A perfect survivor game is close to impossible to pull off.

You need to be altruistic whilst being chased, not go down, do a lot of gens and all the totems, evade the killer, open the gates and escape through the hatch, invade Israel and South Africa and escape with your whole team.

This is impossible for me to pull off. Maybe if you change the badges a bit? It could help. But rn as a solo, impossible


  • tkwmm
    tkwmm Member Posts: 103
    edited February 2020

    Even I playing solo I have 70% 4 people escape with my teammate when against non mobility killer among my matches.

    You may refer to my perk and try it yourself. I am focus on information gathering as playing solo make you unable to obtain any information. Why SWF is so strong because they can share information between them and allowing them can bring all escape / bully perk without any information perk.

    Thats why I choosing the perk that can allow me having the information advantage that close to SWF level. Yes I can't bully the killer, but my objective is to survive, not troll the killer.

    1.Empathy -> For coordinate with other teammate, eg continue repair the gen the left off, heal them, etc.

    2.Spine Chill -> Getting ready to safe loop / god loop if I suspect killer are on their way to me. Able to know can perform a Safety Hook or not also.

    3.Detective Hunch -> Superior aura reading ability, for me to cleanse totem ( NOED only last 30 second in my matches ), search chest and plan gen repairing so that I doesn't 3 gen my team.

    4.Any escape perk depend what I want>>>Urban Evasion if I want stealth, Sprint Burst / Lithe / Balance Landing for immediate escape from killer.

    Lastly, play more and study each loop and map is super important.

    Most map have god loop and super safe pallet that enough for you to loop killer 5 minute if no mistake was make.

    Sprint burst to non-safe pallet was the biggest mistake that I make during my early time in this game. But now I can always prepare myself at safe loop and most killer will immediate give up on me.

    And most important, 2 pip in most of these matches. Super easy.

  • Yung_Slug
    Yung_Slug Member Posts: 2,238

    Are you going for max emblems or max BPs? I've gotten each at least once before but I think it's impossible to get both without self care and an hour long game.

  • RobMeister88
    RobMeister88 Member Posts: 351
    edited February 2020

    Yeah that's a no about changing the survivor scoring/emblem system, unless you want to make it harder. Survivor emblem system is already easy enough as is. It's just harder to get a perfect game as a survivor because you have to rely on 4 factors. Your teammates and the killer. Those are the main factors. Other factors include the map, map RNG (pallet spawns, jungle gym spawns, etc.) your perks, etc. Your teammates need to not die too early so that you can get saves and heals, then you need to try to work on gens with other people since working on gens by yourself gives you little rewards (2 gens solo equals silver emblem at best, 1 with 2 people already fills it up to gold). Then you need to get chased by the killer and avoid being hit at all costs because each hit counts as a chase you lost, so the more hits you take, the more penalties you recieve. There's just so many factors but that's why it's hard to get perfect games in the first place. They shouldn't be made easier. And in solos it's not impossible. Tru3 got has had some rare matches where he got perfect games and he always does solos. I've only had one once though it was in green ranks, but I still got it, and I was on solos. Point is, the way the system works to get a perfect game for survivor is already good enough as is.

    CLAUDETTEINABUSH Member Posts: 2,210

    I disagree. There are different types of survivors (healer,gen jokey, good at chases, the urban evasion claudette, ect). In order to have the perfect game you need to be all of em, which is pretty hard if you ask me....

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,966

    The survivor emblem system is mostly fine as it is, but BP scoring in survival has always been an issue. There are more and more killer specific events that help it, and there have been a few added to help with any match (pretty sure theres one for wiggling on a killers shoulder now) but its still very much a 0-1k or 5-6k category. You either get a lot or a little, but its near impossible to fill.

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    Survival category is a bit hard to max out. But it also depends on which killer you're facing

  • RobMeister88
    RobMeister88 Member Posts: 351

    That's the point... high rewards should have high risks, difficult to achieve, they shouldn't be handed down. The whole point of survivor in general is to make the best out of a bad situation with what you have. You need to make the team synergize or try to synergize with it. Do you 2nd guess yourself or do you stick with the original plan? Should I go for the save or stay on the gen? Do I take a hit or hide nearby? Do I take the aggro or let my teammates distract the killer? Should I heal my teammate or convince him to work on the gen first? This is the whole point of the survivor role. This is why solos is a true test of skill, people don't have their hands held, they have to actually use their brain and be good. It's why swf is frowned upon because against the casual killer, swf is almost always a guaranteed win. Something that is perfect shouldn't be brought down to a common level.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    "the perfect game doesnt exi-"

    yeah we knew each other, ill admit that xD