What were the devs even thinking with this patch

Honestly, this is even worse than the ruin nerf
Release a killer that's top 5 worst in the game, ignoring all community feedback even after having an additional week of ptb? Yup.
Make sabo more powerful? Yup.
Buffing toolbox repair speed? Yup.
Release another survivor-sided map, already adding to the 85%+ pool of maps that is survivor sided? Yup.
Fix the game-breaking sound issues that have persisted for months? Not a chance. I can literally stand directly over a character and they're silent, but that's fine.
Balance gen/game speeds? Nope.
Fix various killer bugs, like on Nurse? Nope, but we'll give insignificant buffs to B/C tier killers.
Honestly, it's such a disaster.
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Okay so please tell me. The commodious toolbox was nerfed from having 180 charges to 32. This is a decrease by 148 charges. That is 148 more seconds you cannot use it on a gen. How is this a buff?
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There are less charges, but repairing is quicker. The amount of time it saves overall is actually much less now, but there are some people who can't see past "faster repair speed" and assume it's a buff on that basis.
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Ah yeah, my bad, forgot that buffing the repair speed for something that won't last 3 seconds is the apocalypse; cheers for reminding me.
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@OP Freddy was nerfed almost immediately after his release based on "community feedback", and as a result became a community-wide joke for the next year and a half. The devs are (in my opinion, rightfully) trying not to make that mistake again.
The community don't always know what they're talking about, especially when they've only been playing a killer for a week at most. Deathslinger may end up needing a buff, but we'll all be in a much better position to judge that if we wait a few more weeks.
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I'm disappointed, but not surprised. Deathslinger definitely needed a buff or two from the PTB. Not sure why the sabotage changes went live in that state either.
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Here's my problem with this patch.
It, once again, shows dev bias.
Everything on the survivor side that was "nerfed" had a big trade off added. Meanwhile...killer things, like Hangmans Trick, Gear Head etc...just nerfed. No trade off. This is about how it goes all the time.
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Sabotage is trash. I'm not sure why people are complaining about it. I played tons of games since the release of the current patch and I've noticed that literally nobody ran the new Saboteur perk (except 2 people: some random guy and myself) because it's impossible to get it right, at least for me. Oh not to mention, the perk resets/cancels itself if you only TOUCH a hook, which is frustrating and I'm not sure if that's intentional.
The new map isn't survivor sided at all, every time I played as survivor on it, me and my team (red ranks by the way) all died, and when I played as Killer on it two times, both times I got 4k and Merciless (played as Cannibal and Doctor). Don't forget the breakable walls that worked out for me super well.
Toolboxes are trash now and I'm not complaining despite being a survivor main. Every game I played since the release I lost, except one of them that I managed to get Adept Zarina on via luck.
I think you played 2-3 games and because you lost all of them, you decided to write this thread without thinking.
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I pulled some toolboxes out of chests today... I know toolboxes were too powerful and needed to be nerfed, but oh my god they are useless now.
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Just got Merciless on the new map again.
"The new map is survivor sided."
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I wouldn’t say the map is survivor sided. The saloon can be busted and you’re basically forced to break the walls there which is kinda stupid imo, but that’s all.
The killer could use some buffs but he definitely isn’t terrible. He could use some more map pressure.
Toolboxes definitely were nerfed and that was a good change but I agree: on most maps gens still go too fast. I’m sure this is something they will monitor though, considering how they already looked into toolboxes and there’s nothing wrong with doing this step by step and making sure you’re changing the right things.
To be honest... I hardly noticed the sabo buff as of yet. Though I can imagine it would be extremely frustrating to face one of those SWF sabo groups. Didn’t they say that sabo’d hooks would respawn faster? If so, I don’t think it’ll be that big of a problem. Especially since toolboxes got nerfed.
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Yeah but hooks you can sabotage with a toolbox now are very limited.
