
Its good advice, use it.
17 -
SadonicShadow said:
Its good advice, use it.
1 -
No, git gud.
16 -
Agreed, git gud.
15 -
It already got hit when the developers reworked tinkerer...
Also 30 second cooldown on his chainsaw is going to make him #########.
9 -
MineAntoiya said:
Agreed, git gud.
pandorayr said:No, git gud.
2 -
Sacrifice something to GITH GUDDA, maybe he will answer to your wish.
4 -
@Giche said:
Sacrifice something to GITH GUDDA, maybe he will answer to your wish.Or you know I can post on the balance feedback forums for the devs to see with an actual discussion instead of trolls acting like babies who don't want their toy taken away.
2 -
You want to know how to counter it ?
Go see an high ranked survivor streamer.
Since there is only Billy and Nurse in red ranks, it's not gonna take long for you to see a match against one with the best addons.
Are we good now ?
4 -
are you insane??
that would automatically put him in lower midtier!0 -
Simple if survs use one perk most say is crap saboteur if you break the outside hooks even downed he has to drag you to the basement so tell me how often are people sent to the basement at red ranks not many because its always quick hooks no escape so again break the hooks make it harder0
@Killmaster said:
MineAntoiya said:Agreed, git gud.
pandorayr said:No, git gud.
Okay what is the counter to Bbq and billy? Define “get gud” besides looping, sprintburst, bnp, flashlights, and decisive? Do you have any valid discussion or insightful opinions? There is zero stealth play once a billy hooks someone, just constant chases with the threat of instant downs. No counterplay. Period. No other killer has a secondary ability that can apply as much pressure as Billy’s chainsaw with bbq. You all know it’s broken, without it most killers would 2k-3k at high ranks instead of constant 4ks.
Insta chainsaw doesn't exist, he has lost "insta chainsaw" when he changed Tinkerer in the last chapter, all killers should be just strong as Hillbilly, he has to be reference for other killers.
Learn to play first, this game can don't be adjust to people without any skill.
3 -
@redsopine1 said:
Simple if survs use one perk most say is crap saboteur if you break the outside hooks even downed he has to drag you to the basement so tell me how often are people sent to the basement at red ranks not many because its always quick hooks no escape so again break the hooks make it harderSabo is a joke perk in it's current form, better balance would be two hooks allowed to be permanently sabo'd. This way you could shut down certain parts of the map to work on gens, you could still sabo a third hook but the first one would respawn like it does currently.
@Mister_xD said:
are you insane??
that would automatically put him in lower midtier!Midteir is balanced as devs have said killers should regularly 2k, 4k is reserved for Mori's or absolutely crap teams. Top teir are overpowered.
4 -
I didn't say its a balance move in saying people treat it like a joke at lower levels sure but as you advance any advantage to make the killer have a hard time is needed0
@Killmaster said:
@redsopine1 said:
Simple if survs use one perk most say is crap saboteur if you break the outside hooks even downed he has to drag you to the basement so tell me how often are people sent to the basement at red ranks not many because its always quick hooks no escape so again break the hooks make it harderSabo is a joke perk in it's current form, better balance would be two hooks allowed to be permanently sabo'd. This way you could shut down certain parts of the map to work on gens, you could still sabo a third hook but the first one would respawn like it does currently.
@Mister_xD said:
are you insane??
that would automatically put him in lower midtier!Midteir is balanced as devs have said killers should regularly 2k, 4k is reserved for Mori's or absolutely crap teams. Top teir are overpowered.
i just lost all hope for humanity...
stop complaiining and get good!3 -
@Killmaster said:
@redsopine1 said:
Simple if survs use one perk most say is crap saboteur if you break the outside hooks even downed he has to drag you to the basement so tell me how often are people sent to the basement at red ranks not many because its always quick hooks no escape so again break the hooks make it harderSabo is a joke perk in it's current form, better balance would be two hooks allowed to be permanently sabo'd. This way you could shut down certain parts of the map to work on gens, you could still sabo a third hook but the first one would respawn like it does currently.
@Mister_xD said:
are you insane??
that would automatically put him in lower midtier!Midteir is balanced as devs have said killers should regularly 2k, 4k is reserved for Mori's or absolutely crap teams. Top teir are overpowered.
Never can don't permanently sabo's remove hook for killers, many survivors would abuse to go places on the map where no hooks appears
ur ideas are terrible.
