How come all killers get an ability plus 4 perks but survivors just get the 4 perks

I don't get why survivors all don't have an ability that's not teachable an unique to the character. That of survivors should straight up get 5 perks
There are 4 Survivors in the match, so Killer is going against 16 perks, also items are technically an ability.
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you're totally right
killers are already overpowered
survivors should get a 5th perk slot to say the least!
smh, all these super strong killers
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No they shouldn't. You will only see that survivor in almost every match for their extra ability. There wouldn't be any diversity. Survivors are the only ones getting 5 perks will bring in more meta perks and give the killer an even bigger disadvantage. It is also unfair for the killer player for having to deal with 20 perks vs their 4.
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What's up with the sheer ammount of new accounts that make this kind of bait posts recently?
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No they should not get 5 perks.
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Yeah lets make survivor bring 5 perk i really want to use dead hard, adrenaline, borrow time, desicive strike and for the people with my item and my offering i think this will be fair we all know killer power is overpower im looking at you for this legion and clown (sarcasm)
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I think it would be cool if survivors had a unique ability. Although with how strong survivor perks are, I'm not sure they would need it. I would like if they gave downsides to survivor perks (like killer perks) so they could afford to have unique survivor powers too.
But as someone else said, items kind of fill that slot anyway.
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Adding effects to survivors would be tough since there isn't a lot of different effects they could have, faster movement, faster repair, faster healing and so on, if devs were to design more complex abilities for survivors we would probably have a content slowdown and the devs would have to have a lot more to think about when i comes to current and future perk designs and thus placing unneccesary limts on themselves
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It would be very cool if every survivor had their own unique ability plus a downside that balances it out. But I guess balancing as of now is hard and adding something like this to every survivor is way too much work and would end up really bad so that you only see the 2 Meta-survivors.
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How come Survivors get to change their skin/clothes into dark colors to blend into the environment but not (all) killers (or not without buying cosmetics with real money)?
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This is a troll right? If not then holy f**k lol
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Survivors have items. Keys, toolboxes, med kits, flashlights. Killers just have their power.
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3/20, you can do better.
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Survivors can drop pallets, quick vault windows, hide in lockers, break totems, sabo hooks, open chests...what more special abilities do they need exactly?
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You gotta remember there's 4 survivors to the 1 killer. That's 16 perks to 4. The killer is suppose to be powerful because it's 4v1. A lot of survivors have this impression that you should be able to go 1 on 1 with the killer and stand a chance. Your not suppose too because the killer is out numbered.
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Oh god no, I want new features to make survivor gameplay feel different but giving every survivor an ability would turn everyone into Meg mains.
For very very obvious reasons.
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I would be ok with them slowing down on content release like maybe three chapters a year instead of four, as it would give a little more time for ironing things out.
Why not Laurie, Bill, and David mains as well? I honestly would still play Nea if I got urban all the time.
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I think if we had unique abilities per survivor, majority of people would run Laurie for built in DS, Claudette for SC+botany and camouflage. NO ONE would run David cause he would come with No Mither lol
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The reason survivors do not have a unique ability is because:
A. One survivor would be considered the meta and no other survivor would be played. This is one reason why their personal perks are teachable to other survivors.
B. 4 survivors already = 16 perks between them. Then add 4 powers to that... oh and it would by 4x same power because meta will always rise.
C. 4 survivors who know how to play this game (map knowledge, perk synergy, unhook timing, etc.) already outplay any decent killer. Teamwork is their power and you just need to learn to use it.
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It would be cool if all survivors had a obsession perk exclusive to their loadout.
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You're right, why not give survivors a reverse hook mechanic where they can hook the killer? Or maybe a bazooka?
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Survivors already have a fifth ability - the ability to bring items and find items.
As for each survivor having a unique ability - well as has been pointed out in the past certain survivor abilities would then be considered meta and you would only see those survivors in play or people dodging others for not using the right survivor.
