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No more tunneling players or campers. listen to the community please

What kind of games do you really want? a game that lasts more than 1 year or dies in a few months? Stop the murderers tunneling with 5 generators at once. It makes no sense this way of playing. the killer who goes for the weakest since the beginning of the match, it really makes no sense. A killer who doesn't let anyone play. It is disgusting and gives the game a bad name but it seems that you don't care. It is a multiplayer game, we all have the right to play and not die on the hook without doing anything. Seriously, this can't go on like this. This attitude kills the players. penalize players who do not let others play.

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  • Member Posts: 2,117

    Tunneling, camping and slugging need to go. No discussion worth it.

  • Member Posts: 1,416

    Today i got facecamped almost every Match. I just told my Mate to do Gens.

  • Member Posts: 1,285


    A killer facecamping a survivor is actually good for the rest of the team. Its frustrating for that one guy, but it helps the team do gens sooo.

  • Member Posts: 1,416

    All you said is right and it may be a ,,legit strat" but for myself it is really boring to get camp or tunnel. I know its the Killer Goal to kill everyone but that doesnt mean the Killer cant play ,,fair". If i play Killer (Red ranks) I never camp and i always try to not tunnel. The game might be harder this way but its also way more fun for EVERYONE. I dont want to look in one of these ugly Dwight faces the whole time if i could have fun at chasing or so.

  • Member Posts: 21,214

    I do not think he is talking about facecamping. He's talking about proxying, I think.

    I try not to tunnel as well, I absolutely get that it isn't fun but if I need pressure, I'm going to do it. If I see three gens pop in the first two minutes, I'm going to get a little antsy and not play so nice.

  • Member Posts: 173

    more Wah wah Wah wah WAH xD

  • Member Posts: 1,416

    I know that tunneling can sometimes be required like if you hook someone near the exit gate and it is opened already while everyone is healthy so you cant get someone else.

    But i love this guys who call you a camper because you dont go away from the hook because you can cleary see that EVERYONE is near the hook.

    Still the game is much more fun if everyone is tryong to play as fair as possible. For me its not fair to camp or tunnel. It just takes away the fun for me and the hooked guy. Also in the most szenarios you would get more points if you just chased alot but killed no one than just for camping someone.

  • Member Posts: 1,416

    I know that may sounds weird but in a real life scenario it might be ,,fair to camp" but its a game and games are meant to make fun. Also it may be the main objective to kill the survivors but its also their objective to chase them. Also if a killer camp and tunnel there can be times where survivors cant do anything against and thats not fair for me. Also i say this as a killer.

  • Member Posts: 313

    simp killers do this and get no points at the end wasting everyone's time :( tragic

  • Member Posts: 383

    Hahaha no More Rushers , i am rank 1 as a killer AND always 3 generators un 2 minutes came on

  • Member Posts: 247

    tunneling and camping has always sucked but since the changes it has become really bad. pretty much every single game now killers will tunnel and/or camp.

    had a game yesterday where the killer went after 1 person. luckily this person was a good looper but he eventually got hooked, someone got him off hook and the killer came straight back to tunnel him. the person that unhooked took a hit to get the killer off him but killer kept going after the person that was hooked. he got hooked again and the same thing happened. got him off the hook, killer came back and went for the hard tunnel. i took a hit for him and again he kept going after the freshly unhooked survivor. he was looping in the shack so i decided to sacrifice myself because it was just becoming ridiculous and i hadn't been hooked. blocked the doorway so the survivor could get a little distance, i went down and the killer left me to keep tunneling this survivor that he had been chasing all game and already hooked twice. it didn't matter what we did, this killer just hard tunneled the whole game.

    someone opened the exit and we all ended up getting out but then the killer sent a salty message saying we were try hards and we should learn not to be sweaty. all we were trying to do is get the killer off the person that had been hard tunneled all game.

    getting tunneled and camped is not fun and i don't see how it is fun for the killer either. knowing how to loop doesn't make any difference. also so many times have i heard killers go on about how they camp and tunnel because survivors are being toxic. well not this time. and why do killers play like that then get salty when people get out?

  • Member Posts: 1,414

    I don't think you understand how this game works.

