Xbox Messages

I guess I will never understand this, but why do some players feel compelled to DM players on Xbox Live to trash talk and say "get good" or "EASY DUBBBB"? I mean, I get trash talking, but do you literally feel better about yourself taking the time to message someone? Why can't you just say gg and move on to the next match? I seriously doubt people that do this win every single match they play, so why would you tell someone else to "get good" if you clearly can't win every match?
I just don't get it. Plus the Xbox ban system is so shotty. If someone constantly blows up my DM with childish messages, I ask them to stop and not be so toxic and then I get banned. Go figure. I sure hope they are getting banned for harassment especially after I ask them to stop.
I guess I'm not a kid/teenager/adolescent/immature anymore and I'll just chalk it up to that. I just like to play the game. I don't earn money from this. I can care less about losing, I just don't like messages coming in from idiots who have no clue who they are talking to on the other end of the screen. I can honestly create a book of all the messages I get on a daily basis. It doesn't matter if you win or lose. It's just annoying. And to put icing on the cake, my son uses my account so most of the time he's the one getting messages. I am aware I can take those off, but then you lose voice chat when playing other games. Wish you could just deactivate messaging, but leave voice chat on. Meh...
I feel your pain but on PS4
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Ignore them, it's that simple
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Best solution is never reply to them. I once replied to a person being abusive toward me to calm down, it's a game, only to receive a 72 hour ban from Xbox. Just report them and delete the message and turn off non-friend notifcations to stop them from popping up. Xbox are absolute garbage at dealing with any of it anyway.
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Sorry my dude. Glad I'm not the only one. I remember trash talking during the Halo days, but this is an all new level of stupidity. I can trash talk and you can tell it's all in jest especially when I say "gg". But some of these players are just beyond that.
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I went into my privacy settings and disabled communications from non-friends. Too bad it blocks messages, voice chat, and party invites all the same and won't let me pick & choose which to block and allow. I would like to disable party invite spams that give me pop-ups and cover my screen with no way to stop them otherwise, but I don't want to have to add the rando in my party as a friend just to be able to hear them talk.
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Mostly you get banned for 24 best 14 days. I have lots and lots of experience with Xbox comm bans ;)
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Yep...similar to what happened to me. Unfortunately my son saw these messages and of course I had to explain. I did change the notifications to friends only, but that means voice chat is for friends only too, so when I play my games that require communication, I have to remember to turn that back on. Xbox needs to separate messaging and voice chat. It would also be nice to know the person I'm reporting is getting the ban.
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So are one of those people who DM players when you win and go beyond trash talking?
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I do. It's when my son plays. I have all the workarounds in place, but the system is still not perfect.
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make it so only friends can message you. people send some pretty heinous stuff that Xbox wont ban.
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They message when your son in playing?
If so, I'm sorry to hear that
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Like yesterday, my son wanted to try the new killer. Never played him before. So of course he didn't win the first few matches. He got at least 6 different DMs from players saying to "get good" and "you suck". Well of course....he just started playing this new killer. Not everyone was playing the PTB on PC. It's just sad. smh
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You will know if it is a DM. If I send something or something gets sent to me and it is reported and Xbox agrees is violated their standards it will be deleted and you'll see "This Message has Been Deleted" it is usually almost instant after the report and typically the sender will be com banned for about 24 hours...usually like 28 or so for some the report is made at 3:59 pm and you get banned until 8:47 pm the next day. The end of the bans seem to have really odd times so it is obviously not done by a human but a machine and typically the ban ends a few hours shy of the ban expiration time...again from my vast experience.
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Yeah, but to their defense, they don't know it's my son. He uses my account because I don't take the game seriously and I hardly ever play myself. So when I do play, I try to rank up my characters and then let him have at it. So I guess they see the high rank and they think they are playing with someone who appears to be good. But they shouldn't assume. I've seen kids who are better than adults. lol
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No...typically they get dms when they do something highly scummy and I give them my opinion on that and Xbox at times has issues with that I suppose.
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Yep...I just hope when you defend yourself, they ban the original person. I just assumed you were one of those people since your name is "toxcity". lol . My bad for assuming. It is a breath of fresh air to know there are others like me. I just have to contain myself and ignore and block them when my son plays.
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I rarely dm a killer if I win and if I do anything outside of the rare times I might give some advice I might say something like Alpha Mike Foxtrot after...but that's just a bit of Richard Sherman-like banter. Only time I go full toxic on a killer if he plays taunting...say downing me and then dropping me right at the hatch and then closing it in my face or hard camping me the whole game....yeah then I am probably going to go off on him after, I am probably going to get reported and probably going to get com banned....again. But if he plays straight I'm not going to go toxic on him even if I lose...I just do that to the jerks and from my own perspective they kinda deserve my venom.