Why did you nerf remember me?

They nerfed it again?
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Cause of EGC.
If killer closed hatch and the survivor had to open exits, they'd have no chance.
Tbh all they had to do was make it not activate if the hatch is closed...
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I believe it was because with the last survivor, if the killer closed the hatch, it made opening an exit gate impossible, basically. Not 100% sure tho
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No i m just using it now and i heard it was nerfed.
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Alternatively, always make the last Survivor the Obsession.
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There s no difference between old 50 seconds and new 30 seconds. Either way its too long. So why it was nerfed ? Would be interesting to hear dev team answer.
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Either 30 seconds or 50 seconds. Either way no chance. Even with base time there s almost no chance.
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If there is only one survivor and killer closed the hatch before survivor finds it, killer earned that kill tbh...
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Where is this mentioned in the patch notes?
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Honestly. If the killer killed 3 survivors before all the gens were completed and he found the hatch before you did. He deserves that 4k.
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Just so everyone know because it seems not clear but this was not in the recent 3.6.0 patch notes. Remember me has been changed long time ago in the 2.7.0 patch note when we released the EGC. https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/61785/patch-notes-2-7-0-mid-chapter#latest
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If the last survivor is the one who did everything, played really well and pulled his weight but got teamed with potatos he also deserves a chance at escaping.
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So what was the thing behind nerfing remember me? 30 seconds or 50 seconds that last survivor is screwed anyway.
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If he did everything he already earned a pip, perhaps 2.
What if the killer did very well? What if he applied pressure, didn't camp or tunnel, and won a lot of mind games? Does he not deserve a 4k?
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I talked about escaping not about pipping and yes, the killer deserves a chance for a 4k too, thats why both get another go at their objective after the hatch is closed.
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I miss old RM. I don't see why the change couldn't be reverted, they could have it deactivate if there's only one survivor remaining if that's the concern.
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They changed it because survivors didn't have fun in the end game.
Now they can have fun by holding m1 by the gen and quickly opening up gates.
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This I agree with 100%.
No one has deserved anything until the game is over. A kill or escape is never earned until they happen.
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For me, as someone who play Killers most of the time. That 1v4 is only about SWF, the truth is its 1vs(1&1&1&1). Killers do well, deserve the kills, yes. But if a Survivor did really good the whole game, they do deserve escape. The other 3 bad Survivors doesnt mean the 4th good one should die.
The game balance at 2K, and most of the time giving 1 escape. 4K should be as rare as 1K.
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The thing is i dont a difference between 30 s and 50 s for that last survivor.
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Because they hate killers and moderately ok killer perks are on the chopping block
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but you put assumptions like that, you also allow the potatoes to escape, because the one who did everything dies on first hook while the last living potato crouches scared around the map. You would need to add something like "10% faster gate opening per 100% gen progression" or "x% faster running per 30sec chase during EGC" to solve "escape rights" like that. From a "team" view, the killer deserved the 4k. He controlled the trial and in the end, a 1v1 is killer sided. Or maybe also add a "Entity pardons you when you get chased at least one minute during EGC and do not get downed until the timer runs out" :P
But I also don't get the reason for this nerf. As @Doc_W__HOLLIDAY said, they should simply remove the effect when EGC is active or better when only one survivor is left, because EGC can also happen when someone uses a key and you close the hatch. So there might be several survivors left that can work together to get the gate open.
Now, it still screws the last survivor because opening gates is only possible on indoor maps where they always spawn with biggest possible distance, and versus multiple survivors it is simply too weak now. The intention to nerf this for EGC just adresses the idea too less and breaks the original purpose, so the perk is pretty much useless.
@TAG it is not only the obsession that gets the slowdown. When gates are active, it doesn't matter who the obsession is.
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The Obsession is the one player NOT affected by Remember Me.
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Alright, didn't know that o.O But in that case, it would be a bad combo with Rancor. So you can be sure the last survivor is on instadown and moriable, right after you maybe killed the second last survivor with Rancor. Also meaning that the survivor will not be able to take the hit at the gate and finish the last %
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Bingo. Opposing this would be like a survivor teabagging at a gate, injured, then getting shot by deathslinger but proceeding to say they earned the escape.
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Rancor doesn't trigger if the Hatch is closed. Only when all five gens are done. Unless you mean after all the gens are done, in which case I don't see how that's different from Nemesis + Rancor.
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Pretty much this.
The start of EGC and the explicit completion of the last generator are already two different events as far as the game is concerned, even though the result is the same. Bitter Murmur for example doesn't give the extended "endgame" aura reading when the hatch closes, as it's tied to generator completion as opposed to gate activation.
Could just apply the extra time from remember me when the last generator is completed in particular.
