BHVR, it's time to nerf Freddy.



  • CaliKing
    CaliKing Member Posts: 16

    LMAOOOOOO nothing was "MiNipUlaTed" only defense is... Bruh all you doing is a assuming shi, you said I was a Freddy main...I showed him how I haven't leveled him up at all on my main account (PC) you said no gamertag or could be a different account, so I showed you my gamertag...did I not? Ok. Then you still said could be a different account, so I showed you my old account (PS4) showing you I only ever leveled him up to get his teachables... something you don't do if you MAIN that killer... Then you went on to saying I lied about it, show me a quote of me lying & I'll admit it...oh? you can't? Crazy... Like bro, you good? TF lmao.who hurt you so bad anytime something happens to you it feels like youve been lied to or betrayed 😂😂😂 you just can't admit youre wrong, I'm not a Freddy main and I DEFENDED him. That's why this all started to show you I'm not a Freddy main and I defended him... That's it. You are wrong. You, yes you. I'm not a FREDDY MAIN. Just admit it and move on smh

  • Orionbash
    Orionbash Member Posts: 765

    Dude, what about discredited do you not understand? You lied and manipulated your evidence and now I can't take anything you say at face-value. You also said you're a rank 1 killer and all Ive seen is Rank 20. For all I know you're the worst killer in DbD history and have never made it past Rank 20. I just don't know anymore. 😊

  • CaliKing
    CaliKing Member Posts: 16

    Lmao never lied or "MiNipUlaTed" that's why you couldn't find something I said that I lied about. but whatever clown you think what ever you want if it helps you sleep at night kid. Anyone with half a brain can tell you don't even know what you are talking about anymore😂. Peace out buddy & I hope to God the devs don't listen to your stupid ass

  • fleshbox
    fleshbox Member Posts: 494
    edited February 2020

    When i have a few bad days or games i come here and moan. I dont ask for nerfs but say it is frustrating.

    When, some, survs have bad games they also come here to moan but also suggest nerfs. They tell us to git good but cant handle it themselves.

    He is one of the last few strong killers left or you do all want emasculated puppets who will eventually be replaces as there wont be killers left.

    They are, apparently, working on AI bots for their mobile game. Is this what you want? A points pinata?

    Leave my freddy alone!

    I had two games in a row where i got 0 yesterday. I did catcg somebody at the end but dropped them at the exit. They deserved it. Not going to tell you how they beat me.

    I know what they did. And any killer would struggle with that scenario.

  • Orionbash
    Orionbash Member Posts: 765

    At least you admit you're a Freddy main. That makes this easier. You're biased. You know he's an easy 4k and don't want that to go untouched. But the reality is he's a very unbalanced killer and is overperforming.

    He needs a nerf.

  • fleshbox
    fleshbox Member Posts: 494
    edited February 2020

    4k with him is not guaranteed. By any means. There are ways to beat him with perks alone. Yes, he is easier i think then most of the killers. But that is not why i chose him.

    Gets rid of BT most of the time. Invisible, most of the time. Good map control. Can teleport. Cuts chases short. In built gen slowdown.

    So what if he is easy. It is still 1 v 4

    Playing him and against him i would say one more clock is probably needed. People go to sleep far too easy and getting to a clock on longer games is a must but a pain sometimes. I dont even bother patrolling clocks. With three i might have to and that eases some pressure on the survs.

    And i am not biased. And i play trapper and doc. Gonna make comments about trapper being OP now as well?

  • Orionbash
    Orionbash Member Posts: 765

    Well that's a bit reactionary. Just because Freddy is disgustingly OP and everyone knows it doesn't mean all killers are as well. Doc and Trapper have counterplay unlike Freddy.

  • fleshbox
    fleshbox Member Posts: 494
    edited February 2020

    So does freddy or are you going to deny that? use the bell, use your swf mates to tell you where i am, blow a skillcheck, do gens, dont get caught, loop like some people who can loop me for a long time

    You are not going to get a rise out of me surv

    If school children aged 8-14 can get the job done then why cant you? Kids are the ones that consistently beat me 4 nil between 6 am and 8 am UK time. They are wicked those kids. They have the moves. They can loop. They are on their feet. They have good reaction times. Against kids like that i cant do much as an old man in real life. The only thing i can do is attempt to mind game them at places. Works sometimes. Others it dont. What does not help is that you can see through the walls in the shack so no mind games thee. Its a matter of BL

    Furthermore. Where did i "admit" that i am a freddy main. I play quite a few and freddy is just the latest toy. save your attitude for the game

    Another isue came to mind just now. You definiton of easy is not the same easy that i sued. you meant it was easy for him to kill.

