Chains of Hate DLC March 10th CONFIRMED

Oof. Well, that's disappointing. Pretty much guarantees another week of bad queue times.
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All that hype for nothing...
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why we they need an extra week, that's literally almost a month and most of the time nothing major changes from the ptb towards live. I hope this doesn't start to become a common thing happening.
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Well, if the update is delayed a mere week (which is nothing) - they probably have their reasons. I would rather wait a bit for a better working patch than get something buggy and unfinished early.
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We don't need an extra week though? It's just unnecessary...
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we all know we will get something bugy and unfinished late.
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Slight tweaks scheduled for March 17th.
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Better then an weak killer with 7 billion bugs
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I mean issues go like 6 months or more without being "Tackled" so I don't know how much of a difference one week will make; but if it means less problems on launch take as long as you want- but please hurry up with fixing the game breaking issues.
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thanks for the info, it's much better to know
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Personally I think it's fantastic they are taking extra time before the release. It's awesome, and a move I didn't expect them to make.
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I agree as well. I’m hoping the new killer is balanced and not too strong/weak, I’m just speaking on my play style. This new chapter seems very exciting and I don’t want them to rush if it’s not as polished as they’d like it to be
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My guess, it's taking longer to get through console certification.
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yeah but they can't say that we all know why
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What I find kinda lame about this is that the next tome is also next week.... could have been nice if we had either the new DLC or the new Tome this week to have something to do.
Are the cosmetics also kidna moved with the DLC or is that not related at all?
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Im disappointed, its time to play civ
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Sounds good to me! Obviously I want to play it ASAP but if waiting an extra week means a more polished experience then I'm all for it
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propaby yes skins will get pushed back too
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So extra week. Makes me wonder if this extra week will somehow affect the typical, BHVR style, not trigger happy change within 2 weeks after every killer release that drastically changes how killer performes.
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Well, ######### me, i am busy all day the 10th and tomorrow I have just about enough time to play.
I hope the delay at least is worth it :T
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Could you imagine being so entitled that you get upset when game developers want to give you a better product? Yesh, some of these responses are serious cringe.
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If the devs feel like they need an extra week to ensure the chapter is polished up and ready for release, I'm 100% for it. I'm glad the devs are passionate enough to want to give us a good chapter release that isn't overshadowed by bugs and other mess.
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You guys at BHVR do what you have to. So excited for Deathslinger!
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Considering their track record, we'll still probably get something buggy and unfinished, just delayed by a week.
The new killer is still going to be C tier at best if they don't adjust him. He's going to be played for a week or less, then you'll never see him again. More Oni, Nurse, Billy, etc
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Not a surprise though considering they needs to be balancing with the new upcoming stuff. Deathslinger needs a buff, sabotaging hooks needs a balance, new matchmaking needs to work etc. Hopefully some of the changes will be put in the PTB before it becomes live so we can test them out first.
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While I'm delighted it seems they are taking extra steps to ensure releases are less buggy... I'm just frustrated that they communicated this only a few hours before a lot of people expected the release. Surely they knew a day or more ago and could have given players the heads up then?
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whaat? bhvr delaying an update? that's like... unheard of
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Its not that i think its because we are use to when a new patch come out its extremly buggy and i think they extra week wont matter for that issue
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A lot of people have suggested that the devs should stop making new content and only focus on fixing bugs for some time but unfortunately that's not really happening since the game needs new content to keep the player numbers up.
So I guess this is a good way to keep both sides somewhat happy. New content is still on the way but having an extra week to tweak things and fix bugs will probably make quite a difference.
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Y'all can choose to wait a bit more time for the update to be properly released without bugs and broken things, or don't wait and generate more complaints amongst the community. I'll have to go with the first option myself.
Go outside until then, have some fun with friends and family.
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This is the best you can do imho. I know that waiting sucks and everyone can't wait to get their hands on the new killer, it is always better to wait a few days longer for maybe some more bugfixes or a little better designed features.
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People like you annoy me twice as much to be perfectly honest. Many have been asking for 'Project Health' for ages but since that's not really an option, this is a step to the right direction and people are allowed to be happy or at least optimistic about it.
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Am I the only one happy with this? Didn't play as much as I wanted this weekend so I wasn't able to collect near 1000K bloodpoints, I have time for that now :)
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@not_Queen But aren't you afraid to release both the challenges and the DLC the same week might create some issues ? Like a really long queue killer time or people DCing because they are not versing the new killer ?
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Very mature.
The only times Bhvr has postponed something so far (afaik) is when they've had problems so obviously there's been nothing godlike yet. Now they'll get more time to do other things even if the actual new content is already ready to go.
Besides, nothing is probably gonna be god quality in your eyes if your attitude towards the devs and supporters is like that.
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You know, I'm not surprised this annoys you. It goes well along the lines of how many in this community approach pretty much everything. The game is buggy and unbalanced, queue times are too long, content is bad, updates are late, everything is unacceptable and doesn't align with your entitled plans, etc. One can't help but wonder why people who argue like this even stay? There are other games out there, and absolutely nobody is stopping you from playing them instead.
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Skins probably won't get pushed back. We weren't likely to get anything new this week anyway (we usually don't on launch week) so we'll probably just get something new the day after on the 11th, I'm guessing.
They could still be pushed back but I don't see a reason or need for them too.
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Maybe we could at least know about any planned changes please? 🥰🥰🥰😘
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I also were really hyped for the release and i got really sad after i heard that, but they have their reasons. Like the other already said, i rather would wait some more days than get too many bugs or something. That being said, no one should get mad because they delay it.
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This is exactly why they don't give exact dates for anything. No one ever officially said the new stuff was coming today. Yes in the past it's been like that. Nothing legally binding is forcing them to release today. They never promised it would be out today.
A week is not a long time. I've been at about 1.5 million bloodpoints for awhile (counting unclaimed dailys and tome challenges) but ive also been leveling my last 3 survivors to level 40.
Regardless, while i don't think an extra week is long enough, i feel they need extra time between chapters for health reasons. This is not a huge deal.
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I think it’s great that you guys are pushing the updates back so you can catch more issues before the release. It’s better to wait a week but have a stable patch than rush it out the door and have a bunch of gamebreaking bugs plague it.
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Lol so true. Sound bug?!?!?! Nah we’ll focus on that pixel because selling this chapter is far more important.
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Man i love this game and have for years but if it doesn't get some excitement injected soon in the form of something new (breakable pre-thrown pallets ain't it), fix the massive list of bugs, and find a way to shorten queues I think this ride is about over!! Please tell me im wrong! Hoping I am. :'(
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did they pushed back skins with the fvery first rift it might be the same case here but only time will tell
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Some say it's better to release a functioning dlc patch than a broken one.
I say to make the hype starve one extra week is frustrating and extremely irritating to those of us who were getting ready for the usual pattern of a release today hearing nothing of the new extra week delay to fix more bugs.
Once you make people publicly aware of the new content, from that point the hype will come but then trickle away over time. It's been 2 weeks and another week has me questioning whether I should wait around for it at all.
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It’s dead by daylight.... when aren’t there bugs? There will be many bugs when the chapter comes out. So what difference would it make if it came out today then March 10th?
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I definitley agree with you. Finding out about a delay last minute sucks.
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There are still going to be many bugs when the chapter comes out. It would have made no difference if it came out today. It’s dead by daylight.... this game is nothing but bugs and issues.
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Exactly. I agree. Wouldn’t have made a difference if it came out today rather than March 10th with the constant bugs and issues this game ALWAYS has.