1 -
@pandorayr said:
@Killmaster said:
MineAntoiya said:Agreed, git gud.
pandorayr said:No, git gud.
Okay what is the counter to Bbq and billy? Define “get gud” besides looping, sprintburst, bnp, flashlights, and decisive? Do you have any valid discussion or insightful opinions? There is zero stealth play once a billy hooks someone, just constant chases with the threat of instant downs. No counterplay. Period. No other killer has a secondary ability that can apply as much pressure as Billy’s chainsaw with bbq. You all know it’s broken, without it most killers would 2k-3k at high ranks instead of constant 4ks.
Insta chainsaw doesn't exist, he has lost "insta chainsaw" when he changed Tinkerer in the last chapter, all killers should be just strong as Hillbilly, he has to be reference for other killers.
Learn to play first, this game can don't be adjust to people without any skill.
I'm referring to his ability to one shot survivors with a single hit, shutting down most chases quickly. I'd argue that Huntress, Myers or Clown are more-so what the devs should strive for in terms of balance. Besides the occasional permanent EW3 Myers I don't feel cheated in games with them and generally enjoy the chases/mindgames involving them. Billy is just flat-out annoying,, my problem is moreso with his synergy with BBQ and less with Billy's mechanics all-together however in comparison to other killers his abilities are leagues above others with clowns toxin coming close third behind the nurses blinks. To put it in simpler terms playing against a billy with bbq is just plain unfun, my change would atleast give people a chance to hide before he appears right next to them, billy can close the distance in under 5 seconds on big maps leaving very little time to hide, by the time he hooks 10-15 seconds could have passed anyways, it gives time for people to maneuver or finish gens after a down. Bbq isn't a big problem on slower killers, but on billy it is too much.
1 -
The OP"s proposed change would have very nasty unintended side effects. Just make the Carburater Tuning Guide not as strong. It is literally the effects of over 3 add-ons in one, and only green rarity
0 -
Learn to hide yourself and git gud.
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@RagingCalm said:
The OP"s proposed change would have very nasty unintended side effects. Just make the Carburater Tuning Guide not as strong. It is literally the effects of over 3 add-ons in one, and only green rarityWhat would you consider billys main ability? One shotting with the chainsaw or being able to fly across the map with it? The killer can still use his mallet for downing a survivor if he doesn't want to waste his chainsaw, it would simply extend the chase a little longer allowing for more gen progress to be made. If Billy wants to oneshot someone then he can hit him with his chainsaw and suffer a cooldown, so he simply cannot fly to another player across the map. It's a valid balance change that I think would make him more fun for survivors and a little more forethought for killers to consider whether chainsawing someone is worth losing map control temporarily.
1 -
Another sad post of a noob survivor trying to nerf killers lol1
@Killmaster said:
Right now he is too powerful and snowballs games too quickly at highranks when combined with bbq survivors have no chance and it turns into a slugfest. My proposal is simple, put a 30 second cooldown on his chainsaw after he downs someone with it. This way he cannot just fly across the map immediately after hooking someone. It’s a soft nerf but atleast gives survivors some breathing room for stealth and not just instadown chainsaw, hook, bbq, fly across map and repeat.You misunderstood the devs.
Yeah they said not every killer is supposed to be viable at high rank.
But that does NOT mean that all killers have to be turned into unviable killers0 -
You argue for the sake of it huh ?
Every answer you didn't liked got ignored.
Go back under your bridge, shou !
Edit: At least you admit that you only want fun for survivors and not for killers.
Shou !
0 -
@Harket said:
Learn to hide yourself and git gud.@Master said:
@Killmaster said:
Right now he is too powerful and snowballs games too quickly at highranks when combined with bbq survivors have no chance and it turns into a slugfest. My proposal is simple, put a 30 second cooldown on his chainsaw after he downs someone with it. This way he cannot just fly across the map immediately after hooking someone. It’s a soft nerf but atleast gives survivors some breathing room for stealth and not just instadown chainsaw, hook, bbq, fly across map and repeat.You misunderstood the devs.
Yeah they said not every killer is supposed to be viable at high rank.