    What i mean when i said easy is that he is not hard to learn. He does not require tons of hours like nurse. The actual game mechanics are easier to learn

    Freddy still gets his hooks like any other once you hit them. Mind gaming unsafe pallets is where i get a lot of people and most killers can do that. That just means you failed at gettign distance when you had the chance.

  • RussianSpyPigeon
    RussianSpyPigeon Member Posts: 83

    Nice joke.

  • Gzilla
    Gzilla Member Posts: 29

    no he doesn't need nerf. learn how to play.

  • Gravewalker200
    Gravewalker200 Member Posts: 451

    Excuse me but did you just say SURVIVORS get hit hard with nerfs? I'm a survivor main and I know for a fact that is BS.

  • Lewyx
    Lewyx Member Posts: 20

    "I shouldn't have to play SWF all the the time for one overused, overperforming killer"

    Killers also shouldn't have to play Freddy all the time to compete against overperforming SWF groups.

  • Verconissp
    Verconissp Member Posts: 1,587

    The problem with your suggestion to nerf a killer because he went from sucky to "op" is just redic, and Not only that, apparently now hes too op and needs to be nerfed? why, what's the reason? lets remove the stats and deem me multiple reasons why he needs to be nerfed..

  • Alonzo
    Alonzo Member Posts: 151

    Survivors don't know how to tale a loss. If a killer is good they scream nerf and so on. How about you just play to enjoy the game. You don't have to escape all matches to make it a good game and have fun. You don't even have to pip. But I guess most of survivors just want to trash out every good killer to make it a ez game. Just rush the gens if you encounter Freddy. I got 50/50 playing survivor and killer and I don't find much to cry about, if I lose a match as a killer then good for the survivors, well played by them. If I get camped as a survivor or lose the chases quickly and finish the match in 4 minutes and depip...again...well played by the for the killer. He wanted his kills and will do anything to get them which is a killer objective.

  • Orionbash
    Orionbash Member Posts: 765

    There's a difference between a good/fair killer and an OP killer. Freddy is in the latter category. And anyone that thinks otherwise is a Freddy main that knows he's an easy 4k. BHVR knows he needs a nerf as their stats have shown it, Im just expressing that its time.

  • Orionbash
    Orionbash Member Posts: 765

    And for the record not one killer/Freddy main here has been able to state how Freddy isn't OP in the current game. And I dont think they can.

  • Archimedes5000
    Archimedes5000 Member Posts: 1,620

    So Freddy is strong and boring as #########, and you want him to be weak and boring as #########? Ok?

  • Orionbash
    Orionbash Member Posts: 765

    No, just fair. There's no reason a killer that can teleport directly to survivor objectives and shut down looping as hard as Freddy can should exist. If you actually bothered to read the thread before responding like every Freddy main before you, you'd realize that I've suggested things like having Freddy only able to teleport to his boxes. This would allow him to still get across the map and be able to teleport endgame.

  • Archimedes5000
    Archimedes5000 Member Posts: 1,620
    edited February 2020

    What made you think I am a Freddy main? Lol

    I just said that he is boring as #########.

    Freddy gives you a huge clue when he is going to teleport, you can run away. The whole fun part of Freddy is mindgaming the teleport and faking it.

    If you make him teleport to boxes, then he will become way weaker and even more boring (you want to take away his whole mindgaming potential), he will just become weaker Demogorgon.

    Snares are nowhere as good at disabling loops as you make them, compare Freddy to Hag or even Trapper, Snares are just highly spammable.

    The most annoying part of Freddy are the Clocks, but nothing can be changed about them without a big rework, and we know its not going to happen anytime soon

  • FishTacoDeluxe
    FishTacoDeluxe Member Posts: 54

    I'd agree if so many other killers weren't underpefroming. Let them have this one till the more general game balanced is sorted out. As soon as gen speed, map design, etc is sorted out he needs to be nerfed hard.

  • Orionbash
    Orionbash Member Posts: 765

    See I'd be down with that if it weren't for the fact that Freddy is played literally every other game. It's funny because killers will tell survivors to, "git gud" but killers refuse to do that. Lol. They just resort to the OP killer with the easy 4k. And that's what I'm seeing.

