Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Leatherface Rework

Bubba is oftentimes accused of being a poor man’s Billy. He suffers from the same mobility issues that many killers do. He’s also one of the coolest Killers created imo and I think he deserves better. Here are some proposed changes that I feel would help him.

1. Id give him a 24 meter terror radius for starters. This aligns well with the films. He always pops out of no where and kills people. This would allow him to get into closer range to help with chainsaws as well which is a huge weakness.

OR OR OR Create a new effect called Terrorize. Everytime Bubba chainsaws a survivor he gains a stack. Each stack resduces his terror radius by 4 meters. Max 5 stacks. This would give him a 12 meter terror radius by games end adding to some seriously tense moments.

2. I would change the chili addons to give additional chainsaw duration and keep the negative effect on the Award Winning. 

3. I would add new addons. 

     Iridescent Chains: Applies “Broken” status for 120 seconds. 

     Stitching Kit: Moderately reduces terror radius when not in a chase. Considerably increases terror radius when in a chase.

     Bloody Apron: Pools of blood are moderately more visible. 

     Human Facemask: Chainsaw applies Blindness for 120 seconds. (Im not attached to the addon names)

4. Give his saw a built in Franlkins. It frustrates me that LF chainsaws Franklin in the movie to drop his flashlight but he has to avoid using his chainsaw to use Franklins Demise in the game. For a character to be incentivized to not use his only strength is not balance because the majority of other killers can use franklins and their power together like the Nurse. This is why it should be a teachable. He has it built into the saw but if you want it on others...get the perk.

5. Give his chainsaw an additional effect of increasing bleeding frequency. 

Suggestions? Criticisms? Let’s get Chili Boi to the rightful place he belongs.

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  • Member Posts: 72

    To be honest I like all these changes. Especially him having a smaller radius. If you ran monitor and abuse leatherface you could get in some pretty amazing chainsaw sneak attacks.

  • Member Posts: 128

    To be honest I like all these changes. Especially him having a smaller radius. If you ran monitor and abuse leatherface you could get in some pretty amazing chainsaw sneak attacks.

  • Member Posts: 1,055

    I really love the idea of a build in Franklin. Not as part of his base kit to be honest. But it would be a funny idea for a game changer AddOn.

  • Member Posts: 128

    I really love the idea of a build in Franklin. Not as part of his base kit to be honest. But it would be a funny idea for a game changer AddOn.

    Yeah that would work too. Its such a shame that you are penalyzed for using the chainsaw and running his perk. It forces you to hit them which bega the question, why do I have this saw?
  • Unknown
    edited August 2018
    This content has been removed.
  • Member Posts: 498
    I have another buff/rework idea for leather face.

    when you start your chainsaw up you start a sprint and gain a ton of movement speed. Would need a little balancing tho so make it he can't hit multiple survivors in one chainsaw
  • Member Posts: 4,883

    Buff his movement speed while charging up the chainsaw, reduce stun duration unless he hits an object.

  • Member Posts: 753

    Never thought about a smaller TR for him, but like you present it, i'm wondering now how it wasn't the case since release ahah.

    I would personally slightly increase his base speed while chainsawing (not the acceleration) and keep the addons as they are.
    He barely close the gap without addon, even at full speed, would make it more usable and less addon dependant.

    For the built in Franklin, i don't know.
    Lore accurate, yes, but Huntress's hatchets doesn't make you drop item either.
    Don't know what would be the best on this one.

  • Member Posts: 1,146

    I like all these ideas. I would also like to add in that it would be a good idea if he didn't get slowed while charging his chainsaw.

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