    Camping and tunneling are both valid strategies that have their own benefits and draw backs;

    • Camping helps guarantee a kill but removes all of your map pressure
    • Tunneling also helps secure a kill but makes it harder to pressure other survivors

    It's not the killer's job to ensure you have an enjoyable experience, (other than simply being your opponent.)

    It's the killer's job to KILL you. How they go about this is entirely up to them.

    If you dislike tunneling and camping so much, I'd recommend either getting good at prolonging chases, or doing gens.

    Either are solid counter-strategies if you know what you are doing.

  • Member Posts: 49

    I wrote this post because before I wrote support and they asked me to put it in the forum. I already knew the repercussion. All the comments of bullying are from killer who camp and tunnel and then complain about the genrush. You just have to read between the lines to see it. It is also seen that if they play as a survivor they are the most toxic in the game. I do not need to play killer to know the frustration of the player but if I have seen players kill all 4 without tunneling and camping and make everyone make points (this is fun for everyone).

    Then there are those who try to argue a dirty practice because they don't know how to play otherwise (the vast majority of those who have laughed at me). A great killer does not laugh at a survivor in a forum, he understands the player's frustration.

    This game apart from having a toxic community, does not have a support and complaint team. It is absurd to be disturbed by some of his game and you are referred to the forum for everything. I have never seen this in any game. It really surprises me negatively.

    Why don't you read better? There are camping and camping. That the killer decides to camp when he has made 3 generators in 2 minutes, it seems logical but that the killer camper or tunneling when nothing has been done in the game seems a dirty attitude and nothing fun.

    The game will take 4 years but tunneling and camping when I started playing you could find it 1 in 10 matches. To this day it has become an exaggeratedly used practice and it is getting worse. Well, what brings the new update will bring more camping and tunneling, more letherface with insidia or goshface hidden behind a hook. They only make the game worse.

    Unfortunately this post will not help them to do something, because it is of no use that they take out anti-tunneling or camping perk, people will use them badly (such as perks of letherface or pigsaw). The solution is not the perk, it is the attitude. Get her out of the game. Like the killer wants to play, the survivor also wants to play. And if they followed the basic rules that put the game to ban a person, it would be enough. The player who takes the fun away from another player in the game is banned but this rule is only accepted when he is a survivor, the killer is far from entering here. It is a big mistake not to accept it.

    With the good thing that it would be that they valued the game and if the tunneling and the one who makes camping are without reason, to penalize it. The game would be cleaner, there would be more players (those who have left for not wanting to participate in this great fight), there would be much more good killer players and especially more fun. Also include the toxic survivor and who does not cooperate in the match, to make it more fair for everyone.

    I don't understand the game? Is the gene my strategy? You may not understand the game. I have no strategy, I only have 3 things to do (make generators, clean totems and escape the killer). The killer just has to kill. You only have one thing to do. Seriously think about it before answering for no reason at least get into the mind of a camping and tunneled survivor, in almost every match and understand the criticism. I am sure that all those who speak negatively here have more good matches than bad ones.

  • Member Posts: 3,826
  • Member Posts: 3,893

    Knowing how to loop doesn't make a difference.

    You literally just gave an anecdotal story about how knowing how to loop and a little bit of body blocking essentially invalidated hardcore tunneling but please continue to go off

  • Member Posts: 3,893


    This is going to be really irritating to hear but it is not another players job to make sure you have a fun.

    This goes for any other game you're playing it is not their job to make sure you have fun especially if they're an opposing player to you.

    Will it be nice for them to at least make sure people have a good time, yes. Is it obligated for them to make sure you have a good time, no.

    As long as they're not doing anything bannable which camping tunneling and slugging have been repeatedly stated to be not it doesn't matter how they play.


    Stop using fun as a reasonable defence saying you shouldn't find this fun is incredibly stupid. Why because fun is an incredibly subjective thing something did you find fun is something that someone else might find very tedious and annoying.

    I know friends who plays survivor who absolutely despises the chase mechanics of the game but really likes the hide and seek elements they really enjoy when the killer walks past them without noticing them but they hate being chased.

    Saying their playstyle is invalid because how could you find that fun is really narrow-minded.

  • Member Posts: 117

    I feel what creates a lot of toxicity in this game is the fact that both sides feel they are not being treated in a fair manner.

