Xbox Messages

Menefreghista33 Member Posts: 8
edited March 2020 in General Discussions

I guess I will never understand this, but why do some players feel compelled to DM players on Xbox Live to trash talk and say "get good" or "EASY DUBBBB"? I mean, I get trash talking, but do you literally feel better about yourself taking the time to message someone? Why can't you just say gg and move on to the next match? I seriously doubt people that do this win every single match they play, so why would you tell someone else to "get good" if you clearly can't win every match?

I just don't get it. Plus the Xbox ban system is so shotty. If someone constantly blows up my DM with childish messages, I ask them to stop and not be so toxic and then I get banned. Go figure. I sure hope they are getting banned for harassment especially after I ask them to stop.

I guess I'm not a kid/teenager/adolescent/immature anymore and I'll just chalk it up to that. I just like to play the game. I don't earn money from this. I can care less about losing, I just don't like messages coming in from idiots who have no clue who they are talking to on the other end of the screen. I can honestly create a book of all the messages I get on a daily basis. It doesn't matter if you win or lose. It's just annoying. And to put icing on the cake, my son uses my account so most of the time he's the one getting messages. I am aware I can take those off, but then you lose voice chat when playing other games. Wish you could just deactivate messaging, but leave voice chat on. Meh...
