Voice Communication

ButThatBootyTho Member Posts: 7
edited February 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

This game needs game chat for the survivors. I’m tired of busting my ass trying to help everyone best I can and u can’t even say the hatch is over here if someone is injured or down. Communication is much needed for this game right now so please add this in the next update please I’m begging u. I’m tired of randomly inviting people to party and they never join.


  • CotJocky
    CotJocky Member Posts: 219

    I solo queue 95% of the time. I will agree, if the game had built in comms, then they could balance towards a SWF. That would eliminate the trying to straddle the fence with the balancing between SWF and Solo Queue Survivors. Might be able to balance the game a bit more for killers.

    I'm sure many don't want to be forced on comms. They would just mute it. But that would be the excuse to give the killer more advantages.

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    most just use discord, even randoms have sometimes sent me their discords to use (though this only happens in red ranks)

    it would be both very helpful AND very toxic

    and i would love it

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,487

    I for one would be fully against in game voice chat and I very much doubt it will ever be implemented in this game.

  • [Deleted User]

    Any chance Survivors could get more emotes then for communicating outside of SWF?

    Idd like a "stay here" and "thumbs up" and if BHVR is feeling really cheeky, a way to do High Five between two survivors.

  • Trollthem
    Trollthem Member Posts: 186

    Voice communication like Discord is actually the thing that make Trapper's trap / freddy's fake pallet / hag traps and killers movements useless.

  • Krilkal
    Krilkal Member Posts: 68

    I can already "see" random survivors insulting each other in voice chat if someone ######### up if that would be implemented.

    + the game would probably loose even more killers if every team is swf.