survival with friends they need to pick a margin they want to balance at and remain at that margin for everybody.
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BHVR's pigheaded insistence to not add voice comms for all will ensure that gap never closes. Nothing else will ever come close to the power of the info exchange. The easiest and biggest tool for balancing the game as a whole. The game was never meant to have it, but swf makes it impossible not to. The day swf went in, they should've added full voice comms and then balanced for it instead of trying to pretend noone would get an advantage from it. Hell, even playing casually and joking with friends, you still pass on a ton of info without even realizing it.
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Well imagine what would happen in DBD if all solo survivors were like playing against full SWF teams... I think only masochist would play killer then.
I play solo and i can say that in ranks 10-20 you get matchmaked with people that have little idea of how to play and it can be difficult sometimes but that doesn't deprive me from reaching violet and red ranks.
When one reach those ranks you get more competent teammates and it's a whole different game.
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The point is that when the gap is closed, killers can be buffed, so even killers should want this change honestly. If you don't want that gap closed then you are truly sabotaging yourself as a killer.
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Yea surely having "2 games in 1" don't help at all when balancing the game. Because its always buff low ranked and ######### high ranked and vice versa. There can't be balance if the game is so different after X ranks..
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It's so simple for a way to buff solo survivors to be almost as good as SWF. Just make Kindred basekit and one of the biggest issues with the game will be solved, but noooo, us solos have to spend a perkslot to get what SWF gets for free. I know it's a huge to give that much information of if the killer is camping and where the other survivors are as basekit, but think about. SWF get to know that without having to use a perkslot.
Other than that, they need to give some kind of symbol for someone getting chased, like the obsession.
That's two huge buffs to solo survivors that'd help a lot, then they should buff killers accordingly. But instead they are makin perks that gives solo survivors information that SWF already gets to have without spending a perkslot on it.
Though, I'm not blind and know when the devs have been designing new killers, they've had in mind balancing it around solo and SWF. Like how someone works on a Demo trap, everyone can see it and anyone can kick GF out of stealth, even on hook. They just need to go back on their older mechanics and buffs solo surv there as well, start out with making Kindred basekit.
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Because that doesn't work. Only those who live in a country with one spoken language in the lobbies seem to think so.
Europe or Asia are completely different and you can be in a lobby with 4 other languages so balancing that cannot work.
What would you do to sort that scenario out?
Then there are the trolls, the ones who scream "save me" and are just overall toxic people. End game chat is bad enough.
Post edited by twistedmonkey on8 -
Honestly? I don't mind SWF. There are many things that are a part of the game that both sides don't like, but SWF is unique in that just because people CAN communicate it doesn't mean you can't kill them. All those who are killers likely will have to play against friends at some point. Use it as an opportunity to learn. End of the day my knife doesn't discriminate, if I can't kill you oh well maybe I can some other TIME. :)
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I'm honestly confused. How does someone playing with someone they may know equate to imbalance? I'm honestly 100% curious because I don't see the problem. In my eyes that would essentially mean no game has balance.
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The ability to mute specific survivors and a text chat as well. Easy.
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How do you mean text chat? I don't think its quite a simple as that.
The thing that makes swf strong is bit simply the knowing but the abilitu to coordinate on the fly along with picking who they play with.
The killer is one me at x location, I used the pallets around the shack or another area, gens almost done, I have BT, I have a adrenaline, I have we'll make it, I have DS do a gen etc etc even a chat wheel while nice wouldn't come close to the same info.
Then you have char spammer save me over and over. Seems fun.
Then you have muting which while good doesn't solve any issues as you then have no info.
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Text chat man. Back in the day, it's all we had. You learned to type fast. T, billy near shack, enter. T hes on me, enter.
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How does that solve the issue when in places with multiple languages? This was part of my initial post you quoted.
You do know in Europe alone there are 27 countries each with their own language who can be matched into a lobby.
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Most people have decent understanding of English.
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That's not the right answer. You can't balance around a system when you expect players to know a language.
Shouldn't the reverse also work. If you are matched with 3 German and one English shouldn't they speak German then,
What about in North America and youvarr matched with 3 South Americans should they then speak Spanish or Portuguese?
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It's such a minor issue, I don't know why you're making a big deal about it. Voice chat has been around for decades and this has never been an issue. I remember playing UT2k4 with Russians, we got along fine.
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Pretty good job so far is what happened.
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I don't know what onlien games you play, but the games I play where there is voice chat, people do perfectly fine with English only. And even if some people didn't stick to one language, a 12 years old Russia squeaking because OP Hillbilly is after that is communication too, you will get the gist even when you don't understand the language.
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Its a minor issue with games with huge playerbases as they can separate servers so it doesn't happen.
It's a very ignorant expectation to expect someone to know a language just because others do.
Then you have Asia where the game is popular also. Do you think they all should speak English? What language should they default too?
It depends on the game.
Overwatch, League etc have huge playerbase and can have servers for more specific regions.
Just because you can speak English and are on those servers doesn't mean you can disregard all the other countries. As I said above what about Asia? What language should they be defaulted too? It's not just about some but all you have to cater for.
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Even just put a symbol that shows when others are in a chase similar to the entity legs around obsession.
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The fix is very easy and is the same fix every other game uses: give everyone coms, and balance around that. But the devs are too lazy to rebalance killer and don't want to have to deal with survivors whining about the buffs, so it's never gonna happen and they're gonna keep insisting coms don't give SWF a massive advantage.
