Ms.Pigu's traps

I have seen people say that a buff for her should be traps dont get removed first try. Y'all get if off first try? It always takes me all four boxes to finally remove it. And usually I die a few steps away from the last box... am i just unlucky?
It's too random, that's the problem.
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There was a time when I got my RTB off first try, then later the Pig found me again and after a chase put another on me. I went back to the same box I used to get the first one off and it actually worked a second time.
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Traps are predetermined for example trap 1 the key is pre determined wich box the key is in now lets say that box is cross map yes it takes a few trys but it could be in the box most close to you
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Dont heal, play careful and you should have no trouble taking off traps. Usually, healing waste survivors precious time.
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Random is, well, random. Sometimes you get lucky and get it off first try, sometimes you get unlucky and it's the last possible box. If you're really unlucky and they brought the right add-ons, you might not even have time to get to that last box.
The luck is purely in that survivor's hands, though. Their key is in a box, no other box will remove it. It's not so much the game rolling the dice and saying 'no', it's more that you got unlucky and picked the wrong one.
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Very. Either that, or you are not giving the Traps enough priority and needlessly dying to them.
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I have many times put a trap on someone and had to hook them next to a box, frequently boxes seem to spawn near hooks. Then mere moments after they got off the hook, their trap is already off because the first box they check was the one.
You cannot plan success around random. My suggestion would be make five boxes the standard instead of four OR that survivors do not see the aura of boxes until their trap is triggered be the norm. Far too easy just to get a trap off before the next gen is done. Many times traps are just a nuisance they will pound out gens anyway with a trap on confident they can get it off easily.
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Any change that meant there was even a remote chance of a RBT killing a survivor would be great. I have been playing for 9 months and have 1 kill, a level 19 who tried to walk out the exit with it activated.
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Its meant as a time waster not a killing tool
as a pig main myself ive had numerous of trap kills
sometimes it was me chasing them away from it while chasing someone, but most of the time survivors die from it by their own fault not doing boxes or doing something else before getting the trap off
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Real talk
Piggy's traps should invoke deep wounds.
100% more fun guaranteed
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Oinks in madnes kekw
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Are you doing generators with a helmet on? Normally I see people rush the boxes to get them off instantly.
You can do the boxes without them being active.
It's also as @Jigsaw_pprentice1993 said. 99.9% of the time, you get a kill because someone doesn't know how the trap works.
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I feel like the boxes should really be more risk to survivors. Place them in Deep Wounds wether they remove the trap or not. Since Jigsaw's 'games' were all about the victims essentially harming themselves to escape, this would fit since the survivor is, from what I assume, slicing their arms apart to gain a key.
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A perfect glfix would be a rolling percentage. First box 15% chance, second 30, 60 than 100 I always felt
But as is the case right now larger maps could cause problems
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I went through a period where it was always the last box and I died a lot because of it. My luck has finally changed and I'm getting them off faster, only for 98% of Pigus to patrol the boxes and put another trap on me immediately. Most people have no clue how to play her, it seems.
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i experienced both situations multiple times..
like, on one day i died twice to a trap cause the pig had tampered timer, a big map and my fcking key was in the last box every time, but then i also had games where 3 survivors got off their trap on the exact same box on their first try (in one game)...
its just... random.
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Agreed that getting killed by RBT should be uncommon - but the point is that most of the time it does not even fulfill its main purpose of being a time wasting tool.
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Disagree what i do want is more points for game over 500 is low trapper gets more for trapping a survivor
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I still think that traps should be active the moment they are put on. Timer paused while in a chase, downed or hooked. Pig should have unlimited traps, but every box should have a key. It would fulfill the time waster role, as well as maintaning lethality.
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I've gotten multiple trap kills in a day. It is doable.
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Unlimited traps is a bad idea 4 are more then enough as for the activation part no one is 99 gens anymore its quite easy to get them off
plus the fact u already have 4 traps that slow the game even if the get it on the first box they have to get unhooked walk to the box get it off that is probably 20-30 seconds of not being on a gen
u see how unlimited traps can slow the game down too much now especially of yhey are active instantly
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That doesn't justify the whole RNG both Amanda and survivors go through. Sure, sometimes random moments can make games fun but for the killer you either get your slowdown or you don't get one. That's it, it can only be kinda thrilling for survivors... Untill the killer decides to tunnel you for a little bit if you get unlucky with your RBT. The whole concept is good, the execution is not. It's not even that much SAW themed, like, the actual SAW traps didn't require you to be lucky, you could only do everything by yourself by sacrificing something or someone.
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Well, the RBT is literally the most iconic SAW trap. And I don't really see a way to have grievous bodily mutilation within Dead by Daylight. As a SAW fanatic, and devout Pig main, it'd be nice, yet somehow just extremely unrealistic.
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That's the issue, the most iconic SAW trap is used like this. You could manipulate with teamplay, healthstates, enviroment, items, NO, let's make them RNG based!
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Unlimited trap..
The current state of the game, speed level is far too high .. the fault of the generators easy to repair. Too much perk ruins the killer part, that's why they prefer to camp or tunnel. The tunnel seems to work better than the camp ...
So if we want to avoid this, we would have to reassure the pig, and allow it to have infinite traps.. or else rechargeable.
Myself today I tunnel .. against my will, because with the infinite loops I have no time, and you can believe me there are professionals of the loop, and perks as decisive strike.
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I'm okay with Pig slowly recovering RBTs over time. SLOWLY. I'm talking, like, several minutes per Trap.
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With the rush gen .. it would be useless
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Any faster than that, and it may as well be unlimited Traps, which I would not be okay with.
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I could live with the traps if we could get rid of that roar. Ambush?
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I need the roar so I can make snort noises when crouched. That's a feature.
Oh and to start slug races...since I don't have a starter pistol.
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As a pig main i disagree most of the time when i play a match
i lose 1-2 gens after a chase i put the helmet on chase someone into the dead zone now i have 2 guys who are not working gens but doing jigsaw boxes this alone put pig in a good spot
there is also the added bonus most survivors wont heal because they have a box on their head
so if i see them during my chases i down them and slug them now someone needs to get off a gen and pick them back up
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Sometimes I get it off one try. Sometimes I go through all the boxes before getting off. The worst of all is when that damn pig keeps pressuring me off the boxes til my head my pops.