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Not necessarily. If that last survivor was looping the killer very good so that the killer had to give up on him and kill his mates... Then I personally would say the killer doesn't deserve the last kill at all, the survivor deserves to survive.
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Just because you are the last survivor in the game does not mean you are entitled to escaping. There is no reason why the last of the gens should be automatically completed for you, nor does it mean you should be granted not one but 3 optional escape routes in which 2 you have to simply just wait furthest from the free win mechanic to also get to exploit for free.
You still failed to keep the other alive, the same ones you NEEDED to survivor yourself, and failed to complete your objective. You are not entitled to a free win mechanic when you failed at all of your objectives.
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Please quote and highlight for me where I said anyone was entitled to anything.
You made quite a leap from "impossible to escape" to "entitled to escape."
But that's to be expected at this point
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If you already lost, then just die. The entire hatch mechanic was implemented because survivors were taking the game hostage when they lost.
If you lost, you lost. If you failed your goal to keep others alive so that you could achieve your goal to complete all the gens to escape. You. Lost.
You are not entitled to a hatch, and you are certainly not entitled to a gate.
I don't even care about end game perks like NOED, Blood Warden, or Remember Me. They suck against good survivors. Not even a problem for good survivors. I'm just calling you out on the obvious entitlement your writing, and if your ignorant to your own entitlement - then you need to work on that.
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You don't understand what the word entitlement means. I think that's pretty clear.
My original comment was an attempt to explain what I thought was Bhvr's reasoning for nerfing Remember Me. If you had actually read my comment, you would understand that. Nowhere in my comment did I gave my personal opinion on the nerf. Unfortunately, you saw something that you considered a survivor sided opinion and that triggered you so you went on an irrelevant rant about entitlement.
Stop and take a breath.
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The difference would be that you have enough time to figure out that the killer has Nemesis. So you have the option to drop pallets early. You can't do anything against an auto obsession switch
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Remember Me is one of the better designed Obsession perks, in that it provides both a downside (tunneling and slowing the team down endgame) and upside (drawing aggro and being unaffected) for the survivor while rewarding the killer for hitting them and allowing unhooks to get more stacks.
I think the perk would be perfect if it did either of the following to allow a 20s delay:
A) was 5s per token
or, preferably,
B) had a 5 token max (this way, the killer has incentive to allow max unhooks/heals to strengthen their endgame)
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It was nerfed because the killer actually had a real chance at winning the game once gens were done and they did not like that. They want survivors to win when gens are finished unless they are overly altruistic. They are trying to balance the game around more people escaping not less, like it or hate it that is what they are doing, why do you think gen speed is still the same despite everyone and their mother saying how gen speed is way to quick now.
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Never said anyone was entitled. I explained why the Remember Me nerf happened.
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That doesn't mean anything. Your whole team is dead and killer caught you.
If you are that good at looping you can loop the killer forever before he dcs. I don't see any problem here.
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Even bad killers wont get looped forever as there are no infinites 😂
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Who said that?
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How is this an answer to my question?
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If your only option is to die, then something needs to change.
Survivors shouldn't have to point at a hook because both Exit Gates spawn on the same border wall. The same applies to killers giving up because both Exit Gates spawn on opposite sides.
Before you say, the killer won and deserves a free 4K, we don't know HOW he won. I could be the best survivor on the team and still lose because my teammates DC'd or fed a camping LF.
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It does mean a lot. Sucks to you if you can't see the difference
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I'm seeing a lot of "That survivor is screwed anyway, even if 30 or 50" but this is false...
Ive gotten out many a time, just as much as I've gotten found and killed. When gates are closed together, hope the killer is 110 and be good at hiding. Oh and it's not Billy or spirit or wraith with addons. It's not over till it's over.
I do understand how it can feel like you're screwed. Just remember, the killer has to go back and forth between the gates. Time it just right and you can get it open before the killer gets back. This tactic works on most killers, not all.
Especially when gates are on opposite ends of a large map. There's no way the killer gets back in time.
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Then the same logic could apply to 50 seconds. Just hide when killer comes.... Stop justifying stupid change with no good reason.
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I'm not saying anything about change nor did I imply a change needed to be reverted. I was just stating a counter argument to the common one I saw. I don't use remember me, thus I feel my opinion wouldn't have a strong understanding of how they feel and why they feel the way they do.
If it seems like I came off that way, it wasn't my intent. I was using my experience to justify my own point that counters one I disagreed with.
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Unless I misinterpreted the meaning behind your words, which is also a huge possibility e.o if so, I apologize
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Well then your comment has no value and meaning. My point stands.
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No it doesn't. You fail your objective to open exit gates as a team. Now you failed to find hatch before killer.
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Playing survivor is a TEAM game. If you didn’t do enough to keep your team alive (maybe take a hook or two, etc.) then hatch is your last “free chance” at escaping.