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Killer camping

Hi I’m fairly new to this game but I have fallen in love with it the only thing that makes me want to stop playing this game is killers that camp and stand there and watch you die I would like if you could set it to where the sacrificial process would be on halt as long as the killer is in a curtain radius around you that will stop the camping and make a much better and intense gameplay 

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  • Member Posts: 110

    As said, be happy if the killer camps a mate. You will be the one whos camped sometimes, next match another mate get camped and you can do gens. its a 25% chance to not get hooked first ;)

    If you hang, dont try to escape (cost time and killer will hit u directly again), struggel in phase 2 until its cantbe done anymore. If your team is good there are 3 gens finished in that 2 minutes. If all crouching around the hook to bait the killer away, let you die and start over in next match. that survs didnt get it. they just waste time and noone got some points or gen-progress.

  • Member Posts: 678

    Stopping the sacrifice progression will be unfair because what if all 3 survivors are by the hook, the killer will have no choice but to be at that hook then. There just will never be a real fix for camping.

  • Member Posts: 2,600

    As previously stated, this has already been suggested 5000 times and has already been tested and failed miserably.

    If your mate is getting camped, just do the gens. If your the guy getting camped, buy your team time to punish the killer by doing gens.

    It takes 2 minutes to die on first hook, 80 seconds to do a gen by yourself, there is 4 survivors - do the math.

  • Member Posts: 2
    I guess you all have great responses but if you toned it done like if the killer is in a 5 meter radius it wouldnt be that bad he could technically still camp but it gives it a much better window 
  • Member Posts: 2,051
    edited August 2018
    Don't even bother complaining. You can do literally nothing to stop killers from camping.
    * If you do gens quickly, as other players suggest, the killer camp harder because "the game is over anyway".
    * If you try to save the hooked survivor, the killer will camper hard and then accuse you of "hook diving" and "rewarding camping".
    When a killer camps, just think of it as a game over. How you play will not change how the killer plays. It will change how fast you get to start a new game.
    Do the gens, leave as soon as possible as to not waste your own time, and move onto a game where the killer wants to have fun.
  • Member Posts: 613

    @Token_420 said:
    I guess you all have great responses but if you toned it done like if the killer is in a 5 meter radius it wouldnt be that bad he could technically still camp but it gives it a much better window 

    You can don't force the killer to leave, sometimes the camp is necessary to win

  • Member Posts: 2,959

    Get over it. "Camping" is legit and survivor complain about it way to much.
    Just yesterday I had some people call me a camper, because I dared to turn around after I hit the fist wanna be rescuer and saw the other walking towards the hook and turned around to fend that guy off.
    That's "obviously" "camping".

    Survivor call anything camping that is not a free unhook.
    I play a lot of Hag lately and get called a camper for using her main power. Wow, who would have guessed that there is a TELEPORT TRAP beside the hooked victim? What a nasty surprise! facepalm (rank 8 btw)

  • Member Posts: 1,437
    I had a wraith camper today and well we managed to save one person but not the second (I was last guy so I taunted them a bit to annoy them and legged it to the edge of the exit and got the agonizing crawl trophy but I've been camped a few times (also is it griefing when a wraith in the middle of a match 3 people run past him as in going opposite direction to them and he didn't hit one but went after me 3 times till I died and lost alexs toolbox)
  • Member Posts: 1,146

    The devs have been crystal clear on this. They will not implement a system that punishes camping. They tried to do that before and it failed miserably. A big part of this game is killer agency. The killer can kill you in any way that they see fit so long as they do not cheat. I understand why people get frustrated when they get camped but it is an intended part of this game. Just pick yourself up, accept that you lost and move onto your next game.

  • Member Posts: 10,200

    @Token_420 said:
    Hi I’m fairly new to this game but I have fallen in love with it the only thing that makes me want to stop playing this game is killers that camp and stand there and watch you die I would like if you could set it to where the sacrificial process would be on halt as long as the killer is in a curtain radius around you that will stop the camping and make a much better and intense gameplay 

    That idea was tried already and survivors abused it.
    My suggestion is that once you are tired of being camped, you switch to killer and play the game this way.

