Just bring it back... (Ruin)

Rex_Huin Member Posts: 1,208
edited February 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

We all make mistakes. Its part of life.

So come on you swallow your pride and bring Ruin back (maybe with a little buff as a way of saying sorry).

Its not worth trashing your game over.

All these people saying the same thing on here cant be wrong.

I know you probably have some other long term solution in mind but lets face it sometimes you can be a bit slow. You can always try changing it again once you actually have something in place?

I know it was masking a lot of other problems but frankly I preferred them masked than exposed like this.


  • SupaSlay3r20
    SupaSlay3r20 Member Posts: 139

    Their's no point in asking for it back as we all know that old ruin is gone and that it will likely never come back. You're just going to have to find better ways to play if you want to preform well.

  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    I'm fine with current ruin to be fair. It has separated good killers from bad killers and has even increased my skill with most killers greatly (with a few exceptions).

    Although some killers could do with Old ruin, I believe the killers are in a balanced state at the moment, and with adjustments to survivor perks, we could hopefully soon see a balanced game.

  • geishroy
    geishroy Member Posts: 139

    for once they could have taken feedback from PTB instead of being completely deaf to the community. I'm actually glad to see this game go down, not just over ruin, but because of all the stacking issues they keep making. They deserve it at this point.

  • Rex_Huin
    Rex_Huin Member Posts: 1,208

    What you say would be fine if I was playing against my own rank. But I'm not. I'm playing against Reds and Purples. Because all the killers quit. Because they nerfed ruin.

  • Mo4ntus
    Mo4ntus Member Posts: 416

    Removing ruin hasn’t increased skill it’s just made killers focus on different things now we all slug and 3 gen because for some reason the devs want 1 chase to equal 1-2 gens

  • Onyx_Blue
    Onyx_Blue Member Posts: 1,060

    @Mo4ntus if you're chasing a survivor for 1-2 gens, then you're playing badly in that match. If a game starts and you find someone within the first 10-15 seconds of it and chase them long enough for 2 gens to pop then that is terrible. You know it's a 4v1 right? There are 3 others on the map not pressured by you, left to do whatever they want. Injure the survivor, and if they're taking longer than 20 seconds to down, leave them alone and pressure gens, the ones that aren't near to where you were just being dragged around in the chase. It's called juggling. And you need to do that to play well as killer. Current mechanics can be abused by survivors to make this near impossible (eg toolbox squads) but those have been changed now as of the ptb. Plus, those are anomalies, you won't be vsing them every match.

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    Well, how about learning to play without relying on crutches? No? Sad.

  • Mo4ntus
    Mo4ntus Member Posts: 416

    do you play or watch killer cause 15 - 20 without discordance or whispers is near impossible and 20 seconds way too unrealistic there are more than enough loops to waste 20 seconds thousands of times over id say my first chases on average are 30-45 seconds but factor in all the other little time wasters like finding the surv and hooking them and its realistically 70 that is enough time with current speeds to have a solo gen completed so you're saying that its just okay that because I wasted an extra 10-15 seconds with base speeds I should lose 3 gens which is about 60% of their objective while I complete 12% of mine. Obviously this example is a little exaggerated but its not far off from most games that even top tier streamers experience anyone who thinks toolboxes are the problem doesn't pay attention to the game there is just no viable way for most killers to make up much of the pressure lost in the first 90 seconds of a match.

  • Krystress
    Krystress Member Posts: 52

    There's no difference to old and new ruin in my eyes. It still gets destroyed in the start of the match regardless. Just use Pop, it's far superior.

  • Reaper_xx
    Reaper_xx Member Posts: 173

    As long as survivors are having fun. That what really matters... Sadly....

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,360

    It had to go for the greater good. Killers are performing badly right now losing many more matches*. I hope the devs can see this. If they do, then the game can be balanced so that we don't have to unlock Ruin level 3 before we can consider a killer. If 80% of players were running the same perk just to feel like they would have a chance at winning, something was wrong either with the perk or the balance.

    * I have no evidence to support my claim.

  • Onyx_Blue
    Onyx_Blue Member Posts: 1,060

    @Mo4ntus I play killer a lot.

    The match begins, you start off patrolling gens, heading to known spawn points first; you then find one survivor on a gen, you catch up to them and either hit them instantly or get looped a bit then get the hit. Now, depending on how long it takes you to get that first hit on them, we'll use my examples - you commit for a little bit longer to see if you can down them quickly or you leave them alone and quickly go to patrol the gens away from that area. This s because you cannot afford to only pressure one survivor. Yeah, 80 seconds for a gen is pretty damn quick and I do wish something changed, but until then, i'm not gonna throw my hands up and cry that it's impossible to protect gens, because it isn't. So many matches where i've played the way I just said has only seen 1 gen pop for 3 chases, 3 injuries and 1 hook. You're telling me it's near impossible unless you use specific perks? I only use Whispers on select few of my killers and Discordance on one or two. Majority of the time i'm not playing as those killers so i'm restricted to simply knowing spawns and patrolling efficiently. It is not hard to defend gens at the start of the match. It gets harder to defend them towards the middle when you're locked into chases and hooking etc. But by then you either have momentum or are in the process of gaining it

  • Mo4ntus
    Mo4ntus Member Posts: 416

    I guess you’re just a god then because even top tier streamers lose 1 to 2 gens after the first chase in about 60% of their games

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    Ruin needed changes, the problem was that the devs didn't even touch gen speeds, so killers just got completely bent over and #########. New Ruin is fine, gens are the current problem. They need too take longer.

  • Onyx_Blue
    Onyx_Blue Member Posts: 1,060

    @Mo4ntus never compare gameplay to streamers. Just because they record themselves playing, does not mean they are the authority on everything. Most streamers use ultra slowdon builds or cheap easy momentum builds. They are not the authority opinion of dbd.

    If you want to find out ways to defend gens then just practice juggling survivors. Learn their spawn points; learn to abandon chases that waste too much time - ie more than 20 seconds at the start, and more than 30 anytime else. Also learn to patrol gens strategically. So patrol clockwise or anti-clockwise and then cut back on yourself across the map to see if people snuck behind your movement to jump on a gen you left 10 seconds ago, if you hadn't found anyone yet. Survivors will most likely hide until they know who the killer is just in case it's a stealth killer, and when they've seen you, they'll be bolder. Meaning if you've lapped the map and not found anyone, check a gen you just recently checked to make sure they weren't hiding near it waiting for you to leave to the next one. All these are methods of rooting people out and pressuring areas swiftly and effectively.