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NOED shouldn’t reward the killer for doing poorly

Member Posts: 226

Here we go with another NOED post but I am a mostly killer main that will play survivor when mates are up for it and I do think that NOED is a crutch perk that rewards the killer for not applying enough pressure on the gens.

I know most people use NOED now because ruin isn’t the greatest anymore but I refuse to use NOED purely because I think the perk is unfair and that it’s a bad habit to allow such a perk to exist.

I’ve played survivor games before and see the killer get 5 gen’d then he gets a easy 4k because of NOED.

I know it can be countered by cleansing the totems but in a solo queue or even a duo queue it’s quite unlikely that you will be able to cleanse all of the totems.

I think that either we should be able to tell whether they have NOED sooner than finding out when you get smacked down and left on hook or make the killer actually work for the perk.

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  • Member Posts: 681

    As a green rank gen jockey, it seems like when i do every totem i see, my solo q group has a worse chance of escaping. Somewhat ironic. I still do them. Even if my teammates like to stand next to me and watch me do them. As i do them.

  • Posts: 5,229

    I mean if they did totems too it should only take you like 20 or 40 seconds to break a totem or two, and then that shouldn't have an affect on your escape rate. If they are just standing around watching you do totems yeah, they are not much help at all, probably best to just do the gens and let one of them eat the noed and leave their ass behind lol.

  • Member Posts: 750

    unfortunately, i'll have to disagree. like most people have said; NOED is used as punishment for survivors not clearing totems that they come across, or at least gives them an incentive to do them. i don't think it's really meant to reward the killer for doing poorly, as it's also seen as a last ditch effort against a strong team.

  • Member Posts: 13,036

    NOED actually punishes survivors for ignoring the...get this...SECONDARY OBJECTIVE

    Yes that is right, those bones you see around the map are a side objective that could punish you for ignoring them

  • Member Posts: 1,791

    Imagine being salty for being downed by NOED by a killer who can normally hit you with a one hit down when you're already injured, and on death hook. Lol.

    That's a typical Myers game for me.

  • Member Posts: 494

    In a game where survs on avg prolly get 15k BP doing 3 totems will get you 1/5 of that total.

  • Member Posts: 128

    It's not failure. They brought in this perk, explicitly because they wanted to play in the End Game. Just like all the zero skill, no set up required perks that Survivors use to escape in situations they would not have escaped otherwise. Like getting a decisive strike on the killer, and unhooking all their friends before the killer gets unstunned, and escaping out of the exit gates. Or putting yourself between the killer and the guy that just unhooked you, because he had Borrowed time, and escaping out the exit gates. Or using their unbreakable, to pick themselves back up, and unhook multiple survivors in the last second, and escape out of the exit gates. They didn't fail, they did exactly what they planned to do when they took that perk into battle. The only difference is that Survivors can stop NOED by doing a couple measly totems and get rewarded for doing it. On the Killer side, your only option is tunneling and slugging and camping early on, to try to force the one time perks to be used up before end game collapse, and you'll be punished for your trouble.

  • Member Posts: 1,310

    The main issue with noed is the lack on a totem counter. If they gave small game a totem counter, then fine. But otherwise NoED is total BS if you are in solo queue, since you dont know how many totems your teammates did.

  • Member Posts: 1,776
    edited March 2020

    Noed is simply a low-risk high-reward solo q stomper that does reward failure. The devs are out of touch with the reality of their own game, as usual.

  • Member Posts: 1,752

    still waiting on a totem counter

    this post is sponsored by solo queue

  • Member Posts: 3,793

    I’ll just reiterate what a bunch of people above me said, cleanse totems. If the killer is doing sooo poorly then you have time to do gens AND totems and still escape, no?

    The people I see complain most about NOED are terrible at chases and are literally only able to hold M1 on gens and crank them out as quickly as possible which makes them feel like they are “better,” than the killer.

  • Member Posts: 1,303

    Yeah, and SwF's shouldn't piggyback poor survivors that rely on coms and infinity second chance perks, but... 🤷‍♂️

  • Member Posts: 6,807

    Reward for failure != mitigation of failure.

  • Member Posts: 951

    I build an endgame build, remember me, blood warden, noed and one various perk.usually pgtw. My bad

  • Member Posts: 6,807

    Current DS and old MoM reward failure.

    BT and NOED mitigate failure.

    The difference is that with DS, I would rather be downed and DS the Killer than not be downed. And MoM gives you a health state for being hit, again making you better off than not being hit.

    However while BT and NOED give you a power boost relative to not having the perk, you are still worse off compared to if you had just succeeded to begin with.

  • Member Posts: 3,022

    Survivors control if NOED activates. . . I don't think I'll ever be able to understand the thinking that it rewards 'bad' killers, when they themselves dictate if it gets into play or not.