  • Member Posts: 1,437
    I wish we could talk to the killer if they camp us I mean would.make some funny vids of a casual conversation out of context like * oh my I seem to be stuck can you be a dear and go find someone to help * why yes good chap oh look someone came to help I will go say hi and give them a high five * slaps them * oh my I seems they have fainted from the blood please let me help you up and find someone to help
  • Member Posts: 10,200
    I wish we could talk to the killer if they camp us I mean would.make some funny vids of a casual conversation out of context like * oh my I seem to be stuck can you be a dear and go find someone to help * why yes good chap oh look someone came to help I will go say hi and give them a high five * slaps them * oh my I seems they have fainted from the blood please let me help you up and find someone to help
    If you actually play Dbd you know how voice comms will be "used"
  • Member Posts: 568

    @redsopine1 said:
    I had a wraith camper today and well we managed to save one person but not the second (I was last guy so I taunted them a bit to annoy them and legged it to the edge of the exit and got the agonizing crawl trophy but I've been camped a few times (also is it griefing when a wraith in the middle of a match 3 people run past him as in going opposite direction to them and he didn't hit one but went after me 3 times till I died and lost alexs toolbox)

    no its not griefing he just chose you as a primary target. guess you annoyed him enough to come after you. i got dsed in a 3 man game as myers and they was flashlight ochido wannabes. and they tried to block me but i just walked around them i tunneled him to death but he deserved it i also downed the other trying to flashlight me end result they all died. the killer doesnt have to pick anyone you choose or want to be targeted. if he killed you and the rest theirs no issue lol

  • Member Posts: 568

    @redsopine1 said:
    I wish we could talk to the killer if they camp us I mean would.make some funny vids of a casual conversation out of context like * oh my I seem to be stuck can you be a dear and go find someone to help * why yes good chap oh look someone came to help I will go say hi and give them a high five * slaps them * oh my I seems they have fainted from the blood please let me help you up and find someone to help

    talk to the killer. it will be people being dickheads to the killer and to bm and generally be a tool. no killer would play with voice chat im telling you now. dbd would die single handed because of it lol

  • Member Posts: 1,437
    True but would be fun for kyf matches to have it wouldn't care you die just for the hilarious commentary
  • Member Posts: 1,437

    @redsopine1 said:
    I had a wraith camper today and well we managed to save one person but not the second (I was last guy so I taunted them a bit to annoy them and legged it to the edge of the exit and got the agonizing crawl trophy but I've been camped a few times (also is it griefing when a wraith in the middle of a match 3 people run past him as in going opposite direction to them and he didn't hit one but went after me 3 times till I died and lost alexs toolbox)

    no its not griefing he just chose you as a primary target. guess you annoyed him enough to come after you. i got dsed in a 3 man game as myers and they was flashlight ochido wannabes. and they tried to block me but i just walked around them i tunneled him to death but he deserved it i also downed the other trying to flashlight me end result they all died. the killer doesnt have to pick anyone you choose or want to be targeted. if he killed you and the rest theirs no issue lol

    Two different matches I just taunted as a last effort to get them away from the hook
  • Member Posts: 7,068

    @dannyfrog87 said:

    @Token_420 said:
    Hi I’m fairly new to this game but I have fallen in love with it the only thing that makes me want to stop playing this game is killers that camp and stand there and watch you die I would like if you could set it to where the sacrificial process would be on halt as long as the killer is in a curtain radius around you that will stop the camping and make a much better and intense gameplay 

    nope. wont ever happen. why? survivors abused it the progress not happening. campings a viable and legitimate strategy

    So is looping, doesn't make it fun for either side.

    To op unless and until all survivors are forced to learn to punish the killer by gen rushing on stop when they camp killers will keep doing it. Which is ironically why survivors gen rush so they don't can't camped.

  • Member Posts: 539
    The killer doesn’t “camp” he is having a bonding experience with the survivor! The killer just wants to bond with you!  ;)
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  • Member Posts: 940
    Usui said:

    Look at all the campers in this thread defending it. Lmao.

