Ranking up means going against hard loopers and sweaty com using SWF

Dont rank up. You gain nothing.
I am rank 9 and now going to rank down AFk while i play wow. I want that clown outift to be the clown of the game. Literally. killers are a joke and only there to give them points now. Cant kill them. Have to play with your food. Screw that. I am seriously turning nasty now. Slugging. Letting them bleed out. I dont care.
In the time it took me to get one hook nearly three gens were done. After i chased the second one 4 were done and not even two hooks yet.
Gen speeds are ridiculous. Maps are a big part f the problem. They are too big. This doe snot even take inot account all the crutches they use.
Went from Rank 10 to Rank 1 after not playing for a couple months this past reset. Here's how I did it.
(From my previous thread)
I'm not going to pretend this is some kind of insider information or that other people have not brought some of this information to the masses, but it seems to be stuff that is getting left off of a lot of videos even of top tier killer mains.
Before we begin, this isn't a guide for rank 20's, this assumes you already are at least a purple level of skill who is looking to get that final push and get into the red ranks or rank 1.
Q: Does rank 1 matter?
A: No, except for the achievement which may or may not go away when BHVR decides the best way to fix matchmaking is not show us rankings anymore and pretending it's fixed, so this is for those sweaty bastards trying to get this done before it's gone.
1) Location, location, location.
Map offerings are the secret OP weapon for killers, a good map puts you at an immediate advantage. If you are an area killer like Hag or Trapper a smaller map makes your life a lot easier to the point you may not have to be chained to corrupt intervention, if you are a killer like Billy or Nurse with good range maps with lots of open terrain may be better. Realistically analyze yourself on what maps you do best on, then stockpile those addons for your inevitable push.
2) Prepare for the journey.
Like with map offerings it may prudent to spend a month farming bloodpoints for addons and map offerings for your big push, it's going to be important you have your best tools available. Depending on your killer you may have to settle for a good supply of their second best addons depending on how rare their best addons are. Remember the month you plan to do this is not the month you care about BP, so unless your killer really benefits from BBQ and Chili you may be leaving it home this month, and speaking of perks, so that brings me to........
3) Generator slowdown and information.
With the changes to Hex: Ruin it would seem two perk combinations are best for generator slowdown/information.
Combo 1: Hex: Ruin/Surveillance
Positives: If a generator is regressing it is highlighted in white, if it stopped regressing it goes yellow, this will give you an ungodly level of map awareness and help you not waste a lot of time past your original generator patrol. It also helps with finding your first survivor as you approach a generator if it goes white there was a survivor on it. It makes three generator strategies downright devastating as well. Much more fire and forget than the Combo 2.
Negatives: It's a totem, the inherent risk is always it will start in a terrible spot and get cleansed immediately by survivor who spawned literally next to it. Without the Ruin surveillance becomes much more onerous to utilize, requiring a lot of generator kicks to get value from.
Combo 2: Thrilling Tremors/Pop Goes the Weasel
Positives: Stops anyone heading to generators who isn't already working on them, allows you to immediately know which generator is unblocked and go and regress it with Weasel.
Negatives: Both perks require you to down and hook to become effective, meaning you have to be on with pressure right from the jump. Pop and Tremors both have cooldowns that need to be managed efficiently.
Overall combo 1 has more risks but is easier to implement, combo 2 can be more devastating but it's completely based on you getting downs and hooks constantly.
4) Lobby Dodging
People may not like it, but it's the truth, if you see 4 toolboxes, you're lobby dodging, you're not trying to have some "fun experience" you're trying to pip, having three gens pop in 80 seconds is a surefire safety pip at best, we're not looking for that, use your best judgment but for this month you're trying to optimize, you only gotta wait five seconds to re queue.
5) 1-2 Killers
Again, this is not ideal fun, but to stockpile the addons and map offerings 1-2 killers is most likely the best option. Trying to stockpile on too many killers may take too long and really you should be playing your top two killers at all times anyway. Again, you can have fun next month, this is to get to the top of the mountain.
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I am not going to rank up anymore. Going back to 16 and staying there. I will kill one and give the rest a really hard time slugging. Makign the game as uncomfortable as it can be for them. Basically being a miserable you know what. Obnoxious. Nasty. Make it a real miserable experience for them to the point that i hope this is the last straw that broke the camels back and leave the game for good. I am sick to death of their 8th chance perks. If i dont rank up i get to play against the ones that the game is balanced for. I am going to make noobs not wann play this game is what i intend to do