Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Anti Facecamping Method - DEVELOPER MUST READ!

Member Posts: 18
edited February 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

Heyo I just want to share my idea how killers cannot face camping anymore.

  1. First method is pretty simple for developers to implement and you dont need to change big game logics. If a killer is face camping near a hook where a survivor is struggle, the killer will get an indicator for each second multiplicated with distanc2d distance calculation. So as near the killer is the more higher is the indicator. And the first idea is to flash the killer like a flashlight does. So if you stand near the hook you will be flashed until you run away from it. Example scenario: killer stand 5 seconds near hook = light flash | killer stand 10 seconds near hook = full flash. Unhook scenario: Killer is flashed while survivor will be unhooked, the affect will be present like 5 seconds more. This method should affect that the killer will take longer distance.
  2. Second method is way harder to implement. We also have an indicator like on 1. but now you will loose global points if you stand near the hook. So imagine you face camping 10 meters away, you loose all x seconds like 500 bloodpoints. So if you camp the whole time you just loose all your points.
  3. Another idea is to block the m1 damage attack and movement (complete freeze) if you camp like 5 seconds for a certain delay. This affect will be active within a e.g 30m hook area and will remain 5 seconds after unhooked or it takes 10 seconds after the killer left this place. (like a safezone area)

Of course a lot of people can handle face camping and there are propably some perks but for the most people like rankd 10-20 it's frustrating and they will rage quit often. So a developer should not give a ban for rage quit, they should just improve the game so nobody wants to rage quit. It's simple idea about good game design.

Post edited by AliveSurvive on

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  • Member Posts: 18

    The flash intensity is held by an indicator. So you wont be flashed 100% for the first seconds.

  • Member Posts: 3,127

    You obviously did not get what I meant.

    Well, I'll let the joke try to land on your head first.

  • Member Posts: 18
    edited February 2020

    Thought the same bout your useless comment. Funny :D

    Come back if your not mad and you will find a seat.

    Post edited by AliveSurvive on
  • Member Posts: 198

    title should be: Devs must delete...

    Theres no really helpful change, its more a "cry topic" about getting camped.

  • Member Posts: 49
  • Member Posts: 64

    Do you want an anticamp? Anti gen rush before!😀

  • Member Posts: 446

    Survivors want anti-facecamping measures? Okay push for considerably slower gen completion times (even just changing it so 2 survivors doesn't = 50% reduce gen completion time, but requires more 3 or even all 4 to reach 50% reduction -- currently it is 1 surv = 80 secs, 2 survs drops it to around 40-something seconds, a ridiculous drop; and then 3 and 4 survs are smaller gains after that), less rewards for altruisitc gameplay and more rewards for stealth gameplay.

    Killers camp because: A - A Survivor was playing toxically/pissed them off so it is revenge killing; B - They know survivors will overwhelmingly stop working on generators to come try to free their friend because 'hey, who doesn't like juicy BP' for that unhooking reward and playing the "let's tag the killer" gameplay the Devs are so DESPERATELY trying to shove down everyone's throats; C - It is the only efficient and almost sure-fire way to secure a kill and limit the number of Survivors that can rush gens or play toxic-tag cat-and-mouse games with you later in the game, when combined with reasons A and B.

  • Member Posts: 8,342

    Google "what does flashing someone mean" and you will.

  • Member Posts: 18

    I appeciate your feedbacks. I just want to notice that the topic is not for the 0,1% players who are rank1. It's for common players made and I'm sure many of them have these kind of struggles. I'm not victim of face camping, it's just my intention to improve this game with my ideas.

    If you don't like these ideas just be respectful and especially constructive. It's really not helpful to be toxic like this. In this case thank you for your time.

  • Member Posts: 1,300

    Your idea is terrible and results in a free escape every time since people will just patrol the area when they think a survivor is nearby the hook the killer would get blinded then bt ds adrenaline comes into play and 0k for the killer

    Try playing killer for a month or when you have free time to broaden your perspective

  • Member Posts: 18
    edited February 2020

    The flash idea is just one of three. You totally wrong about that. It's just a mechanic to avoid direct face camping and not patrol.

    "Try playing killer for a month or when you have free time to broaden your perspective"

    This helps nothing and will be not tolerated in this discussion.

  • Member Posts: 1,300

    Direct face camping doesn't work since you can pick up survivors off of multiple angles but if your talking about the killer just sitting next to the hooked person body blocking and bt still exists and even then the killer can still be baited into being around the hook long enough for that penalty not to mention egc camping gets punished and is a literal free escape since the killer has nothing to do but camp also your second suggestion doesn't matter since you lose a lot of points by camping anyway

  • Member Posts: 230

    1: Heh, I totally understand why people are joking about the first one. I was thinking: "Okay, well, Killer's are blinded by flashlights because there's a beam being shined directly in their eyes. What exactly is blinding a Killer from looking at a Survivor on a hook?" but on a more serious note, what exactly is your logic for WHY a Killer would be blinded for standing near a hooked Survivor? Secondly, your suggesting that the Killer should be blinded simply for 'standing' near the hook. Okay, so the obvious result of this is Survivor's will just follow any Killer every time they down someone, showing zero respect and the Killer know's what they intend to do so they think to wait to interrupt the save but *upps, you're standing too close to the hook! Blinded for 5 seconds!*. Free unhook save, No punish. You call that fun, AliveSurvive?

