Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

One change for each (teachable) perk of your main

I have thought about it wuite a while and would ask you all what change (buff/nerf) you would make for every teachable perk of you main (Killer/Survivor).

I'll just start here (Nancy main):

Fixated: Removal of the uninjured requirement. Would maybe make the perk used a bit more.

Better Together: Make healed survivors auras visible and let the healer see all survivors when someone gets downed. (Just what it already does but with survivors additionally)

Inner Strength: Revert the 'nerf' on the ptb that let's the perk only heal you when fully inside the locker (starts healing as soon as interacting with the locker on live). Or reduce the time needed to fully heal by one second.

Again, would like to hear from you. 👀

Have a good day


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  • Member Posts: 1,050

    I’d like Ash’s Mettle of Man to be an actual perk, but instead it is nothing but a huge crutch all for a tiny little benefit that would maybe give you an additional 15 seconds before being put on a hook anyways. I know that it has been nerfed since release but now it’s totally worthless. It’s the one perk that I actively and vigilantly kept from being trainable and polluting the bloodweb of others. Maybe it works for other’s playstyles. No way in hell it works for mine.

  • Member Posts: 2,159

    Kate main:

    Windows of Opportunity: Shows pallets and windows everytime without any downsides.

    Dance with me: 20 seconds CD (better synergy with Q&Q)

    Boil over: A token system for the time you lasted in chase. Awards you additional BP after the trial.

    Nurse main:

    Nurses Calling: give it 32m range

    Stridor: let it adjust the sound of every survivor to 100% everytime regardless of IW

    Thanatophobia: double the numbers, let it count for death/dced people and make it so it doesnt stack

  • Member Posts: 173

    Boil Over : Time to wiggle out of your grasp is Decreased by 4/8/12 %

    Sole Survivor : Your Aura cannot be read by the Killer within a maximum range of 20/22/24 meters for each killed or sacrificed Survivor. You get 50% / 75% / 100% Bonus BP for outliving your teammates

    No Mither : Rewards you 50 % / 75% / 100% Bonus BP in Boldness

  • Member Posts: 179

    David main:

    Resilience: final buff reaches 10% faster for repair, healing, sabo (etc)

    We're Gonna Live Forever: Anytime you unhook someone the killers aura is revealed to you and the person you unhooked for 3 seconds.

    Urban Evasion: When you break into a sprint from a crouched position you leave no scratches marks for 2 seconds.

    Spine Chill: Gain a notification when the killer is looking in your direction from 40 meters away.

    Michael Myers main:

    Bbq and Chili: Auras of survivors are revealed when they are 20-40 meters away.

    Dying Light: Anyone who isn't the obsession receives a penalty of 5% speed per token to healing, repair, sabo (etc)

  • Member Posts: 512

    Claudette main. I really wish either old Botany knowledge came back :(I hate I never got to experience it or make Botany knowledge more effective or make it where you get an add on when you find a med kit or you can bring one without a med kit in case you fine one but the rule is you can't bring anything else or you lose your add one if you pick up a tool box.

  • Member Posts: 614

    Plauge main

    Only think I would do is make dark devotion last a minute. Her perks are really good otherwise

  • Member Posts: 3,398

    As a Laurie idea lmao. Maybe make sole survivor not useless. Is wouldn't know how to change it though apart from reworking the perk completely

  • Member Posts: 169
    edited February 2020


    Predator: Make it so survivors who are walking around (not crouched) leave scratch marks for 2-4 seconds.

    Bloodhound: make them leave blood more often as well (not stackable)

    Shadowborn: make it base to every killer, it is good but not as a perk.

  • Member Posts: 12
    edited February 2020

    Quentin main here. his perk is okay but won't work for many situation.

    -Wake up!: After failed skillcheck, you will gain faster any action 5% (like Spine chill) this perk activate for 30/40/50 second. but it take -20% progress on objects you had failed.

    -Phamacy: nothing changed

    -Vigil : buff to 20/25/30%

  • Member Posts: 479

    Unrelenting is general killer perk, not Wraith's teachable.

  • Member Posts: 169

    I mistook it due to the Wraith's weapon in the miniature, my bad

  • Member Posts: 169

    Let's see. I main Spirit and Legion. As a survivor, I main Feng Min so:


    Spirit Fury: I wouldn't change it, personally. I think it's a fine perk as is.

    Haunted Grounds: I feel the same way about it as well. It's a fine perk as it is stands and is more than capable of giving at least one down before it effect wears off.

    Rancor: I would change so you see the aura of your obsession along with the locations of the other survivors. It's end game effects are fine to me.


    Mad Grit: I think it's fine.

    Iron Maiden: I would increased the exposed effect to 30 seconds. Or leave it as is and instead show their aura for 3 seconds, not just their location.

    Discordance: I think should be the opposite of how it is now. Tier 1 being 12 seconds, Tier 2 being 10, and Tier 3 being 8. Right now, having it in it's base form is the best way to use it and I think that's a bit silly.

    Feng Min:

    Alert: Is fine as it is.

    Lithe: Is fine as is, but I think all exhaustion perks should be 60 seconds recovery at tier 3.

    Technician: I think should be changed to no noise made when working on a generator, and instead of having the explosion prevented, you lose no progress instead.

  • Member Posts: 3,014
    edited February 2020

    Meg's teachables are perfect. Wouldn't change a thing.

    Pig's perks:

    Hangman's Trick: See the Aura of any survivor within 8M of any hook within carrying range. Hooks repair 50/75/100% faster.

    Surveillance: Add the ability to see generators that have progress that nobody is working on (but not regressing) in purple

    Make Your Choice: See the aura of the person who unhooked for 2/3/5 seconds. Add the exposed effect to rescuer for the time it currently does.

    Post edited by KingFrost on

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