Another prime example why gen speed complaints aren't excuses.



  • woundcowboy
    woundcowboy Member Posts: 1,994

    YES, we absolutely should balance around games like this. Also, True usually only posts matches that he wins; you have to view the VODs in order to get better data.

    Anyways, the argument that the game should be balanced around average players doesn't hold water. A rank 15, super casual player is not going to get different results if something like dstrike or adrenaline were nerfed; this will only affect skilled players. I struggle to think of many games that balance around the lower skill player bases, so why should DBD be any different?

    Lastly- and this has been said- the reason more people didn't escape in that posted match is because the survivors chose to extend the game- they could have left whenever.

  • Reborn2020
    Reborn2020 Member Posts: 1,138

    The killer is not new but he plays like trash. He downs Nea and then hook her in basement instead of bringing her close to those gens that are blocked . Clearly killers fault. I also like how he plays without even paying a single attention to gens at one point. Killers fault .

  • madmouse53
    madmouse53 Member Posts: 6

    I’d like to go up against people near my rank for once. People wanna talk about balance I’m a rank 12 killer main and I go up against purple and red ranks every day and it’s so annoying to the point to where it’s near impossible for me to rank up passed 12.

  • TheAntiSanta
    TheAntiSanta Member Posts: 128

    A even slightly less good player would not have gotten the 3k.

    And even when we still do manage to get those kills, “Just cause the gens popped, doesn’t mean the game is over,” does us no good when we are trying to do these stupid challenges before the Rift closes, and We can’t because Survivors are doing this garbage.

  • Respectfulnancymain
    Respectfulnancymain Member Posts: 1,816

    Idk if my memory is bad but didnt clown guy get banned?

  • Ev13698324
    Ev13698324 Member Posts: 61

    Doesn't tru3 only upload videos of him winning to youtube?

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,244
    edited March 2020

    They had a week extra to improve deathslinger and nothing changed. The crazy thing about deathslinger is even if he was decent killer scary killer in a chase, he would still probably struggle against top end. Deathslinger can 4k against trash players but every killer does well against bad survivors so there is that. Gen speed is an issue but even if generator were slower, it wouldn't change much for Deathslinger. I think he got 2 hook(?) in like 4 minutes and they did 4 generator in 4 minutes. It is somewhat ironic that most of the game get played in the end game rather than the game itself. If survivors had a perk to counter face camping, then you would see a lot more 4 man escapes rather than a bunch of survivors suiciding at the hook.

    Post edited by Devil_hit11 on
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229

    Gen speeds are way too fast; but the devs disagree so nothing is going to change. I don't know why folks even bother talking about it.

  • djsponge10
    djsponge10 Member Posts: 349

    tru3 is really overrated.. idk why people see him so high and mighty he forgets things all the time and he has bad game flow in general.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    What entitlement? The only entitlement in this thread is killers wanting a match that ended in a 3K to be made longer than it was so there is the possibility of a 4K.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    Except that you only 4k if the survivors does mistakes. If you dont play Nurse or Spirit then its all about the survivors doing enough mistakes to give you the pressure to do that. And this is something that is not reliable. I had enough matches where I downed and hooked as Spirit ever 30sec 1 survivor and they still finished all gens in 5:40min with only 2 survivors working on gens because most of the time someone obviously was going for saves or healing. I used pop, sloppy and even old ruin and they still managed to push through. With that explained and in this example these survivors weren't doing much mistakes, I manage to down that quick because I am a really good spirit thought and they had less up to 0 chance to escape but the gens were still flying even with 2 anti gen perks.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    Killer is the pressure, so most mistakes are being caused by your chasing them, obviously if you sit in a corner, or you chase loops the wrong way there's less of a margin for "mistakes" but there's genuinely some windows a survivor can't reach before you get them, some survivors get greedy at a pallet, sorry but I don't buy into the "you only do well if survivors are bad" it's totally untrue.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    Then you are not really that experienced as survivor if you think that xD There are tons of setups where you can loop a Killer for 2 or more min and if you have perks like dead hard you can extent that by the double amount of time. Not trying to be rude here but you should maybe watch some guides or streams of good survivors.

  • PokemonGOPlayer
    PokemonGOPlayer Member Posts: 179

    I'm happy to see that many people on the forum, just like the Devs, only care about the result and not about the process, this 3K will do just fine in the Kill rate stats for Deathslinger because that's all it matters, right?