    2: Same issue as before, you're heavily punishing Killer's and awarding disrespectful Survivors. Also, I personally don't care about points, or Ranks. So this would have little effect on anyone sharing a similar mindset. In the end, if the devs implemented this they'd piss off more Killers and cause more quitting or longer queue times for Survivors.

    3: Yet again, awarding disrespectful Survivors.

    It's no wonder no one's really responded seriously to your suggestions, because your suggestions are absurd. I have a similar feeling as those before me too. I feel like you're complaining because you keep getting facecamped and don't want to be punished for rage quitting.

  • Member Posts: 3

    Actually i would make it so when a killer is too close to a hook for too long and you are not the last survivor-it pauses the hooks countdown that would fix it pretty much unless there teammates are potatoes can't fix that i am afraid.

  • Member Posts: 15

    Well, I think the best way to stop face camping or camping is to stop the timer for the survivor on the hook. The closer the killer would be, the slower the timer would went on. So camping would be totally useless in this case, because it wouldn't kill survivors.

    The main problem with camping is, that a survivor needs to unhook someone, if you don't want to get a minus pip. If you have no points in this category at the end of the game, you could even make 5 gens and still would lose a pip in the higher ranks. So survivors are always forced to help other survivors on the hook and some killer players abuse these mechanic.

  • Member Posts: 4,652

    As annoying as it is these ideas punish a playstyle that is still a play style however trashy..there are perks for this and it makes survivors have end game god mode..all in all, this is a totally one sided change handing free bonuses to survivors for nothing in return..even avoiding the fact this would be totally abused its vry unhealthy and doesnt make any sense either

  • Member Posts: 309
    edited February 2020

    I have already read suggestions to resolve this issue. Interesting, but causing too many changes to be consistent and truly effective. And finally, these solutions allowed the escape of others, it did not improve the case of the survivor camped.

    I will not react to the blackmail of opposing camping and genrush. Likewise for the second suggestion, not believing in the incentive effectiveness of losing BPs, even very strong.

    I really like this idea of ​​stun and/or blindness when a killer stays close to a hooked survivor for a long time. It is truly punitive, and it gives survivors an opportunity to save in safety.

    Some fear abuse by survivors. This is clearly not inevitable. A few simple activation rules can greatly resolve this:

    • the effect is only activated after a determined time. Obviously giving time to the killer to leave the radius of effect, and also to break a generator, a pallet, etc.
    • the effect turns off as soon as the survivor is off the hook, of course.
    • more important: the effect is inactive when the killer has activated a chase, even if it is within the radius of effect. This allows stealthy survivors to take advantage of the effect on the killer, but no longer impacts the killer if he has found another survivor.

    The idea being: the killer is camping, a survivor discreetly approaches,

    • if the survivor is not seen and chased by the killer: he waits for the moment when the killer will be stunned and/or blinded by the effect before going to save.
    • if the survivor is seen and chased by the killer: he must leave, or will save by assuming the risks.

    In addition, this also allows survivors to attempt to unhook themselves safely when all seems lost. For example when there are only two survivors left in play, one is downed and ignored, the other is hooked. The killer will usually camp, waiting for the survivor to struggle.

    With this, the killer will be forced to walk away, or suffer the effect. This leaves the distance or an opportunity for the survivor to try his 4% with a real chance, or to use Deliverance.

  • Member Posts: 85
    edited February 2020

    Yeah, i'm just not 11 years old nor do boobies, butts or genitalia make me giggle?

  • Member Posts: 3,127

    The only reason its funny is because you said something like that being unaware of what it means.

  • Member Posts: 8,342

    The funny part was the juxtaposition between what OP meant to say and what they accidentally implied, and the absurdity of the mental image it evoked, not the nudity. But whether you find it funny or not, it was still a joke.

  • Member Posts: 464

    If all/most of the team is near the hooked guy what's the killer supposed to do for your first idea.

    Camping already costs you points.

  • Member Posts: 18

    Your ideas sounds very interesting to me. I think you understand the matter of my post. :)

    In general DBD is trying to improve the gameplay in multiple cases. So why should you not improve

    it regarding face camping. I don't understand people who want to tell me that I'm "mad" about being face camped.

    I just want to improve the gameplay and yeah it really sucks if you want to play and getting hooked the whole game.

    But I think it's not just my thought about that. ;)

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