SWF is not a problem



  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642

    I agree about SWF vs Solo Que. If you lose one or two survivors you don't mind because in the end we all got points and it was fun. In the SWF not only did they deny you points as the killer but they normally are not nice about it after.

    I play only solo ques and have had a few games where the poor killer just had a bad game and did not get anyone and I have actually let him kill me or try to get him to follow me to do some pallets and smack the gens I repair. I hate to see a game ruined for others and do not want to see us lose players because of toxic players.

    I also find it funny though because in Solo Ques people Tea Bag and that bothers me when my teammates do that. Just take the win and be nice and gracious. I feel like toxic players and the toxic people I see in forums are typically people who act tough but giving the chance in real life would never be that way but their screens give them fake courage.

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    I don't have a problem with SWF teams personally, but there's no denying that they are a huge balance issue in this game (and need to be dealt with).

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246
    edited February 2020

    You openly admit that the game is unbalanced and your excuse literally is "well it doesn't happen that often". You know the balance of the game should prevent this from happening in the first place. I am not saying to remove swf or to put handicaps on them but the game has to be balanced around it so stuff like that can not happen.

    You argue on the level of nurse defenders who wanted to keep 4-5 blinks + omega, argue well not everybody is a god nurse and thus we should keep it as is. No the addons needed change. Just as now survivors do need change in order for the game to be healthy. It is even worse to see community manager or devs defend it with the same words "oh people just wanna goof around" but when confronted with videos as by the survivor main who made a very clear video about old hex ruin, showing why it doesn't need a nerf they become silent.

    Basicly what you say is, well as long as not all people are doing it, it is totally fine. Yikes.

  • kazakun
    kazakun Member Posts: 581

    I second that. I can't even believe some of the stuff I see. Like dude,I'm a rank 15,you were most likely going to win anyways. I wouldn't mind even a troll squad if they had skill based matchmaking or something else. They don't even match by rank tbh. I'm a 15 killer and see reds all the time now. Very rarely see someone my rank. If I see 3 or 4 bloody party streamers,I know I'm boned from the start.

  • kazakun
    kazakun Member Posts: 581

    I disagree. You can tell a good few of the times. It's not every single time or anything,but there's some hints,subtle and otherwise. Not trying to be mean at all,but I'm sure you realize you can only take 4 perks. You can't counter everything. Solo you can get a teammate that's a potato. The advantage could be as simple as "bring a toolbox and each do a separate generator while I run the killer through a God loop and we'll switch". Easier to coordinate for unhooks for sure. A good killer might be able to realize some of the things going on,maybe. Is it "unfair"? I guess it depends. To say there is no advantage just doesn't seem right to me. If I play any game with a group of friends and can communicate I'm going to have an advantage,as opposed to just some random guys where I have no idea how they are going to act or if they will even do ANYTHING. The thing is,it's a moot issue anyways. There's no way to fix it. You couldnt stop PC players from voice chatting period. There's too many apps. They could remove it and face backlash,or buff the killer somehow and get the same backlash. Rock and a hard place.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Of course it's a problem. Solo survivors don't bring out their broken BS. With SWF everybody wants to use their items since they're with their buddies. Toolboxes, BNP, Instaheals, purple flashlights, and of course the coldwind offerings. Everytime a coldwind offering. Hmm why do swf always use that particular offering? could it be because the maps are heavily unbalanced? no surely not. The devs couldn't care less though. Too much effort to rework them.

  • Kycer
    Kycer Member Posts: 337

    Maybe it’s because of my region then. I’m from Saudi Arabia and most of the time I go against Saudi people. Most Saudi people are so extremely competitive that they rarely play solo.

  • Aura_babyy
    Aura_babyy Member Posts: 583

    Knockout still buys time.

    Like knowing a postal code vs knowing a street address

  • Aura_babyy
    Aura_babyy Member Posts: 583

    That's where my main point stands.

    It's a slight advantage, but it isn't "unfair". My quirk was against people who said it was an "unfair" advantage.

  • kazakun
    kazakun Member Posts: 581

    I do think it is unfair in a way...but like one on four is already unfair I suppose. I think some people just get upset because it doesn't feel like it's equal ground already. Anyways it's a moot issue. Nothing can be done about it.

    The argument that the devs didn't intend for SWF to be that way because there isn't in game chat,doesn't hold much water... considering it's on platforms that ALL have party chat,and one platform that has a multitude of ways to communicate. There's plenty of games that don't have in game chat. Even cross platform ones... people just make a Discord or whatever.

    I personally think it CAN be a pretty big advantage,but I don't necessarily disagree with you either. It really depends. A team of four guys you've played hundreds of hours with,or just you and a buddy you met the other day. Maybe you convinced your friends to play when they never have before. Too many variables to say it's always a huge advantage. I will say the bully/troll squads aren't fun though. Especially since I'm a low rank player.

  • yakul1nausicaa
    yakul1nausicaa Member Posts: 128

    Swf groups should be given some sort of debuff depending on the size of the group.

  • yoyofrost
    yoyofrost Member Posts: 17

    I'm not sure why you're lying to yourself by saying that most SWF in red ranks are casual; this is obvious bullshit to any killer main.

    Also, the devs are "professional" in creating the game, but they have NOT optimized their gameplay. I would trust a killer or survivor with 2k hours about game balance.