But that does NOT mean that all killers have to be turned into unviable killersUnviable would mean that the killer no matter how hard they tried couldn't hook a single survivor, 2k is viable, at high ranks it should be a stalemate with both killers and survivors using every trick in the book against eachother, I'm talking Mori's, addons, instaheals, ect. I'd save this for a different topic but IMO rank should be based on perks and addons not pipping. A weighted score before you enter a lobby determines how toxic a killer and survivors would be in that game, this would also require no changing of perks in the lobby. This way you don't get tombstone myers on rank 15s nor 4 bnps against a rank 20 killer.
1 -
30 seconds cooldown? Do you want to make him as useless as the Spirit?
so are we gonna put 15 seconds cooldown on Nurse next?
1 -
@Killmaster said:
@Harket said:
Learn to hide yourself and git gud.@Master said:
@Killmaster said:
Right now he is too powerful and snowballs games too quickly at highranks when combined with bbq survivors have no chance and it turns into a slugfest. My proposal is simple, put a 30 second cooldown on his chainsaw after he downs someone with it. This way he cannot just fly across the map immediately after hooking someone. It’s a soft nerf but atleast gives survivors some breathing room for stealth and not just instadown chainsaw, hook, bbq, fly across map and repeat.You misunderstood the devs.
Yeah they said not every killer is supposed to be viable at high rank.
But that does NOT mean that all killers have to be turned into unviable killersUnviable would mean that the killer no matter how hard they tried couldn't hook a single survivor, 2k is viable, at high ranks it should be a stalemate with both killers and survivors using every trick in the book against eachother, I'm talking Mori's, addons, instaheals, ect. I'd save this for a different topic but IMO rank should be based on perks and addons not pipping. A weighted score before you enter a lobby determines how toxic a killer and survivors would be in that game, this would also require no changing of perks in the lobby. This way you don't get tombstone myers on rank 15s nor 4 bnps against a rank 20 killer.
Unviable means that there is a chance you verse a team (SWF) where the result of the match is decided already before the game has started. 2k is the balance the devs aim for, but sadly only nurse can reach that against tryhard survivors.
If you wanna see how killers other than nurse perform under competitive circumstances, check out the official tournament (mute the caster, its pathetic)
4 -
@Someissues said:
30 seconds cooldown? Do you want to make him as useless as the Spirit?so are we gonna put 15 seconds cooldown on Nurse next?
The cooldown is after he downs a player with the chainsaw not after everytime he revs it up, sorry if I didn't make that clear in the OP. It's to stop snowballing when combined with bbq, billy can fly around the map as much as he wants but the second that chainsaw downs a survivor it should get a cool down to give players breathing room.
0 -
Id say 15sec cool down if you use3-5 blinks in a chain I mean honestly how can you avoid someone who just spam blimks all the time0
@Someissues said:
30 seconds cooldown? Do you want to make him as useless as the Spirit?so are we gonna put 15 seconds cooldown on Nurse next?
Since the Spirit, the new trend of toxic survivor mains is to ask for every killer's power to have a 20 seconds cooldown minimum.
More and more cancerous after each patchs.
6 -
I'm wondering why he doesn't have to clean up his chainsaw after using it on a survivor, would it be gummed up with survivor bits? But I don't even wanna Google whether that would be a thing or not irl.1
@palotheas said:
I'm wondering why he doesn't have to clean up his chainsaw after using it on a survivor, would it be gummed up with survivor bits? But I don't even wanna Google whether that would be a thing or not irl.It would make an interesting perk, "Thick Skinned" attacks that would damage two health states, only inflict one. Good soft counter to noed, rancor, ew3 myers, billy, and bubba.
1 -
@Killmaster said:
SadonicShadow said:Its good advice, use it.
Not an argument, hiding behind a gen isn’t a counter to bbq, I can’t control other survivors who can’t loop either and get downed with 10 seconds. Unless you can get gud and 4k without bbq your opinion is irrelevant.
Its all the argument that is needed. Good survivors dont come to the forums crying Hillbilly OP plz nerf. I dont have a problem at all playing against the Hillbilly with BBQ and alot of people on these forums dont have an issue with it either. There is plenty of counters to use against the Hillbilly with BBQ. Most notably the mind games if you dont have a gen near by that you can hide your Aura.
- If the Billy is far away when he hooks someone and there is no gen near by you can fake your direction. The Billy is going to have to anticipate your location when he gets near you. Its not hard to throw him for a loop.
