I don't know about you guys, but BHVR never released an official release date for the new chapter

They never said the release date, so I see people getting mad because BHVR is waiting a week for this update to release.
That is a good thing that they are delaying it as more bugs are being fixed, along with more balancing to the killers perks and survivor perks.
And I do remember that they said to not follow patterns, as these patterns can change
People see leaks, people get told repeatedly not to believe leaks, people get mad when BHVR doesn’t match leaks... repeat in any game or any industry for that matter
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March 10th most likely bro The Dev's dais they pushed it back to make more changes and test out more bugs.
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it's more the fact that they knew we expected the patch today as it has mostly always been 2 weeks after the ptb went live and did not tell us until less than 24 hrs and also the fact metacritic leaked the march 10 date and the devs still waited until the last second before confirming it some people have busy lives and schedule things around it i mean i would not be surprised if all the streamers and youtubers set there plans aside to get footage of the patch.
its nice that they have given us a date but they could have been a bit more punctual about it. we want them to communicate and tell us these things not give us nothing but silence, i miss the days when they would do a dev stream every week not once a month even if there was not much to talk about it made it feel like they were actually engaging with us
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If i worked at bhvr and heard people got upset the chapter didnt release on the 10th. Id probably say something along the lines of "who said it was coming out on the 10th? Why are they getting mad?"
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Maybe up until yesterday they still had hopes they could push it today?
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This. I agree with the OP that people shouldn't get mad when they are assuming a release date. But you'd think when BHVR is well aware of that assumption they could just tell us as soon as they know if it won't drop when expected.
Post edited by thrawn3054 on2 -
New chapters are released the 13th every 3 months.
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Actually, the leaks were right in this case. People were counting on it for today because the ptb usually takes 2 weeks and then comes the release. I for one am happy that it's only next week, good thing I trusted the "leaks" :)
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Yep, BHVR current communication strategy is just frustrating lately. I won't say it's bad. But they really build up much more distance towards the community, which in some cases are good considering how the communtiy puts every word on a scale. On the other hand it's frustrating in situations like this, were you wonder, why they just didn't time to tell us that they are trying to put more time between PTB and release to temper expectations. They didn't had to be specific.
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some sites gave the 3rd, I guess I should have said “people chose to believe the link that they wanted to,” but you’re right a lot of sites have the 10th as well it was close to a 50/50 split
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Which is why they tell us over and over, "we didnt say anything, dont get too hyped and dont look for patterns. Its coincidence."
And people take off work for a ######### video game dlc (not even a new title) and then get MAD when their speculations are wrong and they wasted their own time.
You can have a busy life and still play the game. Dear god how will we survive another week. All the free time for the rest of my life was save for TODAY ONLY!!!
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Except this one will be the 10th. And they said specifically patterns are coincidence. They dont release them on a pattern on purpose.
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People who use vacation days for a release baffle me, this isn’t even a new game or expansion it’s literally one new killer...
I mean if you wanna take off to binge a play through of a brand new Fallout, star wars or similar so it isn’t spoiled that I can kind of get
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It's always on a Tuesday, so it is not always the 13th.
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Stepping in here, to warn you to calm down on this thread and refrain from personally attacking other users!
We have always said, do not listen to leaked or rumour'd dates and only go by official sources, so sorry that people are disappointed but until we confirm something, nobody should be prepared for a date.
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I personally think (probably just me) that I want it to be the coolest possible, so if the devs think they must do some more work, then let them do it. Sure it can be frustrating having to wait, but I prefer that than a poorly finished dlc with gamebreaking glitches all around
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I agree with that.
Remember when Hallowed Blight got delayed due to a game breaking bug devs found?
I was completely cool with it, I want the game to work, not for the game to not work
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Plus, they have extra reasons to be careful after how broken the Oni chapter was, they dont want that to happen again xD it took until midchapter to clean the mess it did
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If i remember correctly, last halloween patch was delayed for a week.
And what did we get? Tons if game-breaking bugs. I forgot the details, but i think basement bug was one of it, a PTB bug that went into live.
As for balancing, it was nurse rework. And what did they change? Nerf her add-ons furthermore and ignore all feedbacks.
So... no. I won't get my hopes up.
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Give us 2 more chapters to play with while we wait for this chapter. You guys can get 2 killers and 2 survivors and 2 new maps done in a week right?