DS idea...

So, before I get into my idea for a change, I just wanted to clear up that I do play survivor a lot, so this is in no way a biased opinion. I try to look at everything from both sides of the playing field. I completely understand why this perk exists, as being tunnelled isn’t fun, however it doesn’t always act in the way it should, which is to prevent being tunnelled. In most games I play it simply acts as a 60 second invincibly shield and I am in no way a saint when it comes to this perk, as I have also gone and sat on gens injured as I know I can’t be grabbed off, or gone for unhooks, cleansed totems, jumped in lockers etc, but as I also play killer frequently I know how annoying this type of play style is. So that’s where my change comes into play.
“Using whatever is at hand, you stab at your aggressor in an ultimate attempt to escape.
After being unhooked or unhooking yourself, Decisive Strike will become active and usable for 40/50/60 seconds.
While Decisive Strike is active, when grabbed by the Killer, succeed a Skill Check to automatically escape the Killer's grasp and stun them for 5 seconds.
If you begin to repair a generator, cleanse a totem, heal or unhook another teammate Decisive Strike will automatically deactivate. It will reactivate the next time you are unhooked.”
I think this would be a fair change. As it’ll still operate as intended, which is as an anti-tunnel perk, but if you clearly aren’t being chased anymore, it’ll disable. Plus, the fact you will be able to reactivate it again will still make sure you don’t get tunnelled after your second hook.
What do you guys think?
Also, I know DS gets some people heated, but please keep this conversation civil. If you have an opposing view or different idea, please be respectful.
No, no, and no. DS has already been nerfed 4-5 times since it's release. It doesn't need to be touched again. I use it as a survivor, and it has saved my booty multiple times. But it has also kicked my ass, as a killer. It's just one of those perks you have to deal with. You can only use it ONCE per trial so it's a fair perk. There are SEVERAL killer perks (NOED, HG) that give the killer a full "unfair" advantage (and I use unfair loosely), very similar to DS. So, it's a double edged sword that cuts both ways.
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Hate to tell you this but if DS saved your booty multiple times then you shouldnt have escaped. You should get better and DS is preventing you from improving. NOED can be removed before it ever comes into play. All hex perks can be cleansed. NOED isn't a 2nd chance perk like survivor mains would have you believe. It's a perk to punish gen rushing. A 2nd chance perk for killer would be something that required you to repair an extra generator.
Yes it does need to be touched again and its only been nerfed once. I wouldn't even call it a nerf. It is still the most powerful tool for survivor. When ruin got nerfed hardly anyone uses it anymore.
The only thing I would want is make it so if your healed or the killer hooks someone else, your ds shuts off. I wasn't tunneling so the perk did it's job. It's not fair that I can go after someone else, run into you by chance and still get hit by DS. The devs want it to be an anti tunnel perk but survivors use it to get in the killer's face because they are safe for a full minute. This is not how it should be used. If I down someone else that proves I didn't tunnel you and your protection should wear off.
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Delete the healing condition, add interact with lockers and hooks (for sabo) and you can count me in.
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It's only active for 60 seconds. If the 60 seconds is up, they have to wait until their next unhook (if they are lucky enough to get unhooked). Again, killers have several perks that they can use to FULLY benefit them, a big one being NOED to give them a 4k that they MIGHT'VE not even deserved.. There are ways to counter it, dude. You have to take your chances and play your cards right. It's not a game-breaking perk.
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I like the idea of deactivating DS, but I don't 100% agree with your idea. I would make it to were healing to the healthy state or hooking another survivor deactivates DS. I am a killer main,I have played a ton of survivor, but I feel that DS should have someone way to be deactivated, and if the devs don't want this, than reduce the timer
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The problem is when someone with DS gets in your face. Say I hook survivor A. I leave. I find and hook survivor B. Survivor A saves survivor B. I assume B has BT and DS so I go after A. A still has DS!!!
That's the problem were having. I did not tunnel and yet the person with DS came to me because they know they are safe. My only option is to slug and if they are running unbreakable/no mither then all my work is for nothing. You have more than enough ways to survive killer yet the devs keep giving you more because you are the majority A very very vocal majority at that.. This is why the game is dying and no one is playing killer. The devs keep giving you buffs to help out the lower skilled survivors. This makes the experienced survivors too powerful. Killer realizes how broken this game is and they play something else. Your waiting 20 mins for a match because there are no killers.
I rest my case.
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I like that idea too. My main thought process was because all of the things I listed are only doable if you’re not being tunnelled. So I don’t see the point of DS still being active. I know people like to compare DS and NOED (as seen in this thread) but they cannot be compared. NOED can be prevented from being activated extremely early in a match. DS sometimes has very little counter play. As most people that run it aren’t being tunnelled. They just want to sit and do gens in front of the killers face because they can’t be touched. So many of my friends purposely jump into lockers JUST to use DS. Even when they’re not being chased. They just don’t want the perk going to waste. I don’t agree with this though. It’s a stupid tactic and it shouldn’t be in the game.
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That's my other problem with DS. Survivors forcing DS just to use it, and when they force DS they get salty because that could have utlized it in a better position.
NOED really isn't compareable to any survivor perk. I see NOED as survivors fault and punishment for focusing too much on gens.