    Yep. Mostly arguments of garbage killers who can only get kills that way. 
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  • Member Posts: 940
    Mycroft said:

    @chemical_reject said:
    Usui said:

    Look at all the campers in this thread defending it. Lmao.

    Yep. Mostly arguments of garbage killers who can only get kills that way. 

    Really? That's odd. i've never heard of camping air. Obviously in order to camp a series of failures on the other end must have taken place. So if one assumes "garbage" killers camp, then how bad are the caught survivors?

    And the back up salty killer main to the rescue !!
  • Member Posts: 7,068

    @Mycroft said:

    @Token_420 said:
    Hi I’m fairly new to this game


    That's the problem with this game. Survivor mains act like killers are there to shine your shoes and be amusement park rides. "Killers are trying to kill me" Wow, what a novel concept. Do you complain when you get shot in Fortnite?

    You mean like some killer mains that whine about anything and everything because gasp the survivors are only doing what they're supposed to do. Which is to ESCAPE !!!!!!

    They dropped a pallet on me, complain.
    They shined a flashlight in my eyes, complain.
    They unhooked someone, complain.
    They dared to escape, complain.
    They even dared gasp to do gens as quickly as possible to escape, complain.

    Now if you're like some on here let me be really clear.

    MOST OF THIS POST IS COMPLETELY SARCASTIC while also being factually true.

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  • Member Posts: 7,068

    @Mycroft said:

    @powerbats said:

    @Mycroft said:

    @Token_420 said:
    Hi I’m fairly new to this game


    That's the problem with this game. Survivor mains act like killers are there to shine your shoes and be amusement park rides. "Killers are trying to kill me" Wow, what a novel concept. Do you complain when you get shot in Fortnite?

    You mean like some killer mains that whine about anything and everything because gasp the survivors are only doing what they're supposed to do. Which is to ESCAPE !!!!!!

    They dropped a pallet on me, complain.
    They shined a flashlight in my eyes, complain.
    They unhooked someone, complain.
    They dared to escape, complain.
    They even dared gasp to do gens as quickly as possible to escape, complain.

    Now if you're like some on here let me be really clear.

    MOST OF THIS POST IS COMPLETELY SARCASTIC while also being factually true.

    Don't let me get in the way of the 99 strawmen you just beat up.

    "Killers complain about survivors trying to do what we're supposed to do."

    No. You are supposed to try to survive. I'm supposed to try to stop that. You see the survivors can't drive in their lane with this game. Not only are they not doing their job, they fail miserably then try to dictate to the opposition what they are supposed to do. Funny how that works.

    Like I said earlier, crying about camping is like crying about a:

    Basketball/hockey player scoring a goal.

    A football player scoring a touchdown.

    A baseball player scoring a run.

    A killer has the right to play defense. Full stop. End of discussion.

    Speaking about Straw Men which is exactly what you did here and also ignored the intense sarcasm warning because it didn't fit your narrative and in fact countered it.

    The survivors are supposed to try and escape, that means if they have to loop which is a legitimate strategy they can and will do it. You're just upset that players new to the game are getting wrecked by experienced killers and acting like they're good. The newer players to the game need help and be taught how to play the game properly and with respect.

    You know like no0t to sit there and tea bagt the killer at pallets and or exit gates. To be respectful post game to the killer if they played fairly and won. But to you it's hey lets be an asshat because that how killers are supposed to act. When playing killer you're supposed to kill the survivors, not be an asshat during the game and post game.

    Your posts show us which type of killer you are and why there's so many toxic survivors bullying killer in game. So everytime a survivor bullies you all you have to do is look in the mirror to see why they're toxic.

  • Member Posts: 1,181

    @powerbats said:

    @Mycroft said:

    @powerbats said:

    @Mycroft said:

    @Token_420 said:
    Hi I’m fairly new to this game


    That's the problem with this game. Survivor mains act like killers are there to shine your shoes and be amusement park rides. "Killers are trying to kill me" Wow, what a novel concept. Do you complain when you get shot in Fortnite?