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    I'm 4,600 hours in, I've probably played this game at least 2x as much as you have, I know perfectly well that some players are actually good, I'm sorry that you're not very good at killer so base all your wins on what the survivors did, but I truly believe this game has decent killers, lol.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    I have 3,500 hours as Killer main and I know several survivor mains that have 4 up to 6k hours, even some streamers that I dont want to mention. Most of them were not good and didnt know basic tactics such as double back, fast vaulting or even mindgaming. Imo hours doesnt have to mean something of how skilled someone is. Everyone learns differently and some might need more time as others to reach their skill cap. So I wouldnt rely on this number if I would be you^^

  • Reborn2020
    Reborn2020 Member Posts: 1,138

    Im not a bad killer myself and i see him playing like trash with zero strategy. Of course it hurts someone playing games for living to not be able constantly 4k 😂

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    I mean, in December I remember you saying you have 2.8K hours, you've played for 700 hours in 3 months? lol I guess if you wanna add a couple hundred more hours to disprove me that's cool lol.

    Sorry that you still have a hard time with 3,500 hours.

  • CozyM
    CozyM Member Posts: 1

    I love playing killer, I do. But I'm taking a break untill gen rushing is not (so much) a thing anymore. Aside from the fact I went against a full SWF party of rank 1-2 survivors as a rank 10 killer. One 1.5 minute chase ended with 2 gens being done, it's insane how much pressure is on you now as a killer...

    So not really a ragepost, I just don't enjoy the game in its current state. They said how: "toolbox nerf will fix it!", but lets face it, toolboxes just added to the problem, they weren't the source of it: people can slam gens down without toolboxes in 50 seconds.

    Meanwhile the devs claim that survivors are already holding down M1 on gens enough. No they are not. You could easily increase gen time by 100% and gen rush would still be a thing. Either increase the time or give survivors something else to do as a main objective. Like gathering parts to be able to fix a gen partially or something, literally ANYTHING.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125
    edited March 2020

    I have 2 accounts, both together are 3,200 hours, also I am smurfing on a account of a friend to farm bloodpoints for her, this makes some extra hundreds hours, I assume it might be 200-300 hours on her account so I dont know where you get that from but if you are really upset because of a discussion, I am really sorry, I didnt ment to mess around with you.

    Also what you are trying is kinda weird, just because you cant hold this discussion doesnt mean you have to find now other arguments just to proof in a other way that you can be right? :D

    *Edit I checked my both accounts I have currently 3500 hours on my own accounts.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    I'm... what? I'm upset? lmao ok buddy.

    I don't need to hold a conversation, you literally think the only reason you win at this game is because survivors make mistakes, instead of the supposed 3,500 hours you have as killer, lol.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125
  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526
  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    Thats not childish at all what you are doing lul, well I dont really mind, keep going xD

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    I'm glad to see you're reformed, best of luck with your killer games.

  • theArashi
    theArashi Member Posts: 998

    I think what he pointed out right there is that game was done with 1k but survivors decided to throw themselves at the killer and die. More often then not it doesn't happen and people just leave.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    Well thats a weird answer now? I am glad that you calmed down now I guess? Also again, I didnt meant in any way to insult you and I am sorry about that, I was just discussing with you and thats it, dont take things to personal.

  • theArashi
    theArashi Member Posts: 998

    The problem is that it doesn't have to be vet survivors for games to be short as hell.

    I've had games where survivors were terrible at looping and they went down easily but they never stayed close to one another and pushed the gens.

    Unless you are top tier killer you will not punish them for it as great majority of the pressure most killer can apply requires survivors to stay close to one another and not communicate well.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    idk man, I still don't think you have 3,500 hours, you have 2300 hours on your main account, which you were playing dbd on for 3 years, you've played your new account for 7 months and already have halve of what you had in 3 years so I wouldn't be surprised if you've accidentally left dbd running.

    I don't take anything personal, it's a game, but I know there are good killers and it's really boring seeing the same "killers only win because x made a mistake" or "x did this and that's why this game ended with a 4k" yea, it happened, in the match, people don't usually try saves to die, they thought they could get the save and all escape, and tru3 played well enough to counter that.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125
    edited March 2020

    To answer the first part. Nope I started playing dbd at Clown chapter, I just played the beta like 20 hours I guess? Then I left the game for a long time, I played world of warcraft along time, hardcore progress raiding. Then when clown with the store came out I started playing the game srsly. From there I started sweating. I play really much though, every day a few hours, I dont let the game run, I always play this game for hours and dont stop cuz I am addicted basicly xD.

    Second part: I get ya and dont worry. I dont know if I worded that wrong but I didnt meant that I or others ONLY get kills through mistakes from survivors. On Killers like Nurse, Spirit or Oni it is most of the time your own skill to kill them, but mistakes are still a huge part of Killing if you understand what I mean. Its basicly a 50/50 skill/mistakes from others imo.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321


    People think he's a god because he overuses the term "mindgame" while chasing potatoes most of the time.

    Personally I think he's a rather average red rank killer performance-wise considering he's been playing DBD 7 days a week since 2016 and yet didn't even know old Doctor could grab in treatment mode till he got grabbed off the hook (in 2019). He didn't even know saboed traps respawned after the devs patched it.