  • Member Posts: 932

    IMHO NOED is fine. I do think it can be "Abused" as a crutch but it can be countered by doing all the totems. Killer plays without a perk slot until the end. Survivors have plenty of 2nd chance perks. (Dead Hard for Distance can't be baited and it's basically a "Oh no I screwed up at this loop imma just DH for distance and get another loop out of ironworks god window etc." perk. DS is being flat-out abused as a godmode for 60 seconds perk.)

    I feel like I'm the only one doing totems when I play survivor although I use Detective's Hunch. It's as if survivors are flying through gens as fast as possible without even attempting to do a single dull totem. They do that, they accept the risk the killer could possibly be running NOED.

  • Member Posts: 1,442

    I dont have a problem with noed getting nerf/removed if all perks that gives a free escape for survivors are reworked too. Free escapes and free kills shouldn't be a thing in the game. It don't feel fair at all.

  • Member Posts: 404

    This obsession with 100% fairness will doom this game. Dead by Daylight is the only game where everyone wants everything to be 10000% balanced in every conceivable way possible.

  • Member Posts: 404

    I'm thankful you cleared this up. The people complaining about NOED don't seem to understand the purpose of endgame perks. Nor do they realize that any killer running NOED is using 3 perks for the whole trial. Maybe you guys should turn it back into a regular perk that can't be preemptively deactivated like it was before. Then they'll have something to complain about.

  • Member Posts: 1,050

    I did 4 totems an hour ago and NOED still activated because apparently I was the only one actively looking for totems. Talk about annoying!

  • Member Posts: 1,442

    Well that's because it lacks balance in a lot of aspects. If it wasn't the case, probably not many people would come here to discuss. Its all for a better gameplay experience for survivor and killer.

  • Member Posts: 3,826

    It was 0 requirements to activate other than leaving a totem alive.

    It should at least have more requirements. Remove the totem, and give it heavy requirements.

  • Member Posts: 763

    If a killer 3 or 4Ks because survs didn't do bones, that's an utter failure on their part and not because of a "crutch" perk. One "crutch" perk that can be easily negated is nowhere near as bad an issue as the multiples awarded to survs. The only thing bad about NOED now is that other hex perks are useless to run anymore, further restricting build variety.

  • Member Posts: 7,779

    Do the bones,

    Make it home.

    Pass them by,

    Prepare to die.


  • Member Posts: 3,793

    This nails it exactly, if you’re going to “gen rush,” that is fine I mean it is the primary objective... but ignoring totems is a risky play

  • Member Posts: 1,262

    Are you downed and killed while the exit gates are powered ? Then boi do I have the solution... it's called open the gate and leave or exit out the hatch.

    Seriously... if the killer is far open it before he gets there. If ur gate is close to the killer wait till he gets there looks and then turns to the next gate, you will have the time open before he returns.

    If solo get hatch.

    If hatch closed and the gates are together and you have no perks and you dont bring items and your team is dead and your awful awful awful at the game then...

    then look inside the 4-6 boxes on the map for a key open the hatch and leave I mean... at a certain point it's on you

  • Member Posts: 3,793

    To agree with you and partially add my own view, the constant split between survivor and killer will be the end of this game.

  • Member Posts: 1,470

    Its Adrenaline counter. Why only survivors must have counters to everything killers have?

  • Member Posts: 3,893

    Is two reasons they simply just like the perk or they want to run an end game build.

    The opportunity to use head on doesn't come up every single match but I still like equipping that perk I don't have to have a reason.

    People really need to get off their high horse when it comes to no one escapes death.

  • Member Posts: 3,893

    It really isn't I've run solo survivor before just with small games and I've been able to destroy most of the totems on the map in fact I could even give them up a quick clean sweep just to make sure my perk doesn't go off.

    If no one escapes death is such a problem as a solo survivor equip small games and occasionally just run around the map to find totems if you don't want to do that don't complain

  • Member Posts: 647

    Again, symptom of the disease, not the disease itself.

    You don't think it's possible that the destruction of old Hex:Ruin which was crucial for a lot of killers to counter early generator pressure, particularly M1 dependent killers who needed that pressure cause maps are so ridiculously huge, caused a lot of those killers to decide to supplement with a perk that is powerful at endgame do you? Like, they've noticed that since no one is running ruin anymore (except me but I run it with surveillance for sweet, sweet, information more than anything) survivors just seem to ignore totems altogether as there's no point in risking a haunted ground pop and the other hex totem perks are mostly useless?

    I mean the old Hex: Ruin was usually gone in the first minute of the game, so many killers ended up with three perks anyway, they've just flipped their power spike from early game to late game. Even better, this is countered the same way Ruin was.

    Do Bones, you idiot.

  • Member Posts: 2,986

    Iagree with the OP. It needs some changes in my opinion.

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