Borrowed Time Rework

Hey guys, recently I've been thinking of what I BT rework would be like. Dont get me wrong, it's obviously a great perk as is, but how annoying is it when you get hook bombed by someone without BT? This is what got me thinking. What if instead of how it works now, it was the person who is getting unhooked that had the BT and once they're unhooked they have the endurance effect for the same time. It's just a way to ensure that you dont have to worry about if the person unhooking you has BT, since you have it yourself.
TL;DR Like a self borrowed time.
if this effect was straight replaced, it would be a minor nerf. Nowadays, in a good SWF there can be just 1 borrowed time, who can do as many free saves as he wants, especially in endgame snowballing. With this change, most people would run borrowed time.
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And nobody would do unhooks, cause nobody knows if it would be safe. Its still a stupid idea, dont repeat already mentioned nonsense.
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Ah, that's true. I didnt really think about it that way. But besides swf, I think this would be a great change so you wouldn't have to rely on stinky randoms to play correctly lmao
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I definitly like the idea, but i would add that a survivor who is close to the hook (lets say 8-12 meters) gets similar to Prove thyself a notification that the hooked person is running BT.
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That's a great idea! Like a little buff icon next to the perks. That's pretty good.