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I see your point jeez is this a discussion or you yelling at me 😂
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True. Didn't really give that to much thought hahahaa
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Ok ok , I see what you're saying. Don't get me wrong I love this game. My biggest issue is hit boxes. I consider myself a good killer I can okay with more then half the killers an have a great game. But the fact that a hit box is so off I do take advantage of that. If a survivor vault's a window why did I still down him seeing he/she is clearly at least 2-3 meters from the window
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how come that swf have 16 perks and killer has only 4 ? please ...
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I agree with everything you said expect this one thing. That's what ranking is for right? I've gone up against some very very amazing killers an they are A. Perkless B. Not camping/tunneling. No toxic behavior at all. So if a perkless monster has that much of an advantage using one of the worst killers in the game why not 5 perks for a survivor.
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Killers and survivors each get 4 perks. killers have an ability and survivors have 1519515 safe pallets. It evens out.
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I have seen a handful of very skilled killer as well and yes they can tare up my skilled swf group, however I can count those moments on one hand. The average killer gets outplayed against a good group of survivors who know what they are doing. If they are n coms then even more so.
You are right that ranking helps with this. Equally skilled survivors go up against an equally skilled killer. However matchmaking is nuts right now. I'm rank 11 killer and I keep getting matched against red rank survivors. From what I read on the forms I am not the only one experience this rank discrepancy.
On flip side, my friends and I run into killers much lower rank then us more often then not. We def don't need an extra advantage.
I read a form yesterday that was suggesting a 5th perk slot but only for certain perks. Lightweight, Urban, Brutal Strength, Agitation, etc. Perks that are more qol perks and not so much game changing perks.
I thought that would be a fun idea and make for more creative playstyles. It would be a fun thing to test out and see how much it changes the game.
Just for fun, what unique powers would you give your fav survivors?
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Can I have flight?? O,O
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Imo if it was balanced properly then playing against survivors with unique abilities would be fun. The main difference between perks and unique abilities would be you already know "5th perk" they have. I really just want something different from survivors, because they all play the same to me.
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Either you are very new to the game or have never played killer before. There are so many survivor perks that killers have to work around and giving survivors a 5th perk or their own power is a ridiculous suggestion, especially with the current state of the game. Put some more hours into killer and you’ll see how silly this post sounds afterwards.
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Im crying laughing lol
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Not saying it needs to be special but I play as tapp. Having tenacity as my special ability while I play with prove thyself, alert, stake out an Urban ya know
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Exactly what you said works for survivors. Soon as you see a killer you know his power why does it matter that detective tapp has tenacity as his special while I run 4 other perks
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Killers are to strong survivors need a power! I'd prefer a sword and shield and a Mori for survivors to use aswell. Also a 5th perk slot wouldn't be asking for much. And maybe 4 more teammates and while we're at it why should killers have perks anyway?! They already have a power, remove perks for killers! And they're to fast too make them slower! And I'd also like a raise at my job, I'm not paid enough! And rent is too high! And how about them gas prices! And Don't get me started on airline food!
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Now I don't think it's what OP meant, but I have wondered why unique survivor (and killer) perks don't have a final rarity (like Ultra Rare for the Very Rare perks) that is unobtainable for anyone besides the survivor/killer it belongs to. So like level III Self-Care every survivor can obtain, but a Level IV Self-Care only Claudette can have.
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Items are the ability slot. I bet if I search I will find 'how come killers don't get an item? Killers should get a fifth perk slot"
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They sort of used to because originally teachable perks didn't exist. If you wanted to use adrenaline, you had to play Meg. If you wanted Thanataphobia, you had to play nurse. They changed it and made the teachable perk system instead.
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Because survivors are just skins
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Exactly as Ahoy said.
Killer= 1 ability / 4 perks / 2 add-ons
Survivors (4 on team) = 16 perks / 4 items / 8 add-ons
Sooooo where do you see the killer having the "advantage" in match tools?