no deathslinger adjustments for console?

i mean it's hard enough to play huntress, nurse or any precision killer because of the terrible camera sensitivity options but a killer like deathslinger who requires pinpoint accuracy to get a hit and has a high skill low reward gameplay i would have thought you would make some adjustments but i guess he is just another flavour of the month killer who will be gone and forgotten just like poor demo boi.
I knew someone would make this post...
Deathslinger is fine on console, git gud noobs.
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so youre saying that the limited camera sensitivity is fine and that nurse and huntress are just as fine on console as they are on pc?
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It's limited when you aim on both PC and console. Huntress was the first killer that got me to rank 1. As I said get better.
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I'll give you a tip, quick shots are better than aiming most of time. Try it!
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Nah, don't listen to that guy. Dude says to "get better",
due to framerate, and horrid controls. It's not great, either. Adjustments are kind of needed.
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Yup consoles are terrible for shooters. That's why you've never seen a single FPS oriented game break a million sales. Simply no interest in the genre. The controls are too archaic. Am I a caveman? I'm walking into walls and shooting the ceiling it's just impossible without superior mouse and keyboard controls to either look left or right.
Joystick? More like awful stick amirite?
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Yeah don't get better, let's complain on the forums over a killer that just released. This is why PC players think console players are rubbish. Because of players like you who refuse to take the time to practise and get better at the game.
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This is the classic person not to listen to. "Get better" isn't advice. Watch, hey nicer. be less rude. be less condescending. be without your superiority complex. See?
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It takes a lot of practice to use huntress, nurse, and now, deathslinger on console. It IS easier to play these killers on PC. PC also has a huge advantage of not having massive frame drops (how a PS4 Pro can run something like GoW pristine, but can't run DBD....hint - the game isn't optimized on console, yet they''ve said they were going to work on for 2+ years now). For Huntress, aim a little higher than you'd expect, find the point on your screen that's your "crosshair" - I'd recommend using the oak haft/babushka (theres a yellow add on that works well too) so you can fire off hatchets a little quicker, which helps with practice. good luck
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They want platform "parity" but refuse to support K+M on console which is quite rich.
This isn't apex or fortnite. We don't need divided servers, the devs themselves have said this game isn't competitive so whats the problem?
Personally I just find mouse play so much more relaxing. Its nice to know you missed because you missed and not feel screwed by a crappy joystick
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"Muh supriority complex"
That's funny coming from the streamer...
No I won't because I'm sick of these posts everytime a new killer comes out. Oh you expected to be a god in the first few matches...
Well Deathslinger has something called a high skill floor, which means it takes time and practice to become good with him. But seems some people are too ######### lazy for that.
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I don't believe its that hard, however I would like INCREASED sensitivity in the game
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I'm pretty sure all the cod games have broken a million sales .
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What sound does a snake make?
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I've been doing fine with aiming. Though it does feel a little slow when aiming left or right, but beyond that, it's not that bad. Just take some time to get used to it and time the shots.
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For dead by daylight yeah the responsiveness is bad
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He has been fine for me so far. In fact, I think he's incredibly fun, and I've been getting results with yellow add-ons and low teir perks so far against purple ranks. Gonna see what a SABO or gen rush squad does before I make a final verdict, but at this point I'm cracking up shooting Survivors across the map and downing them
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100% agree. People like him and Big Bubby or whatever his name is offer nothing of value to help. It's true, console is not as precise as PC, so you have to make the necessary adjustments to have it work for you. It takes time, but eventually you'll get a good feel for it.
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Just turn up your killer camera sensitivity
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With this killer, he's kind of right. If you're not great with first person shooters, this killer is not for you. You really got to get used to aiming to be good as Deathslinger.
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Just turn your sensitivity up to 100%. I've gotten waaaaaayyyy better with Nurse since I did that. Dunno what else y'all need. I'm working on Deathslinger at the moment.
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you play on the weakest setup possible for this game. You can't flick, because it's impossible with a controller, you can't aim wherever you want with a controller, you don't have a decent fps because the optimization sucks, but don't worry, devs announced a patch that will definitely fix ps4 frame rate, well, it was supposed to arrive December 2018...
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Believe all the asked for was something akin to a sensitivity slider for ADS, you know...that thing that pretty much every game has that involves ADS....
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I play on PS4 and I do much better with him than with Huntress. I think the winding up animation on Huntress is what kills her for me.. you have to get used to thinking a few seconds into the future to get your throws right.. and also there is no aim! Granted, people who get good at her can do amazing stuff... but I'm not one of them.
On the other hand, Gunslinger can shoot immediately. Quick scoping is the name of the game on him, I guess. I thinks he is really fun but I still think he should be 115% speed.
Post edited by FogNoob on0 -
He is 110...
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I meant 114. there, corrected it.
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You mean 115...
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hahahaha get off my back! you get my point.
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Aye ;)