    You mean like some killer mains that whine about anything and everything because gasp the survivors are only doing what they're supposed to do. Which is to ESCAPE !!!!!!

    They dropped a pallet on me, complain.
    They shined a flashlight in my eyes, complain.
    They unhooked someone, complain.
    They dared to escape, complain.
    They even dared gasp to do gens as quickly as possible to escape, complain.

    Now if you're like some on here let me be really clear.

    MOST OF THIS POST IS COMPLETELY SARCASTIC while also being factually true.

    Don't let me get in the way of the 99 strawmen you just beat up.

    "Killers complain about survivors trying to do what we're supposed to do."

    No. You are supposed to try to survive. I'm supposed to try to stop that. You see the survivors can't drive in their lane with this game. Not only are they not doing their job, they fail miserably then try to dictate to the opposition what they are supposed to do. Funny how that works.

    Like I said earlier, crying about camping is like crying about a:

    Basketball/hockey player scoring a goal.

    A football player scoring a touchdown.

    A baseball player scoring a run.

    A killer has the right to play defense. Full stop. End of discussion.

    Speaking about Straw Men which is exactly what you did here and also ignored the intense sarcasm warning because it didn't fit your narrative and in fact countered it.

    The survivors are supposed to try and escape, that means if they have to loop which is a legitimate strategy they can and will do it. You're just upset that players new to the game are getting wrecked by experienced killers and acting like they're good. The newer players to the game need help and be taught how to play the game properly and with respect.

    You know like no0t to sit there and tea bagt the killer at pallets and or exit gates. To be respectful post game to the killer if they played fairly and won. But to you it's hey lets be an asshat because that how killers are supposed to act. When playing killer you're supposed to kill the survivors, not be an asshat during the game and post game.

    Your posts show us which type of killer you are and why there's so many toxic survivors bullying killer in game. So everytime a survivor bullies you all you have to do is look in the mirror to see why they're toxic.

    Honestly, it's a constant cycle. A killer may get bullied by flashlights and decisive strike so they camp the next match. The survivors they camp get tilted so next game they bring decisive and flashlights. I don't think one side specifically started any toxicity. Some people are just toxic players.

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  • Member Posts: 7,068

    @Mycroft said:

    Please. I don't get bullied in the least. And I don't recall saying anything about looping. I'm stating a universal truth. Survivor mains want this game to be easy for them, no difficulty. They are entitled and view killers as AI rodeo clowns with no agency. New players have their place now, no longer an excuse.

    **No you're stating a universally shared biased opinion from a toxic minority of killer mains, the same as the ones from some survivor mains.

    You're literally telling me survivors are right to play a video game knowing the stipulations involved, losing then going beyond the game and being toxic and immature. For some reason the point flies over the heads of everyone involved in this game. If survivors are supposed to try to survive then what the hell are the killers supposed to try to do?

    No I'm saying both sides have their issues, you just seem to have the biased mentality that all survivor mains are entitled. You just seem to think that it's only one side that has that issue yet it's well known both sides have their entitled minority. Also don't try that what are killers supposed to do garbage, it won't work.

    That's the problem with this game. Survivors have the depth of a Papa John's pizza. Like cardboard. "I'm gonna loop." and the second they face a Nurse who eats that crap for dinner they come to the forums "NERF NURSE REEEEEEEEE"

    No that's the problem with you and the toxic killer mains like you who're no different from the small minority of toxic survivor mains. You just can't handle the simple facts that both sides want to win and both sides want to beat the other side. The only one going REEEE here is you with the superiority attitude.

    I'm surprised some of the more rational killer mains haven't come in here yet and called you out on your nonsense. But perhaps they're just waiting for you to keep posting more foolish stuff or they're not awake.

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  • Member Posts: 7,068

    @Mycroft said:

    The most amusing thing in this is it seems like you believe this stuff you say.

    Let me go watch toxic people like Ochido and people can tell me that he's just that way, showing off exploits and being banned multiple times including a hardware ban cause some killer bullied him. There's no killer equivalent. None. And it just spawns thousand other little acolytes trying to be him who go out and fail miserably then go ballistic cause they can't pull it off.

