What Really Changed With Spirit?

I feel like Spirit hasn’t changed at all on the Survivor side. One of the main complaints was that Spirit was a total guessing game - not much skill except from walking or running in circles, hoping the Spirit is deaf. She can still stand in the middle of a pallet and pretend to phase and then see you running away or staying in place and phase... I get that Iron Will completely counters her but I don’t want to have to run one perk just to counter one killer... no hate on the devs or anything but it feels like they didn’t really listen to the complaints and stuck their own fix on there which I admit, helped but the core issues are still there. Not calling for an immediate nerf or anything, killer is hard enough as it is, yet it feels like all the devs did is make playing Spirit as much as a guessing game as playing against her.
What changed is she is deaf now. You can't hear survivors even if they don't have Iron Will. Played with her the other day and thought all four had it and it was only 2. Also with the sound bug as is, can't hear a survivor that has been slugged. I had one on hook, go back to pick up the other one and no cries any where.
Spirit is a top tier killer that doesn't need any more nerfs. The window vault makes her much more loop-able than before. Her add-ons were nerfed. And if you know when to run and when to sneak away you can still lose her.
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This, if it wasn’t for sound bugs she would still be very strong. Even as is I can still pick her up and against average teams dominate and compete against good ones.
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That’s the thing, the sound bug is completely random though and no doubt will be patched soon. As soon as the bug is fixed I’m willing to bet there will be a few more posts like this, she is still an extremely strong killer but it wouldn’t hurt to have an idea on when she is phasing other than one skin having shards that light up.
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You survivors are ######### spoiled man. That's the purpose of Spirit. She's a complete guessing game. Why do you think she didn't have a vaulting animation? To leave you guessing if she vaulted or phasing.
You don't wanna run Iron Will just to counter her? Killers didn't want to run old ruin just to slow down gens. She doesn't require much skill? Same thing could be said about survivor in general.
Sorry to clap back, it's just I enjoy going against strong/OP killers, mainly because I get a thrill out being outplayed/outplaying a strong killer
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What makes you think it’ll be patched soon? They’ve actually had two “fix bug patches,” since it started and it hasn’t been addressed.
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well, nothing. The entire guessing game meta is still strong. At least they nerfed prayer beads and wakizashi.
since sounds have been broken for 2 months now, nobody plays spirit.
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Run Spine Chill ffs.
It is the biggest give away as to whether or not she is phasing, since when she is phasing, she will still activate spine chill, while her husk doesn't. Spine chill is a good perk in general, but imo is a better to counter to Spirit than Iron Will.
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I played her yesterday without any sound issues.
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I have faith in the devs, third’s the charm.
Spirit’s basically a hot spot at the moment because of the archives I’m guessing- at least for me it is.
As stated in my reply, I don’t want to have to run a single perk to try and counter one issue. I’m fine in any other game without spine chill. PLUS, Spine Chill activates in a cone, if the spirit is looking at you before she phases and then she phases in your direction, Spine Chill is going to still be lit up.
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I get that but not everyone shares in your interests. The point of the post was not to hone in on my inability to go against spirit but the fact that now playing as her is now a guessing game. I wouldn’t really say “sitting still and waiting for a survivor to come to you” is outplaying either, that’s like a survivor running towards a killer getting downed and then DSing the killer. Where’s the skill in that? (the skill check notwithstanding in this regard). Let’s also for instance put a survivor on a pallet gym, who is just standing there. The spirit has to choose a side, as does the survivor. If one of them gets it wrong it’s not a “damn, I’ve been outplayed” moment, it’s more of “welp, guess I’ve gotta choose better next time!”
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That's great! I still play her with sound issues and she remains strong.
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"No doubt will be patched soon".
Ohh how I miss having that kind of optimism....
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I hope the sound gets fixed along with the release of Chapter 15- silent slugs are pretty damn annoying as any killer
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Sound bug doesn't happen on PS4 from as far as I can tell.
Also you can SEE when Spirit is phasing now for some reason lol. Her entire body shimmers which is weird but also how it should be.