  • FishTacoDeluxe
    FishTacoDeluxe Member Posts: 54

    Well you're experience seems to differ greatly from most of the community. I red rank survivor and I'm getting tons of purple to green ranks that maybe need the helping hand, but they're not even playing freddy. I'm seeing a lot of doc becuase people are still sorting out their rift challanges and when I actually find balanced MM is 90% Billy. I also dont play Freddy at all becuase believe or not most killers do want a fair match unless they're just salty.

  • Tro
    Tro Member Posts: 223

    Nurse, clown, bubba, plague all need a buff/rework still.

    Freddy? I do t know cause we don’t have him yet on my console.

  • Oicimau
    Oicimau Member Posts: 897
  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    Doctor could always shut down looping. Nurse has way stronger teleports and most killers can quite quickly go to the generator, PGTW and repeat. As a survivor main, new freddy is not overpowered at all. Hell, personally, I find Bubba a bit too strong in a lot of situations, as he can turn 180 degrees while getting a movement speed, instadowning everyone on his path while his recovering is short enough to easily catch up if he never hit people. I think Bubba's biggest strenghts need a nerf, but his biggest weaknesses need a buff. But that is a whole topic on its own, which shortened down would end up in the following statement: Bubba's m2 ability stops instadowning players on first hit, but almost doubles his movementspeed. So that he can still hit his intended target with the 3rd or 4th swoop. Which I guess players might hate, but in all honesty, I think this, on average, would be a bigger buff than its a nerf. The only real place where it will hurt current players, is that Bubba can no longer instadown players through a window(which I honestly already find ridiculous that that even is possible). And then we have doctor, who's looping intervention can be a bit too strong as players are unable to drop pallets or vault for a solid 3-5 seconds, which is an eternity in a fast paced game. While wraith needs a fix to the flashlight spam keeping him perma cloaked, perhaps the ability to grab survivors from vaults or gens while still in cloaked form. Or how Pig only has access to 4 traps and people can escape with it in the hatch, making any key pretty much make her core ability useless, especially since its up to survivors to actually start the trap in the first place and there is no way to make survivors blind to the boxes. Where I personally feel like those traps should activate on being altruistically helped by another player(aka, being healed from the ground or being unhooked), making the only counter to not starting them by using No Mither or Unbreakable. This way you can still activate the traps even if all gens have been fixed. All in all, currently, no single killer needs an active nerf, nor an active buff. But a lot of killers need alterations that slightly nerf one aspect while buffing another aspect.

    What we really do need, tho, is having a bit more diversity with survivors by adding something very niche to each of them. For example: Ace having an 8% base unhook chance instead of a 4%. Bill being able to heal up to 99% instead of 95% while on the ground. Meg vaulting 0.5% faster than other survivors. Dwight hiding 100% faster in lockers but taking 75% longer to get out. Jake giving hooks a 5-10 second longer respawn time. Claudette turning invisible if she doesnt move for 30 seconds(with a similar fashion to wraith, allowing her still to be seen) but instantly turns visible even if she moves her mouse. David being able to take an additional protection hit when injured(only a protection hit) while recieving a 5-10 second timer that cannot be stopped(even if he heals himself), things that make people pick certain survivors based on their ability rather than how they look. 9/10 times, I just end up being matched up with Blendettes because that is seriously the only survivor that gives an advantage. The rest of the survivors do not add anything advantageous. Its time to change that. It should not be big enough to have a massive alteration in the game, but noticable enough to change the current survivor meta. Maybe even introducing abilities that work well with relatively unused perks. Or perhaps even make things very simple, by making survivor specific perks work 1%-10% better(depending on perk strength ofcourse) when used by the survivor they are specific to. Meaning that if you have Botany Knowledge on Claudette, that you end up having 34% healing speed instead of 33%. Or that if your current perks consist mainly out of borrowed time and unbreakable, you might want to start using loud coughing, tall Bill to get a 5% faster rate of picking yourself up or a 3 second longer Borrowed Time.

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,147

    Borrow time activate within a killer's terror radius. Once in the dreamworld the lullaby is not considered a terror radius. Borrowed time does not work if the rescuer is asleep.

  • Orionbash
    Orionbash Member Posts: 765

    You can loop Doctor quite easily. You can mindgame a nurse. And I love looping Bubba. You can't loop Freddy. All he has to do is place a snare and you're down. He needs a nerf and anyone that says otherwise either 1) Is fortunate enough to be on servers where nobody plays him. 2) Is a Freddy main. 3) Doesn't play enough of the game to provide proper input.

  • Orionbash
    Orionbash Member Posts: 765

    Also I'm still waiting for one killer to demonstrate how Freddy isn't OP.

