Do you trust your teammates to heal you or do you run self-care/medkit?

I personally don't, so I stick to sc and medkits.
What about you? Let me know below.
I do, when I play SWF, but even then I run a med-kit. If the Killer has Sloppy and you use SC, that is almost 50 seconds worth of healing.
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Nope, tho' they usually want to (I play solo).
I only had one match recently where all 3 were the most selfish survivors I've ever encountered and it was exactly when I was playing without self-care, medkit or iron will.
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Self Care.
I simply like having a way to heal myself that isn't limited or dependant.
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If anything, I bring a Med-kit. Self-care is wasting a perk slot, in my opinion.
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If I get hit during a match I usually stay injured the entire match unless I’m up against a Wraith or Huntress. Usually I get teammates that just teabag me and refuse to do a gen to force me to get healed by them, waste of time.
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I typically run pharmacy. The emergency med kit is great. I have close to 300 of them farmed up.
If I want to play sweaty I bring in a emergency med kit with charge add ons and an extra perk slot. It's pretty op tbh (possibly to op)?
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I usually run iron will, so if i dont get a heal i just do something else. If i have medkit or if i find one or if someone wants to heal me i do that,
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Self Care is the epitome of garbage perks
playing injured is better
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Self-Care + Botany isn't terribad, both for yourself and your teammates :)
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I absolutely can not stand being unable to heal myself. I always, always bring an option to heal myself. Either inner strength, self care, and/or a med kit. There are too many god awful survivors out there. I've given up on relying on others.
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I like inner strength myself. Self care takes too long and I have learnt the totem spots better uainf it. Paired with detective haunch its so easy to find them.
I will let others heal if they try but I don't rely on it as so many just run the opposite direction or jump on the closest gen.
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I don't trust most other survivors. But I surely won't use Self-care lmao. Inner strength.
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I don't.
Which is why I take inner strenght
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First: let then heal me
Second:why didn't u made a poll?
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i like self care. Even though it's at half speed than normal, it doesn't change the amount of total survivor time being used. I won't have to depend on teammates for heals in that case and they can go off to do something else. They usually leave me injured anyways.
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i will usually go and look for team mates to heal me - unless we're at the last gen, since i usually run Adrenaline healing would be a waste of time at that point.
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I'll let them if they're near me, but I generally don't trust randoms.
My stealth build just has Self-Care or Botany/Medkit when I have medkits.
My runner build actually has Self-Care and Botany.
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I'm cool playing injured all match. However, if I really do wanted to get healed l run bond + Leader. There have been times where my team mates are signaling me to get healed on a gen I'm working on and ignore them because I'd rather finish the generator first and then get healed.
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I use Iron Will so I don’t mind staying injured.
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I consider 2 health stages as luxury and most of the game I go with just 1 health stage.
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I dont trust randoms to do anything for me lol
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Because I'm an idiot