    You act as if I haven't been here since the beginning. "I don't know, if we change Self Care they'll probably come at us with pitchforks." The whole Noob3 saga where they sent death threats and harassed former mods. The times they told survivors not to exploit the Asylum map but they did it anyway. If you're looking for saints, true they are far and few between on either side but survivors are by and far the most organized, most toxic group of hive minded mob mentality provocators this side of League of Legends.

    Yes lets use Ochido as an example while ignoring the killers that stream exploits and other things just the same. Youtube etc are flooded with toxic killers who're just as bad if not worse than Ochido yet you only point him out. Yet you say there's no killer equivalent even though you know that's a pile of cow pies, talk about biased.

    Oh and guess what those toxic killers spawn just as many toxic killers and hackers because hey they stream it and make money so it must be ok. Most survivors have no issue with the Self Care changes and in fact advocated for it. But you completely ignore that since it doesn't fit your biased narrative deite the forums having plenty of proof.

    Lets be honest here survivors aren't the most organized toxic group of individuals and you know it so stop with the bs, it makes you look foolish. You just can't accept that you don't have an argument unless you use histrionics and everything else under the sun.

    How many survivors actually exploited the asylum map, do you have actual real numbers or more just made up out of you know where? I've never exploited any part of the map org ame, nor has any of my friends. I've taken videos of killers speed hacking and using the legacy hack.

    The biggest laugh is how you grasp at straws trying to justify your argument by including anything and everything. It doesn't matter if it's relevant or not, you just keep adding it in trying to back up a bad argument.argument.

    There is no organized group of toxic survivors here except in your head and in fact the most organized group here is the vocal minority of killers like you.

  • Member Posts: 171

    @Mycroft said:

    @powerbats said:

    @Mycroft said:

    @Token_420 said:
    Hi I’m fairly new to this game


    That's the problem with this game. Survivor mains act like killers are there to shine your shoes and be amusement park rides. "Killers are trying to kill me" Wow, what a novel concept. Do you complain when you get shot in Fortnite?

    You mean like some killer mains that whine about anything and everything because gasp the survivors are only doing what they're supposed to do. Which is to ESCAPE !!!!!!

    They dropped a pallet on me, complain.
    They shined a flashlight in my eyes, complain.
    They unhooked someone, complain.
    They dared to escape, complain.
    They even dared gasp to do gens as quickly as possible to escape, complain.

    Now if you're like some on here let me be really clear.

    MOST OF THIS POST IS COMPLETELY SARCASTIC while also being factually true.

    Don't let me get in the way of the 99 strawmen you just beat up.

    "Killers complain about survivors trying to do what we're supposed to do."

    No. You are supposed to try to survive. I'm supposed to try to stop that. You see the survivors can't drive in their lane with this game. Not only are they not doing their job, they fail miserably then try to dictate to the opposition what they are supposed to do. Funny how that works.

    Like I said earlier, crying about camping is like crying about a:

    Basketball/hockey player scoring a goal.

    A football player scoring a touchdown.

    A baseball player scoring a run.

    A killer has the right to play defense. Full stop. End of discussion.

    This comparison doesn't work. Hooking a survivor is exactly like scoring a goal. Camping is then holding the ball or puck until the end of the period before starting again.

    Both your score and the hooked survivor's score is taking a major hit.

    You're right, the killer does have the right to "play defense". Just like the survivors have the right to question poor tactics.

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  • Member Posts: 171

    @Mycroft said:

    @powerbats said:

    @Mycroft said:

    @powerbats said:

    @Mycroft said:

    @Token_420 said:
    Hi I’m fairly new to this game


    That's the problem with this game. Survivor mains act like killers are there to shine your shoes and be amusement park rides. "Killers are trying to kill me" Wow, what a novel concept. Do you complain when you get shot in Fortnite?

    You mean like some killer mains that whine about anything and everything because gasp the survivors are only doing what they're supposed to do. Which is to ESCAPE !!!!!!