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If you watched Otzdarva’s killer changes video he suggested the spirit flickers briefly while in her phase walk to her current location a couple times. I really like this idea, it’s creepy and gives information but skilled spirit players can mind game it.
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Don't hang around pallets
Don't run back at her if you're not sure if she phased
If shes chasing you keep on eye on her to see when she is phasing
Walk don't run
She really is not that hard to counter it's a 50/50 guessing game on both sides
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Many times the devs have proved my optimism wrong but if I don’t have faith in the game I just might drop it.
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Really‽ I’ve never noticed this! Also, yeah the sound bug happens on PS4, it also happens while you’re injured rather than dying too so free iron will for everybody! Except I hardly ever get it as survivor.
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I mean, yeah, I'm not saying dont have hope, but, this "random sound bug" thing has been happening for almost 2 years every other patch. I wouldnt expect too much.
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Those are some neat tips! I’ll keep em in mind! It’s just my issue was with how it’s all up to chance and it’s not really a ‘skilful’ killer if you use her to camp pallets and wait for the survivor to come to you. If they don’t, phase after them.
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Yes very soon, lul!
We should open a pot and throw money in it how many months it will take! I am totally confident that this is top priority stuff for them and along with this they will fix all the bugs which plague so many killer powers! Yes totally soon!
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No I play on PS4, and deal with it all the time. Consider yourself lucky.
In certain skins her shards will shiver, not in all of them.
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I always hope, never expect for this exact reason. Love the devs but sometimes it’s like they don’t play test the builds themselves. The terror radius bug after the Ghostface release was absolutely horrifying.
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Thanks for suggesting that video! I’ve just watched it and I think all his points were honestly really good! It adds a depth of skill to the spirit and that’s far better than her current state.
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Experienced Spirit players will counter it fairly easily. If the survivor is not leaving the loop, then just phase while looking at their last position. Spine Chill will stay lit.
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Optimism is key my friend! I totally get what you’re saying however, here’s to hoping!
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Trust me, it's not just her shards, her entire body from the neck down goes a bit translucent and begins to shimmer, which is the weirdest thing ever lol. Might be a bug with the skins.
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Ill have to check it out, thanks
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I mained spirit but I got bored with her bc it's just too easy to trick survs considering all she has to do is stand there or use her ears. She wasnt really nerfed unless you were not good with her in the first place. Killing collision was a tiny slap on the wrist. Shes still brokenly easy to play. Anyone that says different is either bad or bias or both or doesnt use head phones.
Luckily like nurse these days, most are just terrible and can be mind gamed and then come here and tell you shes perfectly balanced reminding me why I dont take killer main's mob opinions seriously anymore lol.
I personally enjoy playing against spirits as long as they well, dont know exactly what they are doing lol. She can be really fun to mind game against but the fact is I main her so I know how to trick a semi decent one. But uh then again, good luck finding a team mate that does know what to do against her.
I'd love to see her actually nerfed or reworked a little. I thought she was gunna be like nurse with a high skill ceiling at least and I'd get to show that off a bit but shes just super cheesy to play and that gets old if you care about being fair n all which I know most.
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nothing has changed still same only window annimation
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She doesn't need another 'nerf' or anything. I like it for how she is now. The most common thing i see survivors do is try to mind game her at window/pallets after she just used her phase. She is fun for me to go up against.
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Every other patch bhvr breaks the sounds. Next patch we will see increase of Spirits until the patch after next breaks sounds again.
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the sound bugs have been in the game since Oni came out and doesn't seem like the ptb changed that either
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They removed collision with survivors while phasing so she can't tell where you are by running into you.
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a couple of add on nerfs. She still has zero counters if she runs Stridor. I had to stop playing her at red ranks. Too easy
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Yeah it seems to me like she's still a strong killer, it's just possible for her to be countered now. Most survivors are idiots and have no clue how to play against her. I'm kinda sad because I always thought she was fun to go against and you never see her anymore. At least this nightmare of a tome has brought her back into play.