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Mindbreaker Question

Tipper117 Member Posts: 41

Anyone have good experiences with the perk mind breaker? Weather on demogorgon or any other killer.just looking to mix builds up a little bit, and curious if anybody has a build around mind breaker or general strategy with a killer to make good use of it. I play Demo a lot and wanted to see if i could make it work. I was thinking possibly portal around 3-4 gens at the start of the match and try to force the game in to a small area of the map towards the end with the last 1-2 gens. Maybe utilize ruin and pick gens around that totem to try to keep the gens lot enough for mindbreaker to work.

Anyways, thoughts?


  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314


    That's probably the best you can do with it on Demogorgon exclusively, but where it really shines is with Killers like The Clown or Huntress who have exhaustion add-ons.

    Any Killer with an exhaustion add-on will work, but applying an exhaustion debuff WITHOUT forcing them to use the exhaustion perk itself will limit their recovery while working on Generators, since Mindbreaker pauses the exhaustion recovery speed for any Generator that's under 50% progress. Your best bet is to use it in a 4-3 gen scenario, since that'll offer you the best "bang for your buck" in terms of how practical the perk is. If you use it outside of this scenario it's not really that great... someone like The Doctor might get use out of it in his 3 gen build, or anyone who uses exhaustion add-ons like The Pigs Slow release toxic, The Clowns Solvent Jug, or The Huntresses Berus Toxin/Venomous Concoction.

    If you look around for other exhaustion add-ons on other Killers than that should work as well, but these are the three Killers that come to mind at the moment.

  • Tipper117
    Tipper117 Member Posts: 41

    So maybe for the demogorgon,I need to use those add-ons that put the exhaustion status effect for anybody on a portal, and place portals directly on the last few gens. That's probably the best use with him. Thanks for the ideas though!!

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    If I may, I wouldn't use that add-on if I were you.

    The effects of that add-on only last for 5 seconds at best, and portals that haven't been traveled through are less likely to be walked on as a result. Even if they did walk on the portal and ignored it, the effects only last for 5 seconds, so it's not really going to combo well with Mindbreak as a result.

    Your best option when using Mindbreak is to place portals around the 3 generators that're close together and just defend them like normal, Mindbreaker will sort of do something. To be honest, it isn't really going to do anything... even in that scenario when you realize that Mindbreaker at Tier lll only applies the exhaustion effect for 3 seconds.

    If you want to use Mindbreaker, use it with Killers that have 30 second+ exhaustion add-ons, that's the best case scenario that you'll get with this perk, since it stops the exhaustion timer for any Generator a Survivor works on that's below 50% progress... meaning if they want the exhaustion to vanish, than they'll have to stay off a Generator for 30 seconds or more, depending on the exhaustion perk.

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    Mindbreaker is actually a solid perk for stealth killers. The biggest obstacle for most stealth killers is survivors sprint bursting away right as they go for a grab. However, since Mindbreaker makes survivors exhausted they cannot Sprint Burst away from generators that are not past 50% repaired. This is where T1 Myers, Ghostface, and Pig can get some real power.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited March 2020

    I'd argue that this effect can STILL be circumvented entirely.

    Yes, it's good for a sneak-up scenario on a Survivor, but all they have to do is run to a pallet, walk for 3 seconds/stand in place on the far of the loop, and than activate Sprint Burst by running away. At the end of the day though, if you can make use of a perk that's not entirely used, than more power to ya ha ha.

    But in the case of THAT being the biggest obstacle for stealth Killers... i'd have to disagree. It's only an issue for someone like Wraith who has to uncloak, for Myers, Ghostface, and The pig, they can just walk up and hit you without anyone even noticing until it's too late, the only case where this is an issue is when they see you before-hand. But again, they could just run to a nearby window/pallet, stand or walk for 3 seconds, and than Sprint Burst away.

    at the end of the day though...

    You're not here to debate that with me, i'm just giving my opinion on it, whether you care or not is up to you. If there's nothing around for a Survivor to use, than I can see this working yeah, but if they didn't have Sprint Burst in the first place than... why use it?

    Mindbreaker is kind of niche with how it works, I personally only see it working with pre-existing exhaustion builds that some Killers can utilize with their add-ons, since working on Generators under 50% will stop your exhaustion timer from decreasing.

  • Reborn2020
    Reborn2020 Member Posts: 1,138
    edited March 2020

    Its 3 seconds. If anything its only a buff. It will give them sprint burst on will. When i was reading that perk description i was kind of like " yeah that perk truly blew my mind ". Like its so complicated and doesnt make much sense. I think a person who got that idea for a perk was not very good at being creative.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited March 2020

    I mean, the concept is in the right place so it's indeed creative, but the time that's applied is a bit short... maybe 10-15 seconds would be more useful and reasonable for the perk slot. It's not too short and it's not too long either to make it OP.

  • Tipper117
    Tipper117 Member Posts: 41

    Hey, debating is fun : )

    But anyways, I thought it might also be useful in countering dead hard. You'd have to keep up the pressure to try keeping them from stopping to get rid of exhaustion, but it's not something I've tested allot yet. I agree though that's it's probably best used on other killers like clown for longer exhaustion times. I did pair the perk with exhaustion add-ons for portals, and add-ons that make destroying portals take allot longer. They seem to waste more time really attacking those portals more than normal. Putting one in my totem to keep them from sprinting away seemed to work too. I don't know, I'll keep tinkering with it. Just trying to mix things up as little.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited March 2020

    Whatever works for you, you'll eventually find a middle-ground or give up on it entirely, but that's for you to figure out in the end.