    They dropped a pallet on me, complain.
    They shined a flashlight in my eyes, complain.
    They unhooked someone, complain.
    They dared to escape, complain.
    They even dared gasp to do gens as quickly as possible to escape, complain.

    Now if you're like some on here let me be really clear.

    MOST OF THIS POST IS COMPLETELY SARCASTIC while also being factually true.

    Don't let me get in the way of the 99 strawmen you just beat up.

    "Killers complain about survivors trying to do what we're supposed to do."

    No. You are supposed to try to survive. I'm supposed to try to stop that. You see the survivors can't drive in their lane with this game. Not only are they not doing their job, they fail miserably then try to dictate to the opposition what they are supposed to do. Funny how that works.

    Like I said earlier, crying about camping is like crying about a:

    Basketball/hockey player scoring a goal.

    A football player scoring a touchdown.

    A baseball player scoring a run.

    A killer has the right to play defense. Full stop. End of discussion.

    Speaking about Straw Men which is exactly what you did here and also ignored the intense sarcasm warning because it didn't fit your narrative and in fact countered it.

    The survivors are supposed to try and escape, that means if they have to loop which is a legitimate strategy they can and will do it. You're just upset that players new to the game are getting wrecked by experienced killers and acting like they're good. The newer players to the game need help and be taught how to play the game properly and with respect.

    You know like no0t to sit there and tea bagt the killer at pallets and or exit gates. To be respectful post game to the killer if they played fairly and won. But to you it's hey lets be an asshat because that how killers are supposed to act. When playing killer you're supposed to kill the survivors, not be an asshat during the game and post game.

    Your posts show us which type of killer you are and why there's so many toxic survivors bullying killer in game. So everytime a survivor bullies you all you have to do is look in the mirror to see why they're toxic.

    Please. I don't get bullied in the least. And I don't recall saying anything about looping. I'm stating a universal truth. Survivor mains want this game to be easy for them, no difficulty. They are entitled and view killers as AI rodeo clowns with no agency. New players have their place now, no longer an excuse.

    You're literally telling me survivors are right to play a video game knowing the stipulations involved, losing then going beyond the game and being toxic and immature. For some reason the point flies over the heads of everyone involved in this game. If survivors are supposed to try to survive then what the hell are the killers supposed to try to do?

    That's the problem with this game. Survivors have the depth of a Papa John's pizza. Like cardboard. "I'm gonna loop." and the second they face a Nurse who eats that crap for dinner they come to the forums "NERF NURSE REEEEEEEEE"

    Everything about this "universal truth" is false. You've built your strawman and set it ablaze in the first paragraph. Stop generalizing. As both a killer and survivor I, and many others, will GG at the end of the match.

    I lose with all four escaping, I get GGs. I get a 4k, I get GGs. Why? Because I don't play like a douchebag.

    When I play survivor, I don't teabag, I don't run flashlights at all, and I tend to play stealth builds. I can guarantee I am not the only player like this.

    My point here is that you need to stop pushing this on everyone, when in reality it's a small percentage of the community, and it exists on both sides.

    Also, I almost never see people asking for Nurse to be nerfed. That's a really rare complaint.

    So, I just, very recently (like this week) started playing on PC again. The last time I had played on PC was two years ago. I've been playing on the PS4 for most of the life of the game. That said, I obviously started at rank 20 for both killer and survivor.

    I go into a solo survivor match, rank 20, level 1 David because I need to start unlocking perks and We're Gonna Live Forever helps. Many of the killers I ran into were running full tier 3 builds with teachables from multiple killers. Why? Why are they at rank 19-20? It's because they want easy matches, and are possibly going so far as to cheat to ensure it.

    I see the same thing when I have played as a killer. Rank 19 survivor with full tier 3 meta build.

    It's not about survivors, or killers, it's just ######### in the community as a whole. So stop blaming one side.

    Some survivors and some killers are toxic and drag the community down.

    There's the only statement that should be made in regards to the community.