- Put solid objects between you and when he hooks someone. The Billy under most circumstances has terrible maneuverability when sprinting if there is alot of debris and buildings near you put yourself between them so that he dosent have a straight shot to you. It will force him to stop the sprint and enter cool down allowing you more time to sneak away
- The Billy only gets BBQ aura reading when a survivor is 40 meters away at the point he hooks someone if the perk is tier 3. 40 meters is a large distance. 8 meters greater than his base terror radius. If you see him put someone down and he is going to pick them up haul ass to his location. I can promise that unless your in the ass end of the other side of the map you will get within 40 meters of him before the hook. If you cant get within 40 meters then you were to far away anyways and should refer to the last two points.
Seriously this ######### isen't rocket science. So yes, G.I.T.G.U.D
4 -
@SadonicShadow said:
@Killmaster said:
SadonicShadow said:Its good advice, use it.
Not an argument, hiding behind a gen isn’t a counter to bbq, I can’t control other survivors who can’t loop either and get downed with 10 seconds. Unless you can get gud and 4k without bbq your opinion is irrelevant.
Its all the argument that is needed. Good survivors dont come to the forums crying Hillbilly OP plz nerf. I dont have a problem at all playing against the Hillbilly with BBQ and alot of people on these forums dont have an issue with it either. There is plenty of counters to use against the Hillbilly with BBQ. Most notably the mind games if you dont have a gen near by that you can hide your Aura.
- If the Billy is far away when he hooks someone and there is no gen near by you can fake your direction. The Billy is going to have to anticipate your location when he gets near you. Its not hard to throw him for a loop.
- Put solid objects between you and when he hooks someone. The Billy under most circumstances has terrible maneuverability when sprinting if there is alot of debris and buildings near you put yourself between them so that he dosent have a straight shot to you. It will force him to stop the sprint and enter cool down allowing you more time to sneak away
- The Billy only gets BBQ aura reading when a survivor is 40 meters away at the point he hooks someone if the perk is tier 3. 40 meters is a large distance. 8 meters greater than his base terror radius. If you see him put someone down and he is going to pick them up haul ass to his location. I can promise that unless your in the ass end of the other side of the map you will get within 40 meters of him before the hook. If you cant get within 40 meters then you were to far away anyways and should refer to the last two points.
Seriously this ######### isen't rocket science. So yes, G.I.T.G.U.D
Do you know what people would do if hillbilly actually wasn't a problem with BBQ and I posted this? They wouldn't even bother acknowledging my post because they'd know I was wrong, everyone here seems to be defending BBQ and billy vehemently, why is that so? If it wasn't a problem you wouldn't be here, defending it. There is no effective counter to aura reading, walking one direction for 5 seconds still gives him a general idea of your location and your not sprint-bursting out of the area without leaving scratchmarks. Sure you could try urban evading if your lucky but he will either eventually find you and if not he will simply fly back to the hook the second someone is unhooked and they are not getting far with blood pools, let alone trying to sprint away leaves scratch-marks for him to follow.
0 -
@Killmaster said:
@SadonicShadow said:
@Killmaster said:
SadonicShadow said:Its good advice, use it.
Not an argument, hiding behind a gen isn’t a counter to bbq, I can’t control other survivors who can’t loop either and get downed with 10 seconds. Unless you can get gud and 4k without bbq your opinion is irrelevant.
Its all the argument that is needed. Good survivors dont come to the forums crying Hillbilly OP plz nerf. I dont have a problem at all playing against the Hillbilly with BBQ and alot of people on these forums dont have an issue with it either. There is plenty of counters to use against the Hillbilly with BBQ. Most notably the mind games if you dont have a gen near by that you can hide your Aura.
- If the Billy is far away when he hooks someone and there is no gen near by you can fake your direction. The Billy is going to have to anticipate your location when he gets near you. Its not hard to throw him for a loop.
- Put solid objects between you and when he hooks someone. The Billy under most circumstances has terrible maneuverability when sprinting if there is alot of debris and buildings near you put yourself between them so that he dosent have a straight shot to you. It will force him to stop the sprint and enter cool down allowing you more time to sneak away
- The Billy only gets BBQ aura reading when a survivor is 40 meters away at the point he hooks someone if the perk is tier 3. 40 meters is a large distance. 8 meters greater than his base terror radius. If you see him put someone down and he is going to pick them up haul ass to his location. I can promise that unless your in the ass end of the other side of the map you will get within 40 meters of him before the hook. If you cant get within 40 meters then you were to far away anyways and should refer to the last two points.