  • Dad
    Dad Member Posts: 19

    All I'm seeing here is that you want a killer nerfed because he's one of the few you can't infinite loop easily.

    Maybe up your game.

  • Oicimau
    Oicimau Member Posts: 897

    All this debate about Freddy is giving me the need to play with him today. o/

  • Orionbash
    Orionbash Member Posts: 765

    Killers have bloodlust and other abilities to counteract infinite looping. If they overcommit that's on them, not on me.

  • Dad
    Dad Member Posts: 19

    Unless they're Freddy, then they obviously need a nerf. That's on Fred, not on you. Right?

    Using your own logic here.

    Seems to me, a strategy change is in order. Instead of trying to run the killer in circles and do the teabagging and mocking like you normally enjoy doing, you might actually have to play an objective. But only against Freddy.

    Better nerf him.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    No, you cant loop a decent doctor. One shock and its a free hit unless its a big structure. Freddy's traps only work if you're in the dreamworld. And you can get out by failing a skill check.


    1) I do face enough Freddy's, always been able to loop. Better even than you can loop Doctors or Clowns, as Freddy's traps do not garantuee a hit unless he already could get a hit from you.

    2) Not a Freddy main either.

    3) I have owned this game since 2017, I am pretty certain I have enough input.

    So really, gonna whine some more on how a relatively well balanced killer needs a nerf because he has a counter to looping? How about you stop looping the same pallet and start moving from structure to structure. Freddy can only place down a few traps. Sure, he can place down one fairly quick, but then you should simply stop looping that structure and move on. If the only way you can loop is running around 1 pallet, drop it and move on to the next one, you suck at looping. Sometimes you need to give up and move to the next obstacle.

  • Jallybwan
    Jallybwan Member Posts: 472

    I remember when "pls nerf freddy" was a meme.

    Good times. Good times.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,291

    I see Freddy as fine although one change I never understood was why was he given the passive Oblivious status effect on slept survivors? He didn't need it at that point and if we're talking about consistency Huntress doesn't have it for her lullaby. Thematically you could argue it fits but I'd argue it doesn't since most of Freddy's victims in the films became pretty self aware of what's going on once Freddy was close enough.

    Aside from that nitpick though he's honestly fine. I'd recommend using the clocks more when given a chance.

  • Orionbash
    Orionbash Member Posts: 765

    I don't believe a single thing in your post. If you can apparently loop Freddy for days, but not a decent Doctor, I call bullshit. Doctor is a joke to loop compared to Freddy as long as you have a bit of starting distance to make sure you're in a good position to loop. You can also mindgame pallets to make the doc believe you're going to throw it down one way as he's shocking you and just move to the other and drop it so he's on the other side. Freddy just has to drop snares at every loopable area and its a free hit. The only difference between Doc and Freddy is that decent Doctors are much more skilled players than a, "Good Freddy".

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    A decent doctor will shock places where you can vault, preventing you from vaulting and dropping pallets for multiple seconds. If he is close enough, he can get a hit out of it too without getting a stun. Freddy takes about 1 second to place a trap and 1 second for that trap to activate. He has a very distinct animation and sound for it. Once he does, you move on, just as you should run to another vault if doctor shocks the pallet or window. And again, Freddy has a LIMITED amount of traps. He cant drop snares at every loopable area. At most, Freddy has 8 placable traps, and just like Trapper, Freddy cannot afford keeping traps randomly activated, because people can preventively trigger them.

  • TTVfbYTigTW
    TTVfbYTigTW Member Posts: 85

    "...and the only form of counterplay survivors have against him is to run to the opposite side of the map and remove ourselves from the dream world...."

    I mostly stopped reading after this. Inexperienced survivors care about being in the dream world or not. A lot of survivors just "pallet loop" or camp pallets. The same players who do this will struggle vs. Fake Pallet Freddy, which should be "Oh, it's fake pallet freddy. Looks like we're all getting out of this one."

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    How about instead we bring Freddy to Switch? Please? I'll buy it if you do! I've bought pretty much all the Chapters. I'm guessing there's licensing issues, but I'd love to hear them say "We're working on it!"

  • Oicimau
    Oicimau Member Posts: 897

    How can that be? No Freddy on Switch? Why that? Cooyrights contracts can be way complex...

  • Cixon
    Cixon Member Posts: 133

    I say just extend the timer it takes to get into sleep state by 15 more seconds. That's all Freddy needs.

  • Orionbash
    Orionbash Member Posts: 765

    Still waiting on one killer to explain how Freddy isn't OP and not needing of a huge nerf.