New to Killer. What Builds??!

BeardedMenace Member Posts: 215
edited March 2020 in General Discussions

Okay, so I'm somewhat new to playing Killer. Been playing it more as the community is in need of Killers. It hasn't been much fun with people trolling me, but I push through and keep playing because I know we need more Killers and that's just a fact. So I have the Clown, Freddy, Michael Myers and Doctor to around 30... I have perks like NOED, Thantaphobia (sp?) and a couple others I bought from Shrine recently. Can someone please help and list me some good builds for these 4 Killers?? Even if it's Perks I don't have yet, I would still like to know what I'm looking for. Whatever I keep using for Michael and Clown I'm obviously doing wrong because I'm getting smacked with gen rushing. But that's a Survivors job, so I'm not complaining. I appreciate any help, I honestly do. Also if there is a page that shows all the killers best builds that would even be MORE awesome. Anything that will help. Thank you again!!


  • Yung_Slug
    Yung_Slug Member Posts: 2,238

    Myers Main here.

    My usual build is Corrupt Intervention, Infectious Fright, Monitor & Abuse, and BBQ.

    Corrupt gives me time to stalk.

    Infectious Fright is great with Tier 3 and M&A.

    BBQ is mainly for BPs.

    My usual add-ons are dead rabbit and either J Myers memorial or memorial flower.

    Get to tier 2 asap, and try to 99% to tier 3 and use it when you need it. If gens go too fast, pop tier 3 and slug to stop their momentum.

  • BeardedMenace
    BeardedMenace Member Posts: 215

    Absolutely hate slugging or getting slugged. Starting to think that this slugging is a necessity sometimes... I understand doing it if they're being Gen rushed. But there is countless amount of times I've saw a Killer just start slugging from the beginning and it's dumb. Appreciate the info though, definitely going to try that build later. I'll try anything, literally. I have people calling me stupid for the builds I use. I'm just like hey, Idk ######### I'm even doing. I'm trying to learn... But you survivors want to make fun a of a killer because he didn't know what build to use??? Then you guys cry because the game takes forever to find a match... Toxic survivors are making Killers not want to even play.

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    Breh it'll be okay. Having a survivor hooked and one slugged is a really strong strategy. Don't be afraid to use it.

    You really need to get the game sense before you worry about perks. Just toss on what you have and go for it. Brutal Strength (Trapper) Enduring (Hillbilly) Monitor and Abuse (Doctor) and Nurses Calling (Nurse) Will really help you get on your feet.

    I run distressing instead of Monitor and Abuse on doctor though since his power is affected by terror radius.

    Just play, play, play. Watch what survivors do. You'll figure it out.

  • Lofepramine
    Lofepramine Member Posts: 175

    Doctor: Distressing, Unnerving Presence, Overcharge/PGTW/Huntress Lullaby, Iron Maiden (since survivors tend to hide in lockers against him).

  • Kwikwitted
    Kwikwitted Member Posts: 647

    There's a lot of streamers who main killer who play a lot of builds and have recommendation. Not Otsdarva has a video discussing updated killer builds.

  • Quol
    Quol Member Posts: 694
    edited March 2020

    Sloppy Butcher (General perk), Nurse's Calling (Nurse perk), BBQ & Chilli (Cannibal perk), and Pop goes the Weasel (Clown perk)

    There are some perks that work better on specific killers (for example Stridor is fantastic on Spirit but useless on most other killers) but above is a general cookie cutter killer build that can be put onto any killer in general and you will do well.

    A good build for Freddy that i use is: BBQ & Chilli, Pop goes the Weasel, Sloppy Butcher, Discordance

    Since you might not know those effects here they are

    • Sloppy Butcher: Slows healing by 20% and increases bleed rate
    • Nurse's Calling: Shows the aura of everyone healing if they are within 28 meters of you
    • BBQ & Chilli: Gives you a 25% boost to BP for every individual survivor you hook up to 100% (like an Escape Cake) and shows the aura of all survivors if they are 40+ meters away for 6 seconds after you hook someone.
    • Pop goes the Weasel: After you hook someone you get 60 seconds to kick a gen which makes that gen lose 25% progress.
    • Stridor: Increases the injured sounds survivors make by 50% and regular breathing by 25% (its only good with Spirit)
    • Discordance: If 2+ survivors are working on the same gen it turns yellow and gives a small explosion only you hear
  • Yung_Slug
    Yung_Slug Member Posts: 2,238

    The slugging part isn't absolutely necessary. I actually don't do it for most of my games unless there's multiple survivors right next to each other. I only use it in the most dire situations where I really need to slow the game down.