Seriously this ######### isen't rocket science. So yes, G.I.T.G.U.D
Do you know what people would do if hillbilly actually wasn't a problem with BBQ and I posted this? They wouldn't even bother acknowledging my post because they'd know I was wrong, everyone here seems to be defending BBQ and billy vehemently, why is that so? If it wasn't a problem you wouldn't be here, defending it. There is no effective counter to aura reading, walking one direction for 5 seconds still gives him a general idea of your location and your not sprint-bursting out of the area without leaving scratchmarks. Sure you could try urban evading if your lucky but he will either eventually find you and if not he will simply fly back to the hook the second someone is unhooked and they are not getting far with blood pools, let alone trying to sprint away leaves scratch-marks for him to follow.
Lol so you think coming to the Dead By Daylight forums and making a thread advocating for a ridiculous nerf to arguably the most balanced killer in this game wont get attention? That because people have come here to show you why you are wrong and tell you why that is, it some how means you are actually right because in your mind if you were truly wrong people would just ignore this thread? That is probably the stupidest thing i have honestly read in the last month.
- Hiding behind a gen works 100% of the time if you position yourself correctly therefore it is an effective counter
- Walking in one direction and then doubling back and or hiding works the vast majority of the time especially if you put solid objects between you and the Billy. Granted this strategy also requires using stealth which is some how a difficult concept for people to grasp
- Getting within 40 meters of the Billy is the defacto best counter to BBQ. Seriously, Its not hard. You hold shift and move towards the killer until you are within the terror radius or just before. It counters BBQ 100% under all circumstances.
You refuse to acknowledge these facts and the great deal of disagreement and hostility you are encountering is because your stubborn, ignorance refuses to take the advice and better yourself as a player. The people that complain about Hillbilly are ass at the game that wants a 1v1 in a 4v1 asymmetrical game. God forbid the killer be a powerful foe! The problem here isen't the Hillbilly or BBQ is to strong, its that your just a weak player and instead of learning the counters and adapt to the circumstances at hand you resolve to crying for nerfs. People like you is what got Freddy gutted.
My statement stands.
6 -
I’d agree with this if survivors got a similar nerf. Once one gen is completed all other gens are locked for 60 seconds. This effect triggers every time a generator is completed. Oh and the generators can still be damaged and regress while locked from survivors. I think it’s a fair trade off. What do you guys think?
2 -
Killmaster said:SadonicShadow said:
Its good advice, use it.
So you want his primary attack to be the same as his secondary attack because you can’t move in a circle and evade a killer that feels like he’s steering a truck with no power steering?
Also how is his opinion irrelevant? I’ve gotten rank 1 4k’s as Billy boy Cletus just two days ago and I didn’t use ruin or any hexes, or barbecue. So my opinion is relevant according to your logic that makes zero sense. So here’s my opinion, you need to figure out how to juke before you come to the forums and declare something unfair.
Why dont you try killer and see if you don’t have panic attacks and stress crashes within the first 5 minutes? I guarantee you that you will be having Vietnam flashbacks and hearing artillery fire in the night it’s so bad. Because of people like you who refuse to trust the devs who extensively tested and adjusted billy over the years, and you complaining to the point where killers are nerfed extensively and two are currently extinct from being usable entirely, we killer mains don’t have nearly as much fun playing as the killer. Many don’t enjoy it all. It’s frustrating, not rewarding, unfair, and what’s our compensation for the pain and suffering we endure? Cocky survivors T-bagging and calling us trash because you don’t realize it’s not your skill that won you the game, its the game
heavily favoring survivors that won you the game. And out of a roster of over 9 killers, only THREE are viable for ruby play. T H R E E. Nurse, Billy, and Hag. With the exception of those insanely talented idlers that can still run survivors somehow with killers that suffer a major disadvantage due to the nerfs.
Youre the real heroes of this story.
But anyways.
Meanwhile you guys can run circles around us and treat us like your little ***** and bully us without any add ons because your perks are broken and overpowered when all four of you use them.
Thats my opinion. Git gud, get stronk, get swol,
- Rank 1 Oinkers.