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I've gotten Mercilesses on Rotten Fields before, that doesn't mean that it isn't unbalanced.
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Do people seriously think toolboxes got buffed?
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The killer is very nice. The toolbox werent buffed, imo.
The rest, I agree.
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Wait till survs foind out about red herring and two nerfs done on killer side perk from ptb. All hell will be unleashed.
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I mean, people think doc got nerfed...
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Saboing more powerful?.. It got nerfed into the ground by Hooks respawning faster now.. Killers will just leave you slugged.
Toolboxes got buffed?.. They're literally useless now and 1 Commodious toolbox can't even finish half a gen. Any killer running Pop would instantly negate all progress made from using a toolbox.
Release another survivor sided map? You do realize most of the map is complete dead space that survivors are sitting ducks in?
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You also forgot perks of new killer. They are survivor sided as well.
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I really enjoy the chapter. I love the deathslinger and the new map. Sure, some changes are a bit questionable but it has always been this way. Bug fixes and balance changes are definitely something they need to improve on though.
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I was cackling like a madman the moment I got my hands on him after the nerf. Got a lot of free Queens from the conversion so there were loads of fortunate survivors who had to deal with that.
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Slap on STBFL that's available on the Shrine and it's gg.
Quit complaining, he's a good killer.
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Are you really complaining about hangman’s being merged from the ptb? It was busted and should not have made it at all to live
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when two browns finish a gen before you can reach it, I'd say they were buffed
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Does anyone else have as much fun as I do breaking walls for a little bit of extra points on the new map?
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Repeat after me
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No, he’s definitely not.
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I laid out all this in this thread just after the dev blog came out, but people were quite adamant about how wrong I was
Really, the general playerbase deserves this for being so easily duped.
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Lul OP thinks toolboxes got "buffed" ahaha
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bandaid fixes inc. sound will be disabled instead of repaired. Not to mention, even the killer perks that came with the update are survivor sided XD
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I'm gonna point out that the new map's generator trophy is impossible to get on PS4. check in the stats, and you'll notice that 0.0% of players have it, yet all the other new trophies have people that got them.
Also, the lack of sound from downed survivors is absurd. I downed a Claudette in the bushes on Ormond yesterday, and literally could not find here at all where I stood once my cooldown was done. I didnt find her until I hooked the other remaining person and BBQ showed me which corner she had crawled to.
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I played like 10, lost 2 (as Deathslinger at red ranks no surprise). The issue is the new killer sucks so bad that I don't even want to play him; might as well go back to killing everyone with Oni, and that's what I did.
New map is survivor sided. Big, easy to hide, great for BL, good loops. It isn't as bad as, say, Blood Lodge or a farm map, but it's still big.
Sabo isn't useless; it isn't my fault you play against potatoes. If they break a hook in your face, unless there's one close (which isn't always the case), you have to slug.
Toolbox changes aren't as severe as I thought they were. But there's still the problem of gen speeds being fast as hell anyway, so now people will just do the first few with no boxes when the killer has no pressure anyway, then do the last few gens much faster.
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No he isn't, I have a good build for him (Stbfl, Nurse's, M+A, Pop) and it still depends on the map and the survivors. Against a good swf, he gets bullied hard, and that's all there is to it. He can't punish mistakes nearly as hard as a killer like Oni, Billy, Spirit, so he just isn't as good, because his power has way too many counters.
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Where is the breakable wall? I only played on the new map once and I didn't see it. Course they were gen rushing and I had no gen perks. I had to slug to win that game.
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I actually found that shadowborn works best for him. Combine with aim movement speed. While they Bob and weave trying to avoid your shot, you can move faster than them. Also, his bayonet counts as a basic attack, so exposed works after you harpoon someone. Same with stbfl. Without exposed, I would only harpoon injured survivors.
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Yeah remember when everyone said the spirit was trash?
Maybe we should wait just a little bit
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New map survivor sided? Hahaha. People really overreact to everything around here.
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