Tweak Decisive Strike

Arxaion Member Posts: 104
edited March 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

Decisive Strike is intended to be a form of anti-tunneling perk. However, it is inherently far stronger than just an anti-tunneling perk. In a recent match I was able to chase down and hook another survivor, find a survivor that was unhooked just before the previous chase started, and down them - yet I still ate a Decisive Strike and it cost me a kill (the exit gate was left at 99% with two survivors left).

Please, keep the perk. That is fine. Just... Make it less likely to be abused with lockers or inadvertently hinder killers further than it was intended.

  • Reduce the timer to 30 seconds, and keep the stun duration, but make the skill check vary in size depending on the perk's rank.
  • Only allow Decisive Strike to prompt a skill check when a survivor is picked up from being downed (not allowing it from lockers or grabs).
  • Deactivate any (other) active Decisive Strikes upon another survivor being hooked or downed.