Merry Chrystler.Post edited by DarkWo1f997 on0 -
palotheas said:I'm wondering why he doesn't have to clean up his chainsaw after using it on a survivor, would it be gummed up with survivor bits? But I don't even wanna Google whether that would be a thing or not irl.1
Killmaster said:
@pandorayr said:
@Killmaster said:
MineAntoiya said:Agreed, git gud.
pandorayr said:No, git gud.
Okay what is the counter to Bbq and billy? Define “get gud” besides looping, sprintburst, bnp, flashlights, and decisive? Do you have any valid discussion or insightful opinions? There is zero stealth play once a billy hooks someone, just constant chases with the threat of instant downs. No counterplay. Period. No other killer has a secondary ability that can apply as much pressure as Billy’s chainsaw with bbq. You all know it’s broken, without it most killers would 2k-3k at high ranks instead of constant 4ks.
Insta chainsaw doesn't exist, he has lost "insta chainsaw" when he changed Tinkerer in the last chapter, all killers should be just strong as Hillbilly, he has to be reference for other killers.
Learn to play first, this game can don't be adjust to people without any skill.
I'm referring to his ability to one shot survivors with a single hit, shutting down most chases quickly. I'd argue that Huntress, Myers or Clown are more-so what the devs should strive for in terms of balance. Besides the occasional permanent EW3 Myers I don't feel cheated in games with them and generally enjoy the chases/mindgames involving them. Billy is just flat-out annoying,, my problem is moreso with his synergy with BBQ and less with Billy's mechanics all-together however in comparison to other killers his abilities are leagues above others with clowns toxin coming close third behind the nurses blinks. To put it in simpler terms playing against a billy with bbq is just plain unfun, my change would atleast give people a chance to hide before he appears right next to them, billy can close the distance in under 5 seconds on big maps leaving very little time to hide, by the time he hooks 10-15 seconds could have passed anyways, it gives time for people to maneuver or finish gens after a down. Bbq isn't a big problem on slower killers, but on billy it is too much.
1 -
BasementLeatherBoi said:
I’d agree with this if survivors got a similar nerf. Once one gen is completed all other gens are locked for 60 seconds. This effect triggers every time a generator is completed. Oh and the generators can still be damaged and regress while locked from survivors. I think it’s a fair trade off. What do you guys think?
0 -
@DarkWo1f997 said:
BasementLeatherBoi said:I’d agree with this if survivors got a similar nerf. Once one gen is completed all other gens are locked for 60 seconds. This effect triggers every time a generator is completed. Oh and the generators can still be damaged and regress while locked from survivors. I think it’s a fair trade off. What do you guys think?
No. The game would be very boring when it’s that slowed down.
That’s kind of the point. Fight fire with Fire, except in this case I’m fighting a stupid idea with another stupid idea.
2 -
BasementLeatherBoi said:
@DarkWo1f997 said:
BasementLeatherBoi said:I’d agree with this if survivors got a similar nerf. Once one gen is completed all other gens are locked for 60 seconds. This effect triggers every time a generator is completed. Oh and the generators can still be damaged and regress while locked from survivors. I think it’s a fair trade off. What do you guys think?
No. The game would be very boring when it’s that slowed down.
That’s kind of the point. Fight fire with Fire, except in this case I’m fighting a stupid idea with another stupid idea.
2 -
It already got nerfed when Tinkerer was changed. It doesn’t need another one. You can turn in order to dodge the saw (keep looking back at him so you can be ready to change directions) or force him into an area where he can’t use his saw effectively. You need to stop refusing to learn the counters and get good. We don’t need another Freddy situation.1
LOL are you ######### serious?!0
Git gud, learn to dodge. Or bring SB to avoid easily0
just learn to position yourself correctly you crybaby0
I mean, Rin has 20s cooldown, and her power is not as good as Billy's, then why Billy can;t have a cooldown?
2 -
while I HATE to join the "git gud" group, sadly, under this scenario I must agree. Even with a fast saw it is quite easy to have a chance at dodging the saw. If he charges straight forward, move left or right. If you're in close range, it's a gamble. You need to pay attention to how the killer plays and not just run away with your camera facing away from the killer.
This is on par with people who call for nerfs on Huntress due to her ranged attacks and they just run in a straight line away from her.
0 -
Dude, you gotta git gud its a chainsaw for a reason.
0 -
Oh look! Survivor complaining.
Git gud.
0 -
i don't even like billy hes my least favorite killer, git gud.