  • Member Posts: 171

    @Mycroft said:

    @245_Trioxin said:

    @Mycroft said:

    @powerbats said:

    @Mycroft said:

    @Token_420 said:
    Hi I’m fairly new to this game


    That's the problem with this game. Survivor mains act like killers are there to shine your shoes and be amusement park rides. "Killers are trying to kill me" Wow, what a novel concept. Do you complain when you get shot in Fortnite?

    You mean like some killer mains that whine about anything and everything because gasp the survivors are only doing what they're supposed to do. Which is to ESCAPE !!!!!!

    They dropped a pallet on me, complain.
    They shined a flashlight in my eyes, complain.
    They unhooked someone, complain.
    They dared to escape, complain.
    They even dared gasp to do gens as quickly as possible to escape, complain.

    Now if you're like some on here let me be really clear.

    MOST OF THIS POST IS COMPLETELY SARCASTIC while also being factually true.

    Don't let me get in the way of the 99 strawmen you just beat up.

    "Killers complain about survivors trying to do what we're supposed to do."

    No. You are supposed to try to survive. I'm supposed to try to stop that. You see the survivors can't drive in their lane with this game. Not only are they not doing their job, they fail miserably then try to dictate to the opposition what they are supposed to do. Funny how that works.

    Like I said earlier, crying about camping is like crying about a:

    Basketball/hockey player scoring a goal.

    A football player scoring a touchdown.

    A baseball player scoring a run.

    A killer has the right to play defense. Full stop. End of discussion.

    This comparison doesn't work. Hooking a survivor is exactly like scoring a goal. Camping is then holding the ball or puck until the end of the period before starting again.

    Both your score and the hooked survivor's score is taking a major hit.

    You're right, the killer does have the right to "play defense". Just like the survivors have the right to question poor tactics.

    If it's a poor tactic then punish it. That's the point of the game. It's what the devs said back in 2016. Do generators. But no, survivors want free unhooks so they always rush in and pay the price.

    No "camping killer" should ever win. Foolishly doing it is throwing the match. It takes two minutes to sacrifice. The remaining survivors can all finish one generator and be well into another if a killer just stood there for two whole minutes.

    I do punish it. I'm also not complaining. I'm arguing that it's a terrible tactic in most cases and people have a right to question it. It's that simple.

    I don't do well with poor arguments and generalizations. This is why I responded to you, because you checked both of those boxes. Your comparison was terrible, and you keep stating things like "But no, survivors want free unhooks so they always rush in and pay the price." which is a generalization and just makes your argument even weaker.

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  • Member Posts: 171

    @Mycroft said:

    @245_Trioxin said:

    Some survivors and some killers are toxic and drag the community down.

    There's the only statement that should be made in regards to the community.


    I call survivors who go outside the game spewing racism and sexism and threats toxic. I couldn't care less what they do in game.

    Survivors call anything that isn't personally escorting them to victory IN the game "scuummy" or "douchebag"

    Let me get this straight...

    Killing a survivor in a game with killers and survivors in a particular way is bad. lol I have to KILL them the way they want me to. Survivors have crafted an entire book of unwritten rules over the years that is renown. "The 4%" "You tunneled me" "You slugged me" "You camped me" etc. Yeah sure, buddy.

    But it's fine when a team of sweat lords team up in Cheat With Friends and stack offerings and coordinate. Yeah, sure.

    I made zero of those arguments. Keep trying.

    The statements I made, if we need to generalize them instead of actually reading them are as follows:

    • Your arguments suck.
    • You need to stop generalizing.
    • Killers are just as bad.
    • It's neither of the groups, as a whole, it's some parties inside of those groups.

    But it's fine when a team of sweat lords team up in Cheat With Friends and stack offerings and coordinate. Yeah, sure.

    This is an incredibly small percentage of SWF players. You can stop now, your arguments have lost all merit.

  • Unknown
    edited September 2018
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  • Member Posts: 753

    @245_Trioxin said:

    But it's fine when a team of sweat lords team up in Cheat With Friends and stack offerings and coordinate. Yeah, sure.

    This is an incredibly small percentage of SWF players. You can stop now, your arguments have lost all merit.

    Said who ?

    Everyone who played killer more than 30 hours know that you're lying, or ignorant.