    He doesn't even know how non-meta survivor perks work to this day. He has never even tried to make a killer respect a pallet to go for another loop. He can't 360 or juke etc.

    Quite simply an overrated player.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    Agree, also his weird ghostface build and playstyle... its honestly rediciouless how many ppl played this build, its not even strong thought xD.

    But I still have to admit that he can judge balancing discussion very neutral and that is something what I like about him atleast. Still he is not one of the best palyers thought.

  • LoverOfDemogorgon
    LoverOfDemogorgon Member Posts: 168

    Your understanding of the main point of this post still baffles me after reading all your comments... lemme put it like this, I can show you case after case from even different players and even my own freaking games played of how unbalanced this game can be towards survivors as long as they hold m1 on a gen as a priority, yes tru3 freaking 3k'd this game to the survivors fault, but I can show you games easily of how a 1,2 or 0k happens on the regular, and you don't even watch his streams so you miss out on the games where things don't go as pretty as the one you saw above. My entire point to this post is to open people's eyes to how no matter how you play with 99% of the cast survivors can genrush the heck out of you and it basically encourages 99% of the killer cast to play scummy thus causing a cycle of toxicity. I cannot grasp why you don't think the game should be balanced to push away these types of matches, THESE MATCHES ARE NOT FUN AND UNFAIR TO WHAT IS SUPPOSED TO BE THE SCARY BAD GUY OF THE GAME. Why shouldn't they be balanced out? The unfairness is obvious, the "SURVIVORS" should not have the power to do this to the "KILLERS" it is like the roles are reversed in this game. These matches are NOT a 1/100 chance, they can happen a multitude of times in one playsession, that is enough to warrant concern; and then when you have an entire community of players complaining for HALF A DECADE that this is an issue, then you would expect someone to see the writing on the wall and do something about it. But it seems you like killers as they are, and feeling like an over empowered survivor that has the advantage of mechanics as well the numbers advantage... it is a 4v1! The side with 4 is SUPPOSED to be WEAKER because they are 4 and NOT 1... it's logic.

  • LoverOfDemogorgon
    LoverOfDemogorgon Member Posts: 168

    People don't think of tru3 as a god that's an overstatement

    And his reputation is rightfully earned, he plays both sides quite effectively and consistently unlike many other more average players and has one of the best critical thinking and analyzing minds in dbd's streamer area. He encourages discussion on topics and has fostered a very positive and like-minded community who'd rather think on something than judge and jump to conclusions. He isn't perfect, and he doesn't know everything despite what you may think because he is a streamer he doesn't live on dbd, he has a life outside of it and shouldn't have to know every micro detail of the game to be considered "good" by you, he has done far more for this community than you likely ever will.

  • SunaIIanu
    SunaIIanu Member Posts: 815

    The Match starts at around 0:50 and the last gen pops around 4:53, so it is around 4 Minutes for 5 Gens. Counting the time after the first gen finished doesn't make sense, you can't say "5 Gens in 2,55 Minutes" when you start counting after the first gen is done, because you are excluding the time that the first gen needed to be done. So correct would be: "4 Gens in 2:55" (and you can still argue that statement because your gen was close do being done when the first gen popped, but that is a different point).

    And yes, that is super fast, I'm not arguing that gen speed could/should be looked at, I just wanted to point out, that your way of counting makes the gen speed of that match seems to be even faster than is already is.

    So what I'm trying to say is: If you counting general gen time over a match count from the Start of the match or the first time somebody touched a gen, everything else doesn't really makes sense.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526
    edited March 2020

    please show me posts about me complaining about things that killers have, please, lmao.

    and I've never said a nerf shouldn't happen because "this nerf happened", i always bring up survivor nerfs because killers on this forum act as if they've never had a nerf in the 4 years this game has been active.

    but please, if you can find me doing all these things I'll commend you lol

  • PB182
    PB182 Member Posts: 80
    edited March 2020

    Make each gen take 5 minutes to complete. Nerf toolboxes more, bring old ruin back and make noed a regular perk not involving totems. That's the only solution 🙄

    (Also nerf Ds, BT, DH, adrenaline and unbreakable while you're at it)

    And disconnecting gets you banned for life

    - killer main

  • djsponge10
    djsponge10 Member Posts: 349

    Mhmm I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks this, yes he’s a good player, but like I can name 15 people off the top of my head that are better. Including me, he can beat me at survivor since I don’t play nearly as much survivor as he will, but killer, 14 other and I can show how much better we are and how much more knowledgeable we are, if you want the smartest killer in the game it’s easily Otz. Just like in dark souls he puts every aspect and number into his head when he plays dbd.