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They are too busy with dlcs to care.
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Cant do that as fast on consoles though.
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Honestly, you're getting this whole SJW vibe going. The majority of the players in this game are going to speak English, or be matched with people in their own country. If they do get matched with someone that speaks a different language, they're just going to have to suck it up and play without comms. It's not the end of the world.
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It's not about sjw but common sense.
It already happened in another game where players complained they were matched with those who didn't speak English as the userbase wasn't large enough.
To say the majority speak English is wrong. The peaks generally happen between 6-9pm EU time. There is no point making things up to fit your narrative.
You simply cannot then balance it for comms if you are going to tell people who bought it to suck it up. Again that is an extremely ignorant point of view as you are putting your enjoyment over other customers.
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I didn't say that the majority speak english, I said the majority speak english OR will be matched in their own country. This is a non issue that you're trying to make into an issue for some reason. If it's not SJW, then it must be fear that SWF won't be a glorified bully tool if everyone has comms.
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Over 50% of the playerbase play solo. There are two EU servers for over 27 countries. London and Frankfurt. I'm sure you can do the math.
I am from the UK and was not matched with people from there only its not how it works due to games userbase population. In most matches the end game chat would not be soley in English but have multiple languages where some could speak it if they so wish my there was a huge amount that couldn't.
It has nothing to do with swf bully squad as I play solo only. As I said its about common sense but you can keep making things up to keep trying to fit your narrative.
From my experience prominently English speaking countries are the ones whom always seem to expect others to speak their language and that is showing in your posts as you really don't seem to care about the players that can't.
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I agree to a certain extent. But If you get lucky with even 1 english person that’s enough communication to form a potential friendship and also dominate the game more muting the other 2. Sometimes there’s no benefit. By why not have a possibility of a benefit? There’s no losing then, unless introverts Stop playing.
Also see the devs saying it doesn’t make logical sense with the in game lore on how people talk, feel as though they have some bs excuse like that. Could give them radios on their belt though and enough doesn’t make sense anyway. Can also link the survivors minds together to explain it. but whatever.
Also could just try what white noise does with a quick chat. That’s also automatically translated in games.
Post edited by DYNAMICskills7 on0 -
a swf team should really limit them to using only 3 perks each. The fact that they have easy communication makes it harder for ghostface,Hag and trapper to do any good. Just my opinion
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Again, not really my problem. I get paired with spanish speakers a few times a night and it wouldn't bother me to be on comms and not be able to understand them.
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The idea for it is about balancing it around the top players on comms with 4 people. To do this even two on comms will be at a disadvantage.
I personally don't agree to changing how a game has always worked for the smallest percentage of the userbase.
The issue being how much info is too much for players? If you enjoyed dbd for the not knowing aspect then the game you play is essentially over. It's already at a stage where players are shown every little thing happening and took away the need to be aware.
This is what I mean about you not really thinking of others. A few times a night is fine but imagine being those spanish speakers in your scenario and having most games where you can't communicate.
It seems from your posts you may be in North America which is predominantly English speakers with some spanish for thr most part as its where I now play, but knowing what I do and where I used to play I can see outside this box.
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That's not the goal in the first place. Noone with a clear mind wants solo on the EXACT level like swf. All we want is the gap being smaller.
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Competent team mates in red ranks? Are we playing the same game??
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It's actually very simple, this is what I would have done:
Kindred basekit: noone wastes time running to a hook when the killer is camping or someone else is closer
Totem counter: noone wastes time trying to find the "last dull totem" when it already got cleansed by someone else
Chase indicator: well, obviously more efficient on gens
Ofc, this will make killer games much harder against solos. But that's not a problem, because this allows actually to buff killers. My 1St step of buffing killers would be to finally introduce a second must do objective for survivors which gives killers more time.
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True, but maybe they could add pre entered texts and all you have to do is pressing a certain combo to sent the message. Idk, for example R2+R1+square -> "killer on me"
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Like smite VGS, actually not a bad idea. Survivors only use 2 of 4 dpad anyway. Have the other 2 be objectives,"work on gen, do bones, save from hook" and the other could be chase," killer on me, killer MIA, using god pallet". May actually be a potential solution.
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Could be like, Left Directional opens a scroll of texts like "Killer on me" , "My gen is x%" and stuff like that, but for that to happen Killers would need to be buffed a lot.
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I don't usually advocate for the division of a player base in games, but man is SWF a completely different game for killers. The communication aspect alone is a HUGE advantage. SWF need their own lobbies and killers should get even more Bloodpoints (or special items/perks) for hosting them. Tired of getting punished in Solo que because SWF are too strong. Not looking forward to the Sabo & Toolbox rework to hit consoles.
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Those are actually 3 valid ideas, all give solos something that SWF already has. Would be great!
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Yes and would allow some serious changes in terms of gen speed to buff all killers. It's a win win for everyone
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Even something as simple as an indicator when anyone is being chased would be nice. Kinda like we have when the Obsession is in a chase.
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The DLC team is not the team that deals with game changes, so that's not what's happening.
We make opportune changes to reduce the gap when they arise, such as the Kindred buff. But the main thing we do is ask ourselves when putting in new stuff, "Does this widen the gap?" If it does, it won't go in unless there's some great benefit that outweighs that cost. So a lot of our work on this subject goes unnoticed because it's happening behind the scenes.
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Well, that's not closing the gap though. That's just stopping the gap from getting any bigger than it is.