Devs you can close this thread now:) Cause I have my answer cleared up now:)

No more posts here plz. Cause I already have my answer cleared up:)
No more posts Cause this thread is going to close soon.
@not_Queen plz close this thread Cause I already have my anwser.
cause moris are op and unfun. that simple period
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What are they doing to Moris?
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And what do you think about keys?
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Because the Killer can't have fun.
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There not lol where did you hear this?
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Where did you even hear this? If they were the forums would be EXPLODING with posts like this
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Idk I just heard it from some player on steam:( I'm trying to fiND out if it's true or not
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From some player on steam fourms. Thanks for clearing this up for me:)
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Probably not. Like I said the forums would be absolutely exploding with angry posts, possibly even worse than when the ruin change happened
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They're going to, along with keys. Nothing official though.
Moris should be on second hook and keys know.
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They aren't. But they need to be. And if you think not, then you don't get to complain about DS or any other perk survivors have.
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As far as i'm aware there is no change planned for moris. So not sure where this came from. Please trust only official sources, or you might get disappointed / hyped for something that is actually not going to happen. 🙂
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If you have to rely on MORIS because you don’t wanna be come a better play you probably SHOULD stop playing! You are probably the same person who is mad they are nerfing moris but is the same person to quit when you see a player with a key. Goodbye
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When are killer mains not mad tho
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Hey Gcarrara, I can't find the quote, but Peanits, although he didn't confirm it, implied that a change to Ebony Mori is coming — they just didn't have enough time / priority wasn't in their favor.
I'll keep you updated if I find his quote.
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this is what i thought:) thanks for clearing this up for me:D cheers
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Ebony mori is op as hell. havent used one in two years as killers, my micheal has about 80 at this point. If they were not a secret offering I dont think they'd be as broken.
Have they confirmed a rework? It always felt like the BNP counter to me so it feels a little late
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Where did the OP say they relied on Moris?
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they havent announced any Mori nerfs yet.
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Moris and keys will be nerfed, i'm pretty sure. But at the same time i don't see the problem.
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Well that right there should tell you off the bat that they are not a reliable source. Some guy from steam is not necessarily a credible source of information unless they are from the Dead By Daylight crew (Even then be skeptical as they should provide proof of this alleged nerf and employment with Behavior since it could be a guy faking employment at behavior or could be a behavior employee that has some grievances that just wants to commit slander) or if an official statement came out of some kind from the company whether it be social media or their own website.
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Why would anyone care if moris and keys are nerfed anyways. Any decent player knows there both op and unfun
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Hey let's try this in reverse.
If you have to rely on KEYS because you don't wanna be come a better play you probably SHOULD stop playing! You are probably the same person who is mad they are nerfing keys but is the same person to quit when you see a player with a Mori. Goodbye
Hmm, seems to work in exactly both directions doesn't it?
For the record, I would give up all Mori's in a heartbeat to remove keys from the occasion, hatch should be something only available when three out of four survivors are dead just to ensure the game isn't held hostage by a blendette that refuses to move.
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Most think they should along with keys.......those [BAD WORD] keys
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Just take away every crutch a killer can rely on to force those players to gitgud. Nothing wrong here.
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Everyone knows they're OP, but fun is subjective and has nothing to do with your skill as a player.
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Agreed. Well said. With matches being over so quickly by gens popping left and right as a result of current game changes I have noticed moris being used more frequently. Eboni moris especially. You're going from 12 hooks down to 4, and less chase time. Good for killers, but crappy for survivors. Killers get kills and good BP while survivors get a short frustrating match with very little bp. However, without using moris, the table is turned and it's the killers getting steamrolled.. it's a double edged sword...
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but people want to be able to live their power fantasy over others
seriously, they are a disaster in balanced game design
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Killer mains are trying to be victims again. Move on.
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Keys should be disabled for survivors who were on hook once. Play careful.
Its logical - killer can use mori, if killer got a hook, and survivor is not allowed to use a key, if survivor went on a hook. 👌👏
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or lets make a double edged sword. Remove mories, leave only keys, but survivors who touched a key can be instantly moried. Rename them to Cursed Keys. High risk - high reward. 👍️
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What's the point of a mori if it's on second hook when at that point they're dead on hook when you down them again anyway? Saves 2 seconds carrying them to the hook?
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I don't think Moris were made to win a match faster.
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Keys you have to work to be able to use. Moris you do not. There's no comparison between the two.
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And yet survivors still need to bring in toolboxes to get gens done so by using your logic survivors using toolboxes to do gens still with how fast they get done now and not want to become a better player and learn how to do them without toolboxes should stop playing, let alone a key are survivors that bad off a player that the only chance off escape is hoping the hatch spawns to use the key. Goodbye
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As a long time Player, I have always thought Moris were too game breaking and too powerful.
Survivors should not be removed so easily from the game. Yes, Im speaking as a Killer Main.
We need another system to do this, My idea for changes here took form over the Lore of the Moris.
That it would be a gift, Granted to a Killer by the Entity based on good continued work.
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They need too because hook someone then mori them fast it really not fun and not good on survivor side as like they wait 20 mins for a game then get mori fast to wait again no.
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I dont think we want killers that use mori's
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Thank you for saying that.
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Not really. With a key you need to be able to find the hatch, which the killer may have already closed, so you just go and open. With a mori, you need to win two chases.
The main point is, both complete the goal of the team early. For the killer it's to kill survivors and for the survivors it's to escape. Both should be nerfed in some way, but not in a way in which they become useless.
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Are you trolling? The killer has to chase a survivor, successfully out-mind them on various loops, down and hook them and then do the entire process again to be able to outright kill them.
In contrast, a survivor merely has to hold M1 on a generator and once the hatch has spawned, merely walk around until they find it and then easily escape.
Against optimal survivors, a mori is harder to use.
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Ah the totally balanced and fun "tunnel and mori off first hook" strat, you are right, I hope they never balance it
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Just a bait guys, carry on....
...all tho I wouldnt mind if both moris and keys got removed from the game.
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NERF mori and NERF key/hatch. Everyone would be happy. Games like, me playing Plague against four SWF, on ROTTEN FIELDS, they play like *** only genrush, 2 gens left and last one escaped cus hatch spawned literally in front of him, five meters. Because he get free hatch i blackpiped (almost +1). Everyone have BT, DS, DH.
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I've learned loops and kite routes on maps for the fear of being moried. The mori amps the pace of the game pretty high. You are playing with a killer that is either power hungry or not confident in his long game. If survivors had an idea that op items were being stacked against them maybe they could plan better. That's why you get survivors that are very hard to put down, adapting is the only option.
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So Mori's are unfair because you kick a survivor out of the match but Key's are fair that literally give you the oppertunity to leave the match early without doing anything except for gens?
Survivor mains with their -300IQ brains think that is fair lmao
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Erm the gens still need to be done for key to even be used unless its the last survivor in which it doesnt matter how many gens are done for all to leave every gen has to be done which is basically the end of the game and for three you. Need 4 gens and two you need three where killers have to get that first chase and mostly stay around the hook and tunnel the person off hook to mori in most cases but not all some killers not you get your second hook in then mori and in that case i dint really mind being moried