Double standards

I was playing normally, huntress with windup add ons. Then I seen in the lobby all four survivors had flashlights and one had a key. I don't have Franklin's unlocked so I used an Ebony to counter it. I don't get why people think that using flashlights and keys are ok, so when killer uses something similar it's a sin.
I just unlocked noed 1 is it not a good perk to use im a rank 20 level 10 leather face that uses bbq chili whisperer andbi think sloppy butcher was thinking about replacing one with noed
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Personally I don't use NOED. If they have BT or cleanse all the totems it's a wasted perk slot. Plus it's not good to get used to using it, it's considered a crutch perk. Plus at rank 20 most survivors are potato enough that you don't get to end game.
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Im terrible at finding anybody so most games have at least 3 people still alive especially if ita an indoors map or they have flashlights
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I usually bring a mori if i see a key. Flashlights and toolboxes i can be fine with. Keys on the other hand not so much.
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Its ok to use flashlights but its also okey to use a mori.
I hate it if they DC just because they see i use a hidden offering. :(
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I'll try to help as best I can.
Basically, do not let other players dictate what you use/do. It is totally fine to use Ebony's however you see fit. So long as you are not breaking any rules, pay no heed to these messages.
Hope this helps ☺
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I know, still aggravating though.
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i mean... i get bring an ebony vs a key... but flashlights? seems unnecessary. Also so long as you didnt mori off first hook some a t0x1c GaM3R, i dont see an issue. (I understand moriing off first hook vs a key tho)
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Just play how you want, also I think you can turn messages off from strangers on console so if this kind of message bothers you, or they become too toxic you can report them directly to Sony/MS
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It absolutely is. Don't let to get to you though. Don't stoop to their level. Nothing will make them angrier than you saying GG :D
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flashlights are the easiest thing to counter takes people off gens to use them but... you do you boo
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How? By looking at a wall? There are a few videos out from otz and aryun that show it flat doesn't work.
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looking at walls, baiting pick ups, slugging, looking up/down, hell even shadowborn. theres loads.
and yeah those have to be bugs, not surprised that it happens tho lmfao
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Flashlights are my favorite item to see survivors bring in. Flashlighters waste so much time following me around. Just pause over a down survivor like you are going to pick them up. They always come running in for the save. They just cant help themselves. 2 survivors for the price of one..EZ
Keys get the mori everytime.
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Looking up or down does nothing in the pickup animation. Baiting pickups takes precious time. They're not bugs, they just work at ridiculous angles. 1:25 in this video
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Baiting pickups does take precious time. That's two survivors not doing gens! Also, slug the one that's down, and chase the one trying to blind you.
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And you have two other survivors hammering out gens while you're dicking around. Oh and the guy you slugged has unbreakable, so you lost the hook and you're still chasing the flashlight guy.
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"But it's alright because you NOED, and whilst the Survivors were too busy focusing on gens or helping each other they forgot to do totems. Now they're all down because they panicked."
If we're going to assume Perks set-ups, play-styles, etc, then the discussion is pointless because there are endless possibilities of what can happen.
Stick with the parameters of the situation and work with that.
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I find it kinda funny how some people say "i bring that cuz you brought that" as if there's a rule saying that you can't use an item unless the other side uses some kind of item too. Just use whatever you want and don't try to make excuses to using whatever you use. That's jsut making you look pathetic , especially when flashlights are not even equal to eboni mori lol. At least I never had so much trouble with flashlights before that I decided that eboni mori is equal to them.
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I'm sorry, I have to say this. In your message to that person, it's shouldn't HAVE, or shouldn't'VE.
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I love the, "dont assume everyone knows how to flashlight."
Like, I dont, I just know I'm not giving the opportunity if you do or dont lol.
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Flashlight saves are always 100 percent the killers fault. You have several counters available and you dont have to even bring anything in. The survivor has to be right there next to you to get the save. just force him to run away and then quickly go back to the slugged surv and pick them up opposite direction of the flashlight rescuer.
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Flashlights are not equivalent to Ebony Moris IMO. Not even close.
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What are double standards again?
I never even heard of this phrase
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I think if the mori counters anything it is ds the only counter to mori is to prolong the hook states and gen rush. Too bad hook bombing occurs no matter what with this crap match making.
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You gotta be pretty bad to bring a ebony mori because you seen a survivor with a flashlight.
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Ebony Mori is sooooooooooooo much worse than a flashlight, lol. I don't even care about flashlights when I'm killer. Most people don't even know how to properly use them. A key is unfair, I'll give you that (still not as bad as a Ebony in my opinion, though).
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Well did you mori them off of first hook? Lol🤪
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2v2 games of Magic: The Gathering using only cards that are Standard-legal.
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Ah thanks
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When your standards for one group or individual are different than for another.
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It is ok for survivors to use flashlights and keys. It's also ok to use mori as killer. The two things are independent of each other. If you choose to use something in response to what someone else is using that's your choice and not something other players can possibly know; so claiming it as a rule you play by so the other players shouldn't play with the things you don't like is just as double standard bad as the player complaining about what you brought to the match. Just play what you want and let them play what they want, if they complain then disregard it because they're just being dumb.
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It's true. Keys and Flashlights are death sentences. Good job taking it like a good sport.
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you know that flashlights are the most counterable item in the game and take a ######### ton of skill to actually do something, do u?
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First off who cares what anyone thinks you play for you.
2nd you got to admit noed and blood warden can make a spicey mix.
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The team of rank 1 survivors with 2500 hours in the game don't panic with noed.
That same team always runs ds, unbreakable, iron will, and deadhard.
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Play how you want but don't make excuses.
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The OP isn't really using the phrase right. A double standard is when a set of standards apply to one person or group of people and not another. For example, a promiscuous women is often referred to or thought of as a "#########" whereas a man who is promiscuous is often referred to or thought of as a stud. That is a double standard.
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why bring a flashlight if you don't know how to flashlight lmao
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Man, ain't no reason to explain #########, just play how you want to play. The game is survivor sided amyway, if you absolutely need an excuse to justify what you do for fun
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You should report them if all four has flashlights and then one also had a key, sounds like cheating, at least the one with two items.
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As I said they also had a key, so.
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They had 3 flashlights, and one key.
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Anime picture as well.
Why am I not surprised
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Use whatever you wanna use frankly imo keys aren't even half as strong as people keep trying to make them out to be only strong key is one found in a chest I've never once lost a match to a key that was brought in to the match (unless I wasn't paying attention to what they had which lets be serious makes it my fault) as for ivory and ebony mori's they're the third strongest thing in this game far superior to keys only beaten by (2) large maps while using killers with no way traverse the map quickly meaning no legitimate way to create map pressure followed by (1) horribly survivor sided tiles yes I'm talking to you jungle gym into killer shack into god loop (pallet loops where the pallet must be broken or it becomes an infinite) i just love getting those XD
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just let everyone bring whatever they want 🤷♂️ never saw what the big deal is
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I've had people bring in a mori for me just because I was Quentin---any reason is a valid reason. You bring in your ebony and have fun!
Forget those guys messaging you, they're being poor sports, sending you crap after the match
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What I meant by double standards is they think it's fair and okay if they bring a key and flashlights. But when I used a Mori to counter it they hated on it. That's the double standard.