Less hooks and respawn

There's a ridiculous amount of hooks within eye sight. Two survivors can be hooked across from one another and camped. If you're removed from a hook, you can't even escape because they'll use a chain saw to get to you fast or soft camp, slug you and hook you by another nearby hook.
Also respawn of the hooks, personally if they're using a tool box, either respawn time is longer or remove it since it has been worked on. Or have the killer repair the hooks.
And because I know killer mains will whine instead of having constructive criticism; just like survivors have to take time to sabotage a hook rather then do gens I think it should be fair to have a killer repair it.
Would add a but more challenge to killers instead of them slugging and going to a hook thats probably two feet away as they have hooks literally everywhere now and itll give the survivor side more stuff to do than just hitting gens
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I play killer mostly (I'm not going to say killer main, because I do play survivor a lot), but I do agree with this sentiment.
It's VERY easy to find a hook 99% of the time. I feel like the wiggle mechanic is almost worthless minus giving you a few extra points.
Iron Grasp is a joke because it's unnecessary and just taking up a perk slot in the perk trunk.
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I mostly play as survivor. I enjoy the run around. I wish they gave points for even wiggling. But I agree, it's useless when there's a hook right there. And when a killer has iron grasp, 9/10 they drag us to the basement and then camp or soft camp the area just to lure then in.
Most of the time I don't even bother with wiggle because of it. Lol
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Wiggle isnt made for that tho. Its a "dont bring me to basement all the time" mechanic.
And i hate people that dont wiggle if me or/and my team can save you
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Lmao how can you or a team help??? Body block, get hit twice an go down? There's still too many hooks. By the time you go down an I keep wiggling, I'll be hooked. Wiggle time is too long compared to how nearby the hooks. Also not everyone stays nearby. They run across the map when a killer is near and downs someone. And then take their time to go unhook. Point being, you or team mate can't save someone when there's a hook so close by and wiggle takes time.
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I can see your point behind not always dragging someone to the basement, but at this stage in the game it isn't economical time-wise to go to the basement unless you just happen to down the survivor near it. Even if you're using Iron Grasp. There's going to be a hook 10 feet to your left or your right, the quicker you hook, the quicker you're back to finding the next survivor to slap in the mouth.
I've seen the game change a lot over the last couple of years. Iron Grasp used to be almost mandatory no matter where you wanted to hook your target.
It's a constant balancing act for the devs, though, and I'm not trying to play devil's advocate, but with every new content release, the game can change dramatically.
Speaking as a person who prefers to play killer, a couple less hooks, or a default wider spread, wouldn't be a bad thing in my opinion.
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The harder you make it to get to a hook the more likely you are to be slugged. Take your poison.
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its actually the survivors who are always complaining and whining because the game isn't perfect for them . but in replay to your post I'd disagree , the survivors have a lot of perks to mitigate being hooked and lots to help them get of hooks , like DS , borrowed time , the perk where the hook gets disabled after the survivor is unlocked , e.t.c so you are not playing the game correctly if you think that the killer can constantly hook survivors very close to each other and camp them . it also depends on the map , but as killer main I only came across hooking 2 survivors in close proximity about 0.2 times out of 10 of all the games that I played so its a rare occurrence .