    Or both.

    And your wall of text isn't really telling anything, it's like you want the reader to be confused.

    InB4 : "Lul that's because youre too stupid to understand it :DDD"

  • Member Posts: 3,823
    Giche said:

    @245_Trioxin said:

    But it's fine when a team of sweat lords team up in Cheat With Friends and stack offerings and coordinate. Yeah, sure.

    This is an incredibly small percentage of SWF players. You can stop now, your arguments have lost all merit.

    Said who ?

    Everyone who played killer more than 30 hours know that you're lying, or ignorant.

    Or both.

    And your wall of text isn't really telling anything, it's like you want the reader to be confused.

    InB4 : "Lul that's because youre too stupid to understand it :DDD"

    You said a few days ago you come to the foruns to fight toxicity, and now i see you calling ignorant to a person who is sharing his point of view, respectfully and with good arguments.
    Sorry to say that but you are the toxic one here.
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  • Member Posts: 171

    @Giche said:
    @245_Trioxin said:

    But it's fine when a team of sweat lords team up in Cheat With Friends and stack offerings and coordinate. Yeah, sure.

    This is an incredibly small percentage of SWF players. You can stop now, your arguments have lost all merit.

    Said who ?

    Everyone who played killer more than 30 hours know that you're lying, or ignorant.

    Or both.

    And your wall of text isn't really telling anything, it's like you want the reader to be confused.

    InB4 : "Lul that's because youre too stupid to understand it :DDD"

    Says actual data. If it was that big of a problem, it would absolutely be on the devs radar, and they would do something about it. If it was actually ruining that may matches and destroying killers across the globe, they would have to fix it.

    What of my "wall of text" is confusing? Please elaborate.

    By the way, that's not a wall of text. Paragraphs are separated and punctuation is used. It's actually a pretty easy read.

    I don't stoop to your level of insults. I encourage debate, and I will listen if you can bring me proper arguments. That's where @Mycroft failed. He didn't bring valid arguments.

  • Member Posts: 171

    @Mycroft said:

    @245_Trioxin said:

    @Mycroft said:

    @245_Trioxin said:

    Some survivors and some killers are toxic and drag the community down.

    There's the only statement that should be made in regards to the community.


    I call survivors who go outside the game spewing racism and sexism and threats toxic. I couldn't care less what they do in game.

    Survivors call anything that isn't personally escorting them to victory IN the game "scuummy" or "douchebag"

    Let me get this straight...

    Killing a survivor in a game with killers and survivors in a particular way is bad. lol I have to KILL them the way they want me to. Survivors have crafted an entire book of unwritten rules over the years that is renown. "The 4%" "You tunneled me" "You slugged me" "You camped me" etc. Yeah sure, buddy.

    But it's fine when a team of sweat lords team up in Cheat With Friends and stack offerings and coordinate. Yeah, sure.

    I made zero of those arguments. Keep trying.

    The statements I made, if we need to generalize them instead of actually reading them are as follows:

    • Your arguments suck.
    • You need to stop generalizing.
    • Killers are just as bad.
    • It's neither of the groups, as a whole, it's some parties inside of those groups.

    But it's fine when a team of sweat lords team up in Cheat With Friends and stack offerings and coordinate. Yeah, sure.

    This is an incredibly small percentage of SWF players. You can stop now, your arguments have lost all merit.

    No one appointed you judge of all arguments here. lol

    Not my fault the cognitive dissonance and confirmation bias you so firmly in a state of denial you don't entertain the fallacy of the things you say.

    I only go by personal experience. Sitting there going #NotAllSurvivors is about as asinine as yelling Not All Men

    You can't go by personal experience, because it's a limited data set. It doesn't matter if anybody appointed me it, I'll do it because it needs to be done.

    Facts before feelings. Bring better arguments.

    Sitting there going #NotAllSurvivors is about as asinine as yelling Not All Men

    Neither of them is asinine, unless you are pushing an agenda and ideology. At least now I know why your arguments are garbage. You drank the Kool Aid.

    Edited for typos.

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