Remove the post game chat.

It serves no other purpose then to spread toxicity, abuse and hate. The few people that actually use it to be positive and good sports are few and far between. Its almost always death threats, hate, salt, etc. Just remove it. The killer should be as far removed from the survivors as possible with the only interactions being in the trial when the killer is killing them. Removing the post game chat would only benefit the game and make it a healthier environment especially for new players that are still learning the ropes of the game.

Also as a side note remove the survivors ability to see the killers steam name or view their profile in the post game or on the recent games list. Curbing toxicity and harassment to encourage a healthier community should be a priority alongside the balance of this game.


  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,289
    edited June 2018

    I do agree with removing post game steam names as you can't even report players so it has no purpose. Also the thing about recent players on steam is for some reason killers cannot see survivors on the list so I don't understand why survivors can see other players.

    edit - To clarify on my post about post game steam names I mean clicking on names to go to profiles. I personally have no issues with the actual chat

    Post edited by Dustin on
  • Nick
    Nick Member Posts: 1,237

    Just leave the chat instantly? Problem solved. I like the end game chat because I can ask the killer questions if he's seen me or not or something like that. And give him props when he didn't camp. Just leave the chat, no one is forcing you to stay

  • beatddb
    beatddb Member Posts: 565

    I don't think removing the whole chat it's a good idea, but maybe an option for that? like when you end a game no chat its showed

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930

    Just throw the whole game away!

  • SadonicShadow
    SadonicShadow Member Posts: 1,146
    edited June 2018

    @beatddb said:
    I don't think removing the whole chat it's a good idea, but maybe an option for that? like when you end a game no chat its showed

    There technically is a feature like that more or less. You can click the little chat icon to the right of it and it minimizes the chat but i would prefer to take it one step further and just create an option in the games settings to completely remove it. As the old saying goes "out of sight out of mind".

    VESSEL Member Posts: 1,068
    edited June 2018

    The problem is we're all very curious at the start, but then regret opening it to see the toxicity and hostility. If only we could either A) Be hard skinned as ######### , or B ) Put away the curiosity, as to not 'kill the cat'. Or with C) as you suggested, have a removal feature.

    I'm leaning more towards option B tbh

  • SadonicShadow
    SadonicShadow Member Posts: 1,146

    @MineAntoiya said:
    The problem is we're all very curious at the start, but then regret opening it to see the toxicity and hostility. If only we could either A) Be hard skinned as [BAD WORD] , or B ) Put away the curiosity, as to not 'kill the cat'. Or with C) as you suggested, have a removal feature.

    I'm leaning more towards option B tbh

    Thats pretty much how i feel aswell. Like i see the little chat bubble and at the back of my mind i so badly want to open it and see what they are saying even tho i know i am going to regret it. i think option C would be the best overall. Just a little check box in the options that says disable post game chat. Check the box and post game chat is gone for good and in the chat for the survivors it could just say host has disabled chat so that they dont waste their time talking to a wall.

  • hannibal322
    hannibal322 Member Posts: 17

    I know I am necroing a old post but I just started playing a month ago and I really wish this feature existed I have never played a game where I am harassed after 99% of the games. I enjoy the game even those where I get killed instantly or fail to get the survivors but every game someone is a terrible person. It gets old either bailing from the game and not seeing the results or sticking around and reporting people for harassment.

  • Trollthem
    Trollthem Member Posts: 186

    I love watching salt in the post game chat , just leave the chat when your game is over , simple.