    I feel since the ruin nerf killers have been playing a lot more aggressively, slugging, tunneling and using NOED almost every game. And to be honest, I understand! If there's no ruin you need to slow the game somehow. And if you KNOW you wont be able to do anything about gen speed, just throw NOED there and you'll at least get some use out of it.

    On the other hand, survivors feel they're not having fun exactly for the reasons I listed. I hate being slugged and camped.. But these are valid strategies. I don't mind being tunneled that much because I think being chased is the most fun aspect of survivor gameplay.. so yeah.. I'd recommend you learn to loop and you'll see killers will start avoiding you. And run decisive strike..

    I really hate seeing people arguing everyday about what they are entitled or not on this video game. I love the game, but damn if the community is not a pain in the ass.

  • Member Posts: 4,335

    I hate getting tunneled off the hook at 5 gennys. But have you played any killer in competitive ranks?

    Because a killer is afforded very little margin for error. This strategy is unfun but I know with my swf by time you hook me for second stage we will have at least 3 gens done.

    Tunneling sucks...and I believe will mostly lose the killer the game, especially if you have some one that can loop. But keep it in perspective..its just a game and killers are dealing with plenty of frustration on their end as well.

  • Member Posts: 3,145

    I, personally, utilise the STRATEGIES of camping, tunneling, and slugging quite often.

    Works wonders.

  • Member Posts: 765

    I'll consider this when survivors stop tea-bagging, stop using all the meta second chance perks that make their screw-ups a problem for the killer, can't bully with SWF, and stop being the power role.

    None of this stuff is fun for the killer but it happens basically every game and no one cares that the killer isn't having fun. It's only a problem when survivors aren't having fun.

  • Member Posts: 4,506

    This is Rich.

    "Stop camping and tunneling."

    "Do you want the game to die in a few months?"

    -Realizing that camping and tunneling have been going on for 3+ years.

  • Member Posts: 4,506

    Exactly. It's a game. If someone camps and tunnels, why care so much? It's a GAME.

  • Member Posts: 4,506

    Except they all work in various scenarios. You not wanting to discuss it just shows how stubborn or biased you are.

    Plugging your ears saying "I'm not listening!"

  • Member Posts: 1,416

    I still have fun. Also you cant blame the survivors for using perks like DS or BT. Perks like these only get used that muvh because they get Tunneled, Camped that much. Also if you get Salty because of a TBag you shouldn play the game. Tbagging isnt always meant to be toxic. Even if its toxic its not a reason to camp or tunnel.

  • Member Posts: 1,416

    Because games are supposed to be fun. For me and the most others, camping isnt fun. Its not a reason to rage but still.

  • Member Posts: 4,506

    If you dont find the game fun, dont play it. But saying, "my fun is more important than THEIR fun," isnt helping at all.

    Maybe the killer enjoys camping (as ######### as that sounds) and just wants a friend to hang out with every match. Why should they be denied fun?

    Maybe they find punishing overly altruistic saves against campers especially rewarding.

    It's a game, dont let it bother you. If other peoples actions dictate your fun, maybe you're not actually having fun anymore.

    And I dont say this in a snippy snap back kind of way, I mean it genuinely. I quit rocket league after the battlepass, came back and realized i just wasnt having fun. Not because of bad teammates (or people throwing the game) or missed plays or lag, those were excuses. I just wasnt having fun.

  • Member Posts: 1,416

    I didnt even said that i dont have fun anyone and i didnt said my fun is more important than their fun. I know some killer enjoy it to camp but also in this way they destroy the fun of the others. So they cant complain if someone is complaining about camping. Ok sounds weird.

  • Member Posts: 4,506

    I didnt mean you specifically said those things. I meant the "camping isnt fun" comment may be true for the camped, but not the camper.

    I also didnt mean, quit the game. I'm saying that things that are done in game, are going to continue to happen. If that ruins your fun maybe look for fun elsewhere instead of letting it bother you when it happens.

  • Member Posts: 1,471

    But why? That's like saying looping needs to be removed and not discussing it. You can't just say "Remove these totally valid strategies that have been in the game since release" and not have a discussion as to why they should be removed.

  • Member Posts: 8,602

    You can't regulate tunneling and camping out of the game. It's impossible when the definition constantly changes from player to player. And regulating suuch perceived behavior just gives survivors carte blanche to make bad plays. Look at how a lot of survivors use DS.

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