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Stop with the spirit body exposure/ victim description posts

This is a forum for game balance and what we think. If you don't like the lore/ character model then pretend it doesn't exist and with the whole jiggle ######### can you seriously get over it? Leave it for lore section.

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  • Member Posts: 89
    Naw it was a planned "protest" from Korean feminist Twitter. I wonder if they even own the game.
  • Member Posts: 615


  • Member Posts: 72

    @Kilrane said:
    Naw it was a planned "protest" from Korean feminist Twitter. I wonder if they even own the game.

    That’s both sad and hilarious at the same time.

  • Member Posts: 2,600

    I think they look at the shirtless David as an extension of the male power fantasy, which is why they ignore it.

    Little do they know that's not just eye candy for women, but for certain men who bat from the other side of the plate. (not judging by the way, live and let live)

  • Member Posts: 8,223

    Why you got a problem with boobies and booties bro?

  • Member Posts: 1,164

    Why you got a problem with boobies and booties bro?

    The exact opposite. ;) 
  • Member Posts: 568
    Yeah, there's yet another one in the PTB Feedback forum today. Apparently it's all coming from the members of one Korean Twitter group. Rather obvious since they're all pretty much the same basic script, just run through Google Translate a few times.
  • Member Posts: 677

    Talking in (yet) another thread about her appearance, I had the thought - what if her clothing is part of her power? Survivors could be encumbered by her appearance, so she can get up close to slash them while they take a peek.

  • Member Posts: 965

    This is quite annoying cause we get a good killer that actually reminds me of a unique yokai. They could of had her naked and would be fine with me cause some yokai are depicted as such. There trying to depict dbd is making a statement towards korean woman. But this is a jappenesse killer spirit. Japan and korea aren't the same thing. Kinda makes me wonder if there white people trying to be koreans offended. How about they wait for feng ming outfit to be sexual to feel this way.

  • Member Posts: 965

    They could also be a person making multiple accounts to give the same speech with google translate. That way they can continue to support there uneducated narritive.

  • Member Posts: 677
    edited September 2018

    Like I said in another thread, the time you spend (as a killer) seeing yourself is very short if you are focused on playing games. You only see yourself: for 1 second as the match starts, the end score screen when the match is over, and the upgrade screen for that killer, and in a few cases, using a Mori. Otherwise, you just don't see yourself as a killer.

    As a survivor, if I see the killer, I'm not going to focus on what they look like, my goal is to not be around them.

    I don't care for her lack of clothing either (I don't believe it matches her Lore; the other killers' appearances make sense with their Lore), and once less revealing cosmetics are released for her, I'll get it and use that instead, but you still only see yourself as the killer for such a short amount of actual game play.

  • Member Posts: 1,273

    I think they look at the shirtless David as an extension of the male power fantasy, which is why they ignore it.

    Little do they know that's not just eye candy for women, but for certain men who bat from the other side of the plate. (not judging by the way, live and let live)

    Shirtless David is part of his lore though. He’s a brawler. Makes sense he’s got a “Fight Club” outfit.
  • Member Posts: 120

    @FrenziedRoach said:
    I think they look at the shirtless David as an extension of the male power fantasy, which is why they ignore it.

    Little do they know that's not just eye candy for women, but for certain men who bat from the other side of the plate. (not judging by the way, live and let live)

    yea double standards.

  • Member Posts: 120

    @Master said:
    Im fine if SJW wanna talk about body exposure etc, but what I dislike is that they only come talkign about women.

    What about poor shirtless david?

    yes these double standards are laughable

  • Member Posts: 13,616

    It'll quiet down when you stop talking about it.

  • Member Posts: 22

    People are mad because she quicc and she thicc

  • Member Posts: 86
    I guess I don't get why anyone is up in arms about her clothing (or lack thereof) because she's a dismembered corpse who has her limbs floating in place. The way she jerks around, her hair floats like she's underwater, and the sounds she makes like rigor has set in but it's not stopping her... It really doesn't do it for me. Saying she's over sexualized is like telling me that corpse on CSI is over sexualized. Since she's literally a spirit what use does she have for clothes? 

    On the other hand the handwaving about "those kooky SJWs" is annoying. I can easily see her being stuck in the clothes she died in, that's perfectly valid and I'm sure there are some good points. Where I'm from people are free to protest. I may not agree, I may think it's a weird hill to die on, but it's your right.
  • Member Posts: 184

    I think she's both beautiful and scary-looking. Dead by Daylight has always done an amazing job with it's female representation, and even has a good bit of diversity when it comes to ethnic backgrounds. Why a feminist would go crazy about this game is beyond me. Sure, the spirit leaves little to the imagination, but what about the Huntress? She's covered head to toe in all her outfits.

    I think her outfit makes her demeanor much scarier, like after she was chopped up and thrown out of a window the remnants of a dress or outfit tattered and torn from her torment remains. To be perfectly honest, I've yet to see any sexualization of a female character in this game other than Kate's jiggle physics (A big chested woman alone isn't sexual at all since some women are naturally built that way, as long as it's not purposefully sexualized).

    Like Master said earlier in the thread, are we just going to pretend shirtless David doesn't exist? In my eyes, this game has done great with character design.

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